A Texas Soldier's Family. Cathy Gillen Thacker

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A Texas Soldier's Family - Cathy Gillen Thacker Mills & Boon Cherish

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have an appointment with a gallery director when we get back—someone Terrence’s grandmother knows.”

      Karen’s eyes widened. “Oh, my goodness. Are you serious? That’s fantastic. You know I’ll be at your first show.”

      “She has to like the pieces first.”

      “Please. She’s going to love them. I’m so happy for you.” Karen’s and Janae’s family had been trying to convince Janae to pursue an art career for years.

      Janae shrugged. “We’ll see. Enough about me. What’s going on? You mentioned something about Andre. I thought you guys broke up a few months ago.”

      She set her fork down on the plate and expelled a harsh breath. “We did. Before I left Friday, he called wanting to talk.”

      “Did you talk to him?”

      “No. I let it go to voice mail. I don’t have anything to say to him. He was the one who decided I wasn’t good enough for him and sought out someone more to his liking, so...anyway, I’ve decided to put men on the back burner and focus all my attention on getting into administration. Hopefully, an opening will come up soon.”

      “You told me about that.” Janae angled her head. “With all the programs you put in place last year for the fourth-grade team, I can see you as a school principal. Didn’t you present district wide?”

      She chuckled. “Yeah. But maybe I should start as an assistant principal or counselor first.”

      “You know, you can have a relationship and still pursue your goals.”

      “Look who’s talking. If I remember correctly, you were the same way before you met Terrence. Weren’t you always saying, ‘I have my teaching and painting and that’s enough’?”

      Janae pointed her fork at Karen. “And you were the one telling me to get back out there and try again after Lawrence and Carter. Now I’m giving you back your own good advice.” She waved a hand. “You’re on a cruise ship with dozens of fine men, and I’m sure at least one of them will be more than happy to help you jump back into the saddle, so to speak.”

      Karen’s mouth gaped. “What happened to shy little Janae? Being with Terrence has got you acting all wild.”

      Janae laughed. “Hey. What can I say? The man knows how to—”

      Karen held up a hand. “Stop. I do not need to hear this. You know I’ve loved Monte his entire career, and it’s hard enough not having lustful thoughts about him as it is without hearing details regarding his sexual prowess. The man is downright sexy.”

      “Actually, if I remember correctly, your description of him went something like rich milk chocolate skin, dark brown eyes, full, sexy lips framed by a goatee and over six feet of rock-hard muscle.”

      “I can’t believe you remember that,” she mumbled. “Anyway, now that you’ve ruined my fantasy, I’ll just have to concentrate on work. Besides, I haven’t met anyone who comes close to being that fine.” As the words left her mouth, an image of the man she had met the first day popped into her mind, along with a strange sensation that had her heart pumping. She wondered if he was married. He had been with two other men and she didn’t see any women, but that didn’t mean anything. What if he was single? Karen glanced around the room. With hundreds of people on the ship, she’d be lucky if she saw him again. Sighing softly, she resumed eating.

      “There are plenty of handsome men roaming around here.” Janae folded her arms. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think you’ll have a problem finding someone to spend time with.”

      Karen arched an eyebrow upon seeing the sly grin on Janae’s face. “Really? And what makes you think that?”

      “For one thing, I noticed several guys watching you when you were fixing your plate.” A smile played around the corners of her mouth. She leaned forward and whispered, “For another, there’s a positively gorgeous specimen of a man headed this way.”

      Karen whipped her head around, and her gaze collided with the man who had invaded her dreams for the past two nights. He looked good, wearing a pair of black linen shorts with a matching button-down shirt and black leather sandals. The muscles in his arms and calves were on prominent display, flexing with every movement. Mouthwatering. Her heart thudded in her chest as he came closer and stopped at their table.

      “Good afternoon, ladies.” He fixed his stare on Karen. “We meet again,” her dream hunk said with a wink. “Any more problems?”

      Janae leaned back in her chair and gave Karen a sidelong glance. A smile tugged at her lips.

      Karen cut her a quick look, then said, “No. None.”

      “Glad to hear it.” He stood there a moment longer, as if he wanted to say more. Finally, he stuck out his hand. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Damian.”

      She reached for his hand. “Karen.” His large hand engulfed her smaller one. Warmth spread up her arm and through her body. She withdrew her hand and pulled her gaze from his. “This is my best friend, Janae.”

      He nodded politely and shook Janae’s hand. “Hello.”

      “Nice to meet you, Damian.”

      “Well, I don’t want to interrupt your lunch, but I just wanted to make sure Karen hadn’t had any more trouble.”

      “Oh, you’re not interrupting,” Janae said. “Have a seat.” She pushed back from the table and stood. “I’ll be right back. I want to check out the dessert table.”

      Karen stifled a laugh when Janae mouthed, Yummy, behind his back. She looked up to where Damian still stood, seemingly waiting for an invitation to sit. She pointed to the empty chair next to her. “Please have a seat, Damian.” A strong name for a tall, strong-looking brother.

      He folded his body into the chair, and they both fell silent for a few moments.

      He chuckled nervously. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in the company of such a beautiful woman. I’m way out of practice and not real sure what to do anymore.”

      She laughed. “Well, no time like the present to find out.”

      He nodded. “So, are you traveling with a companion? I noticed the men you were with.”

      “If you’re asking whether I’m single, the answer is yes, I am. Those were Janae’s brothers. And you?”

      “Same.” He paused. “Would you like to join me for dinner this evening?”

      “I’m sorry. I’ve already made plans.”

      His face fell.

      “But I’m free tomorrow night.”

      A smile lit his face. “Marcus Johnson is performing tomorrow night. Would you like to go with me to the concert?”

      Karen hesitated. She had planned to attend the show anyway and didn’t want to go alone. But she was supposed to be taking a break from men, and in her head, she listed all the reasons why

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