Alone with You. Debbi Rawlins

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Alone with You - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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better than to risk marking the mahogany, she thought it fitting to leave the cup and saucer on her Stanford transcripts. It still rankled that he’d asked for them. “The company signed a new client who they believed would consider my employment a conflict of interest.”

      “Ah. A former customer of ours, I presume?”

      “I don’t know. They kept the name confidential.”

      Harrison snorted. “So we’re the consolation prize?”

      Lexy swiveled around to look him directly in the eye. “Is that what you think?”

      “Don’t turn this back on me.” His face reddened. “I worked here every summer during college and grad school, then started full-time the day after I got my Harvard degree. And I’ve busted my ass for this company every day since.”

      She knew he’d throw in Harvard. “You can work hard or you can work smart. I didn’t make that choice for you.” They’d engaged in a mild rivalry at prep school. She’d had the better grades, while he’d always studied much harder. She pressed her lips together before taking a deep breath. “Look, Harrison, I know you’ve earned your place here. I’m simply looking for the chance to earn mine.”

      He blinked, then looked away.

      Lexy knew her father was watching them. He’d encouraged their competitiveness as children. She hoped he didn’t still consider it a good idea. Ignoring him, she addressed her brother. “You mentioned branching out in other areas. Tell me about it.”

      Harrison sipped his coffee, his brow furrowed, clearly torn over whether to trust her or not. The realization made her sad.

      Finally, he cleared his throat, made eye contact again. “Sports. Equipment, outdoor gear, that sort of thing, but also team ownership. The consumer’s consciousness has been raised to return to American products. I’m sure you’re aware that we took several hits from the media over sending jobs abroad.” He shrugged as if his solution was a no-brainer. “What’s more American than baseball or football?”

      She wasn’t sure what to say. This was quite a departure from their grassroots business of brand foods and paper products, and eventually, real estate. Not just that, but she didn’t understand how owning a sports team made the company more patriotic.

      “Alexis, you look surprised.”

      She turned to her father while she searched for the right words. The last thing she wanted to do was second-guess Harrison. “Frankly, I am. But it’s an interesting concept. I’d like to hear more.”

      Her father’s laugh was brief and without humor. “You want to earn a place at The Worthington Group, then speak your mind. God knows you’ve never had any trouble before.”

      He was right, and while she could grovel a bit, she wasn’t about to change who she was. “The public isn’t wrong. We should be keeping more jobs at home. Providing American jobs was part of the foundation this company was built on. That being said, I’m not clear yet as to how sports will complement the company’s brand.”

      She didn’t bother to look at her brother. Tension radiated from him and she didn’t doubt he placed the blame for this farce at her feet. Then again, she could’ve blindly endorsed his plans in a show of solidarity. But that wasn’t in her nature. She liked to know the facts. Explore every angle. Make sure she was in control before facing off with Marshall Worthington.

      “Tell you what,” he said, pushing her résumé toward her. “I’ll give you a chance to see for yourself. Harrison has someone working on a campaign for a men’s fragrance line that’s positioned to tie in to the sports theme. What is it—” he glanced at Harrison “—a cowboy calendar that women are supposed to vote on?”

      “A calendar.” Lexy sighed. She couldn’t help it. Yes, the idea of a beefcake calendar made her want to gag, but equally revolting was her father’s lack of pretense. He was determined to drag her through the mud before giving her a serious position.

      “That’s Karina’s project,” Harrison said, his voice tight and angry. “She doesn’t need any help.”

      “Isn’t the photo shoot scheduled for next week?”


      “It’s my understanding that she has yet to sign the final candidate.”

      Harrison frowned. He was probably thinking the same thing as Lexy. Why would their father even know something so trivial? “You did set stringent parameters.” Harrison set his cup and saucer down clumsily. “The top-seed rodeo stars aren’t convinced that endorsing a fragrance is a smart move. Yet.”

      That in itself should’ve given Harrison his first clue, Lexy thought, but kept silent.

      “I made it clear. We play in the big leagues or we don’t play at all.” Her father’s chilly gaze bore into Harrison’s.

      Lexy’s eyes were the same color blue but she fervently hoped they never looked that cold and hard. “I still don’t understand what you want from me,” she said, even though she had the horrific feeling she knew exactly what he intended.

      “You’ve always been quick on your feet, Alexis. And quite persuasive. A week should be sufficient for you to find an acceptable candidate so we can finally put this—” he waved dismissively “—business to rest.”

      “You never intended to let me see this project through.” Harrison stood, flushed with anger. “Did you?”

      Annoyance flashed across their father’s face. “Have you ever known me to vacillate? You asked, I said yes. The ball’s in your court. I’m even offering your sister to help you.”

      “And if I don’t want her help?”

      He leaned back, an amused gleam in his eyes. “Then perhaps I should give her your office and leave you free to run all the fool’s errands you want.”

      Lexy stared down at her clasped hands. Could this meeting be any more dreadful? She couldn’t look at Harrison, even though she felt awful for him. Their father had always been a stern taskmaster, but he hadn’t been cruel.

      Harrison had played the dutiful son, attended Harvard, resisted his odd penchant for women who many would consider tacky and inappropriate. After school he’d taken no time to blow off steam but immediately joined the company. He didn’t deserve this treatment.

      Knowing this, she still said nothing in his defense. She simply allowed the silence to fester. Until Harrison left the office without another word. Only then did she look up. “Was that really necessary?”

      “Don’t tell me you’re getting soft.”

      That line in the sand? She could feel her toes right up against it. God, she really should tell him to keep his job, that she no longer wanted it. But she couldn’t face the growing list of creditors. “Fine. What’s next?” she asked, lifting her chin.

      “Go to Human Resources and fill out the necessary paperwork. Then I suggest you get out there and find the right cowboy.”

      Lexy didn’t say another word as she rose and let herself out. Human Resources? Really? For God’s sake.


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