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a long, intricately designed fingernail, Kanesha gently scratched the base of a tightly wound hair braid. “I thought he had a private duty nurse around the clock?”

      Although Dr T had complained about the cost, Oz had hired the private duty nurse, paying for the care himself when Dr T’s insurance had refused. Normally a nurse stayed around the clock from Sunday night through Friday evening. Usually Oz covered the weekends, with Blair and Stephanie’s help.

      “Angie had something come up with her grandson around ten and had to leave.”

      Unfortunately after Angie had left, Dr T had awakened in pain and dry-heaving. He hadn’t been able to return to sleep and had wanted company. Despite the long day Oz had put in at the hospital, he’d sat up with him.

      “She’ll be staying tonight, though?” Blair’s concerned eyes met his.

      Oz’s breath hitched in his chest. Damn, but she had beautiful eyes. The most vivid green he’d ever seen. Her makeup-free face and natural beauty quite often had him staring at her, trying to figure out what it was that made him wish she were different, that she didn’t expect the things from a man he knew she’d expect.

      Not to mention Blair’s daughter. Although he adored the little girl, Addy was enough reason to leave Blair alone.

      He never became involved with women who had children. Never. Too complicated.

      He nodded. “As far as I know, Angie will be there. She was back this morning prior to Stephanie arriving with Dr T’s breakfast.”

      “I can sit with him tonight so you can get some sleep.”

      As if he’d sleep, knowing Blair was under the same roof.

      “Me, too.” Becky gave Oz a flirty smile.

      “Thanks, but sitting up with Dr T isn’t a problem.” Oz cherished the time with his friend. How many more opportunities would he have to chat with him? How long before he’d never again look into his friend’s caring eyes?

      Seeing the once vibrant man so feeble was wearing on Oz, but he’d never admit that to anyone.

      Especially not Blair.

      “No, but you can only sit up so many nights in a row before doing so takes its toll on you,” Blair pointed out, staring at him closely.

      Her concern pricked a sore spot deep in Oz’s chest. Other than Dr T, had anyone ever expressed concern over his well-being? His mother on occasion when he’d been young, but she’d sent him away to private school about the time he hit puberty. He’d never returned home.

      “You look tired. Dr Talbot needs you taking care of his patients, not getting sick.” Blair’s reprimand put him in his place. “If you getrundown and can’t work, he’ll worry about the cardiac unit. He doesn’t need that right now.”

      He should have known her real concern was for Dr T, not him. She’d always shot him down at every opportunity during his visits. Or avoided him altogether. That wasn’t so easy this time.

      “If Angie has to take off, I’ll call, Blair.” He shot an apologetic look toward Becky. “Dr T is picky about who he’ll let stay overnight, but you’re welcome to visit him.”

      “Thanks.” Becky didn’t attempt to hide her disappointment.

      Kanesha chuckled.

      Blair toyed with her fork, dragging the tines across her mashed potatoes.

      “What would you do about Addy?” He adored the imp who, with the exception of her pale blond hair, looked just like her mother. Only Addy’s green eyes lit with delight when she looked at Oz.

      “I’ll bring her with me. She thinks the mermaid room is hers anyway.” Although her plate was still half-full, Blair pushed back from the table, smiled at no one in particular. “I’m heading back to the cardiology unit to get our first patient for the afternoon started. I’ll see you all there.” She paused, glanced toward Oz. “Seriously, call if Dr Talbot needs me. I’m working with Stephanie on the fund-raiser tonight, but I can reschedule if needed.”

      Actually, unless Dr T’s nurse got called away, Oz was helping Stephanie tonight, too, but he didn’t tell Blair that, just nodded.

      Becky began chatting, but Oz only half listened. Taking a big bite of his lunch, he watched the curvy brunette crossing the cafeteria.

      Something besides hunger stirred deep in Oz’s gut. Something he didn’t know how to label or deal with, except that the only time he felt the stirring was when Blair Pendergrass was involved.

      When Becky broke for breath, Kanesha, who’d observed their conversation, gave Oz a speculative look. “Dr Talbot is lucky to have you and Blair to take care of him.”

      “Luck has nothing to do with it.” Oz forced his gaze away from where Blair emptied her tray. “Dr T earned my loyalty. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.”

      “No, I imagine there isn’t.” Kanesha’s gaze bounced to where Blair had stopped to say hi to friends at another table. “Blair’s the same way. She had a fit when the hospital began searching for a replacement, threatening to stop Dr T’s medical insurance. If you hadn’t stepped in to take his place until he could return, she would have battled the entire board to keep his job open.” Kanesha sighed, her dark face somber. “Even if he beats his cancer, and I pray he does, he’ll never work in surgery again. We all know that, but are grateful for what you’re doing.”

      Oz stuffed his mouth full of green peas. He wasn’t ready to discuss the fact that he’d never walk into a surgery suite and see his friend issuing orders like a mighty general and everyone hopping to do his bidding.

      What was Oz doing at the Madison Heart Association? Blair seethed. Wasn’t having to see him at the hospital more than enough torture?

      She punched in a phone number from the list of businesses she and Stephanie had put together to contact.

      After swinging by her house to pick up Addy from the neighbor who watched her each afternoon, Blair had gone straight to Madison Heart Association’s small office.

      Ear to phone, Blair glanced around the small room that housed three desks and was lined with dozens of bookshelves loaded with educational material about heart disease. Taking a break from her Oz worshipping, Addy sat at a desk, playing a video game where she cared for her favorite virtual pet, a chocolate lab she’d named Boo-boo-too in honor of Dr Talbot’s dog. Wearing jeans and a Mayo Clinic T-shirt, Oz stood near the largest desk, one cluttered with papers, books, mail and a plastic replica of a human heart.

      The man did wonders for a pair of jeans.

      “You okay over there?” Stephanie called. In her fifties, the vibrant woman was the director of the Madison Heart Association.

      Blair and the woman she co-coordinated the fund-raiser with had become friends long ago. Over the years, they’d spent a lot of time together at Dr Talbot’s. She often wondered if there was something between the couple. Both denied that there was. Stephanie’s denial had been a bit misty-eyed, though.



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