Aloha Fantasy. Devon Vaughn Archer

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Aloha Fantasy - Devon Vaughn Archer Mills & Boon Kimani

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remember to put on sunblock, wanting to protect herself from the strong Hawaiian rays.

       She peeked out the window and saw Boyd leaning against a shiny black Mercedes-Benz sedan, a cell phone up to his ear. Apparently he did well for himself. She seemed to recall Ashlyn saying something about him being a big-time investor. But her friend hadn’t indicated that he was seeing anyone. In fact, she had suggested just the opposite.

       Not that Danica could honestly expect that a man as hot as Boyd was just waiting around in this hotbed of beautiful women for her to arrive on the scene. Any more than he had any right to expect that she had come to the Big Island in search of him.

       Downstairs Danica got on her computer, hoping Ashlyn was at her place by now and available for a quick chat. She opened the Skype interface and rang her.

       Within a few moments, Ashlyn’s face appeared.

       “Well, Aloha,” Ashlyn said. “Looks like you’ve arrived at your destination, safe and sound.”

       A smile crossed Danica’s face. “I could say the same about you.”

       “Yes, I’m here and loving your place.”

       “You took the words right out of my mouth,” Danica said. “Your house is out of this world. How could you ever want to leave for even one day, much less a month?”

       Ashlyn chuckled. “People have often asked me that when I’ve traveled elsewhere. I usually tell them that I prefer to see the green grass on the other side from time to time.”

       Danica laughed. “Good way of putting it.”

       “The Windy City should give me plenty to work with.”

       “I hope so,” Danica said, knowing that Hilo would provide her with more than enough things to do. “So…I’ve met your brother.”

       Ashlyn smiled. “I was about to ask you about him. What do you think?”

       “He’s very handsome,” she said honestly.

       “Just don’t let that go to his head,” her friend joked. “Otherwise, I might never hear the end of it.”

       “I’ll try to remember that.”

       “Has Boyd been on his best behavior?” asked Ashlyn.

       “So far, so good.” Danica could see him still yapping away outside. “In fact, he’s invited me out for a bite to eat.”

       “Hmm…good for you.”

       “It’s just a meal,” Danica emphasized. “I have to eat.”

       “I didn’t stock the fridge enough?” Ashlyn teased. “Seriously, have fun with my big brother and then whatever happens, happens.”

       “I could say the same about you and Hunter. Has he gotten in touch yet?”

       “As a matter of fact he phoned while I was still at the airport in Hilo,” Ashlyn said. “And again after I arrived. Seems like a nice guy. We’ve already made plans to get together tomorrow.”

       “That was quick.”

       “Look who’s talking.”

       Danica blushed. She didn’t exactly consider her outing with Boyd a date, per se, but she could hardly argue the point. She glanced up and saw Boyd heading toward the house.

       “Well, I’d better get going,” she told her. “Thanks again for this idea.”

       “I just wish I’d thought of it years ago,” Ashlyn responded. “Who knows how it might have turned out for us?”

       “Maybe the next four weeks will give us an idea.”

       She stood up as Boyd entered. “How are we doing in here?” he asked, meeting her eyes.

       “I’m all set,” she answered, smiling.

      * * *

       Boyd drove the short distance to the restaurant, happy to be in the company of Danica, even if he still found it odd that she and Ashlyn had gone through with this crazy idea. Did that mean Danica hadn’t left behind some dude aching for her companionship? Ashlyn had inferred that she was available. But what did that mean in this day and age? Available for the next month? Or for whoever was smart enough to hook her like a beautiful fish?

       “So you’ve lived in this oasis all your life?” Danica asked him. “I know Ashlyn has.”

       “Since I was three,” Boyd answered thoughtfully, glancing at her sideways. “My mom died a year earlier. Dad was stationed here in the army. He remarried a divorcée and they had a baby girl. I think you know her.”

       “Yes, I do.” Danica smiled. “You and Ashlyn were both army brats, then?”

       “Yeah, guess you could say that.” Boyd cracked a grin. “And you’re from Chicago?” He tried to remember what few facts Ashlyn had given him.

       “Originally from Lansing, Michigan,” Danica said. “I grew up as an only child, and my parents were never quite able to say no to me. But I moved to Chicago after graduating from Michigan State.”

       “Oh, okay.” Boyd had visited the Midwest a couple of times and had no issue with it. He didn’t recall running into anyone as stunning as her, however. Probably because that was damned near impossible to imagine. “Looks like we’re here.” He pulled into the parking lot, eager to get inside and see what else he could learn about Ashlyn’s friend and what she had in mind during her visit to the island.

       A couple of minutes later they were sitting at a window table. Danica tried to study the menu, but was too busy checking out Ashlyn’s brother. Can I help it if the guy is eye candy and happens to reside in paradise?

       She forced her eyes back to the menu. “Any recommendations?”

       “Try the imu chicken special,” Boyd said.

       At this point, Danica could go for anything. “Will do.”

       Boyd went with the Cajun shrimp. He had been aware that she was admiring the view. He took that as a compliment and was guilty of doing the same ever since he’d laid eyes on the lady. Still, he couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that she was here, given the circumstances.

       “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way,” he began, “but have you ever done anything else this…extreme, for lack of a better word?”

       Danica cocked a brow. “You’re talking about my coming to Hawaii?”

       “Yeah, this swapping houses thing.”

       “The answer is no,” she admitted. “I’ve never swapped houses with anyone before.” Was he criticizing her and Ashlyn? Or just her? “Why do you ask?”

      How do I say it without sounding like an ass? “Well, to be quite honest, when Ashlyn first told me what you two were up to, I thought she was high on something. Never mind that she doesn’t

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