Rivals in Paradise. Gwyneth Bolton

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Rivals in Paradise - Gwyneth Bolton Mills & Boon Kimani

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the self-therapy with some Jesus and she’d be fine. She was her grandmother’s child, after all, and that side of the family didn’t believe in paying for therapy when a little tough love and taking it to the Lord would do just fine. Isaac’s betrayal had thrown her off track, but she could fix this and then she’d be good as new. That’s why she really needed this time away.

      “I’m sorry, Peanut, but I’m not going to spend Thanksgiving with the family this year. I’m not going to New York with you all.”

      “Now, Cee Cee, you know we have to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family. Gran is getting up in years, and who knows how much longer we’ll have her around to celebrate the holidays with? We should be there for Gran if nothing else.”

      “Sorry, I have to pass this time, Peanut. With everything that happened since yesterday, I really can’t be around people right now. I love you and Gran, but I need you guys to respect my wishes on this one….”

      “Aww, come on, Cee Cee…. Please consider it….” Latonya’s pleading voice was almost enough to make Cicely reconsider.

      Latonya had spent three years away from the family when a misunderstanding caused Carlton to make her leave their home and their child. Latonya had been pregnant with their second child at the time and no one knew it. Those three years had made Latonya want to hold her family even closer once she came back. Usually, Cicely was willing to indulge her older sister because she owed her so much. But she just couldn’t work up the energy it would take to not be a drain on the family’s holiday celebration.

      “I’d be a drag and I’d ruin the fun and celebration for everyone. Plus, I’m boycotting Thanksgiving this year. I mean, seriously, what would I be most thankful for, my cheating man or the fact that my jerk of a boss fixed it so that I wouldn’t be promoted out of his division? Finding Isaac banging another woman in my bed because he thought I was out celebrating…” Cicely let out a slow hiss of disgust.

      “Oh, Cee Cee, I’m so sorry that happened to you, sweetie. You don’t deserve that. If he is the kind of man who can do something like that then he doesn’t deserve you, Cee Cee. I really hate to channel Gran right now, but you could be thankful that you’re alive, in good health, have a family that loves you and that God saw fit to get that lying, cheating sack of trash out of your way so that you can find a good man.”

      Cicely sighed.

      I am thankful for that. I just want a minute to myself to be in a funk. Is that too much to ask?

      “I’m going to be out of the country anyway, so I can’t go.”

      “Stop lying. Where are you going the week of Thanksgiving?”

      “I’m taking an island vacation for a week to have some me-time and to get my groove back. Sorry, I can’t do the family thing this year.”

      “Well, think about it before you just write it off. We’ll be flying out on the jet Monday morning…” Latonya’s voice trailed off. “Why would you want to be on some island by yourself when you could be with your family? Are you sure traveling by yourself in your state of mind is a good idea?”

      “Yep, the best idea I’ve had in a long time. Tell Gran I love her and I wish I could be there with you all, but I just can’t.”

      “Okay…” Latonya seemed to be searching for another argument that would compel Cicely to say yes.

      “Anyway, Peanut, now that I’m up I have sooo many things to take care of before my trip. So many details…” Like actually planning a trip and booking one…. I’m going straight to hell for being a big ole liar. “I think an island getaway is just what I need right now.” Maybe an island fling really will help me get my groove back. “So, I’ll call you when I get back. I’ll have you all in my thoughts this week. You guys have a great Thanksgiving. Give my niece and nephews a big ole hug from Aunt Cee Cee and tell them I’ll see them when I get back.”


      “Thanks, Peanut! Love you. Bye.” Cicely hung up the phone and turned it off.

      She could have just stayed in the hotel and licked her wounds for the week. But the more she thought about a trip, the better it sounded. All she had to do now was make her fictional island getaway a reality.

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