Our First Embrace. Judy Lynn Hubbard

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Our First Embrace - Judy Lynn Hubbard Mills & Boon Kimani

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two are certainly different in temperament,” Nicole said.

      “The poor guy just doesn’t have my style.” He shook his head sadly and sighed dramatically. “I worry about him so much.”

      Nicole chuckled, which turned into full-blown, tinkling laughter. Victor joined her, and even Monique was unsuccessful in suppressing a chuckle. Nicole felt as if she was among old friends. This day was turning out to be better than she had anticipated after her contentious first meeting with her straitlaced boss.

      “I like you, Nicole,” Victor confessed.

      “I like you, too.”

      “You see.” Victor grinned at Monique. “Nicole likes me.”

      “Give her time,” Monique rejoined.

      “Ouch!” Victor theatrically clutched at his heart. Nicole laughed, and a smile flirted about Monique’s lips.

      “Get out of here,” Monique ordered. “We have business to discuss.”

      “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m part owner in Alexander’s,” Victor haughtily reminded her.

      “Your brother runs the business. You’re just the computer geek.”

      “I’d hardly think owning my own company qualifies me as a geek.” Victor’s faked outrage coerced a smile from Monique. “Besides, Alex runs Alexander’s for two reasons. First, because it bears his name, and second, because he enjoys the tedious day-to-day operations, whereas I detest being chained to a desk.”

      “Yes, you do like to roam around, don’t you?” Monique pointedly asked.

      “Any and every chance I get.” Merriment danced in Victor’s eyes at Monique’s loud sigh. “Now I’m leaving while I’m ahead,” he proclaimed, grasping Nicole’s hand and bringing it to his lips. “It was nice to meet you, Nicole. I’ll be seeing you around.” He winked at Monique and, before she could react, kissed her cheek and then left.

      “Wow, he’s certainly different from his brother,” Nicole marveled.

      “Thank goodness,” Monique declared. “If Victor ran things, we’d never get any work done.”

      “I think he’s nice and funny.”

      “Give the boss a chance. You’ll like him once you get to know him.”

      Nicole’s frown returned. “But will he like me?”

      “Definitely,” Monique promised. “Now, back to what we were talking about before Victor interrupted us. Are you going to take me up on my offer to move in with me?”

      “It’s nice of you to offer...”

      “I’m not being nice,” Monique interrupted, laughing. “I’m being selfish. My old roommate moved out a couple of months ago, and I’ve been searching for a new one, but I haven’t liked any of the applicants. I know this is sudden, but I feel comfortable with you. I think we’d get along famously.”

      “Where is your apartment?” Nicole sipped her delicious coffee.

      “In the 6th Arrondisement, close to your hotel. It’s very spacious, six rooms, reasonable rent when shared and already furnished. However, you’re free to change whatever you like,” Monique continued to try to sell Nicole on the idea.

      “It sounds wonderful.”

      “You can come by to look at it anytime you’d like,” Monique offered. “And please take your time about deciding.”

      Nicole smiled as she considered Monique’s offer. She had good instincts that seldom led her astray. She liked Monique, and it would be fun to stay with someone who knew Paris and could keep her from getting lonely being so far away from home.

      “I’d love to be your new roommate,” Nicole decided.

      “Great!” Monique squeezed her hand. “I can help you move your stuff from the hotel. Just let me know when, and I’ll be there.”

      “I’m afraid it’ll have to wait until the weekend. I’m sure Mr. James will have me working late tonight and every night this week,” Nicole direly predicted.

      “He’ll allow you some time off to move.”

      “No, I wouldn’t dream of asking him.” Nicole shook her head. “As much as I hate staying in a hotel—even one as beautiful as the Lutetia—it’ll be my home for the rest of the week until my off day on Saturday. Okay?”

      “Sure. I understand you want to put your best foot forward.” Monique glanced at the clock. “To that end, we’d better get to work, or the boss will tear into both our hides.”

      “Please, I’ve had enough of that for one day.” Nicole’s groan and distasteful expression coaxed a chuckle from Monique.

      “Come on then, I’ll show you around the rest of the office,” Monique offered, and they strolled out chatting as if they had been friends for years.

      * * *

      Nicole’s rather spacious workstation was just outside of Monique’s office. As Nicole glanced around the office, she felt it really was a designer’s dream. A multitude of lights hung overhead, and windows lined nearly every wall, allowing plenty of natural light.

      “The executive offices and designers are all housed on the sixth floor. The boss likes to keep us close,” Monique informed. “What do you think of your new spot?”

      “It’s perfect. Much more than I expected.” Nicole glanced around in awe. “I thought I’d be locked away in a cubbyhole.”

      “No way. I told you the boss takes care of us—especially the designers.” Monique laughed. “He told me he wanted you to start on the Bettina line.”

      “Yes.” Nicole nodded. “He mentioned that to me, as well.”

      “Hang on a second.” Monique disappeared into her office. Through the glass wall a few feet away, Nicole saw her rummage through papers on her desk until she found a white folder. She returned to Nicole and handed her the folder. “These are some notes, sketches and general info on the line, along with instructions on how to get into your PC where all of this info is located. Your temporary password is in here. You’ll need to change it immediately.”

      “Thanks.” Nicole flipped through the folder. “I can’t wait to get started.”

      “I’ll let you get to it. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” Monique squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I know you’re going to do great, Nicole.”

      “Thanks, Monique.”

      Preparing to get settled, Nicole took out pictures of family and placed them on her desk, lovingly fingering one of the silver frames, then opened her portfolio and started setting up her workstation the way she wanted it. Finally, she opened her sketch book, switched on her PC, spread out notes on the Bettina line across her desk and prepared to start work on her first design

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