Romancing the Runway. Linda Hudson-Smith

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Romancing the Runway - Linda Hudson-Smith Mills & Boon Kimani

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earlier than normal. His friends hadn’t blamed his date one iota for falling asleep. They had told him he should feel lucky she felt comfortable and safe enough with him to fall asleep in his home. Actually, Janine had seen it as a good omen.

      After splashing cold water on her face, Kennedy used one of the fancy guest towels to dry her skin off. She didn’t know what she’d say to Xavier, but she knew she had to hurry up and get back out there and face him. Stalling for time wouldn’t help matters any. And disappearing into thin air wasn’t an option.

      Combing her fingers through her hair was the last thing Kennedy did to try and look more presentable. Before stepping back into the hallway, she said a silent prayer. Much to her joy, he wasn’t standing out there waiting to escort her back to where she’d left her purse and sandals. Upon spotting Xavier seated in one of the leather recliners, she smiled weakly, wishing she could’ve mustered up a more convincing one.

      Xavier sat up straight in the chair. “I’d like to fix you a cup of coffee. It might help you stay awake if you’re thinking of driving home.”

      She shook her head in the negative. “That’s not necessary. I can make it home okay. I think I’m wide-awake now.”

      “Think? That doesn’t sound very convincing to me.” He looked over at the cable box to check the time. “Look, it’s darn near four in the morning. Please accept one of my guest rooms for the next couple of hours or so. You can leave at the crack of dawn if you want to.”

      “I probably should leave now.”

      “Why? Are you afraid to stay here alone with me?”

      “Of course not! Don’t be silly. Is there a reason for me to be afraid?”

      “Not a single one. You’re perfectly safe here with me. I wouldn’t harm a single hair on your beautiful head. You can trust me with your life.”

      “That sounds promising.” Kennedy looked down at her sandals. Then she glanced at the clock again. “I don’t know. Maybe I should stay at least until the sun comes up.” Her garage had a door leading right into the house, but she thought about what elements might be out there to witness her driving around alone at this hour.

      “Leaving at sunrise is the best and safest option. Don’t you think so?”

      “You win. But I’ll just stretch back out here on the sofa and use the blanket you covered me with. I don’t want to mess up fresh bed linens for a couple hours.”

      “Nonsense. A bed is more comfortable than any leather couch, no matter how soft it is. Come on. Let me show you where you can lie down until you’re ready to leave.”

      Kennedy knew when she was in a losing battle. And she was too tired to continue haggling over something Xavier was obviously right about. “The bed it is. Thank you.”

      The bedroom was lovely and cozy. The comforter on the queen bed was a field of flowers done in white, yellow and lavender. It made her feel as if she was in the middle of a spring day. The white wicker furniture looked new. Three oil paintings, all of them seascapes, graced oyster-white walls. The largest window overlooked the pool and patio, from where the mountain range was in full view. Recessed lighting was soft and glowing.

      Kennedy loved the room, knew she’d be more than comfortable there. After she slipped out of her clothes, she put on the long sweatshirt Xavier had provided for her. As she lay there, the earlier vision of her and Xavier entwined suddenly sped into her mind.

      The heat emanating from Kennedy’s body was no match for any fire burning hotly in a fireplace. As she thought about crashing into Xavier in the hallway, her heart began to pound hard. She looked over at the closed door, knowing his bedroom was right down the hall. The urge to get up and go slide into bed with him was overwhelming. Instead, she grabbed a pillow and shoved it between her knees and let the fantasies begin.

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