The Girl He Left Behind. Patricia Kay

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The Girl He Left Behind - Patricia Kay Mills & Boon Cherish

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but Kai is great,” he said with a smile. “This morning she decided to wear pink sandals with the orange and yellow dress I picked out for her.”

      Jordin laughed. “It’s fine for her to express herself, Ryker. She is her own kind of beautiful. I like that.”

      “Oh, I need your recipe for making scrambled eggs. Kai doesn’t seem to like the way I cook them.”

      “Cheese,” she responded. “Kai likes shredded cheese in her eggs. She won’t eat them if they’re plain.”

      “I had no idea.” Ryker released a short sigh. “I feel like a terrible father when it comes to things like this. I should know my daughter’s likes and dislikes.”

      “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Jordin retrieved her coffee and added sugar. “I only discovered it by accident. I eat mine with cheese and the weekend Kai stayed with me she had some and loved them.”

      “I was surprised that she wanted scrambled eggs in the first place,” he said. “She saw me making some and asked me to share.”

      “That seems to be her new word,” Jordin responded with a chuckle.

      Ryker agreed. “I’m always reminding her that she has to share.”

      Jordin took a sip of her coffee. “She’s growing up so fast.”

      “I’m not ready for it,” he uttered. “That little girl is my life. I hate that her mother isn’t here to see our daughter.” Angela should be there to help him raise Kai. It had never been in the plans for him to be a single father.

      Jordin gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “I know that this isn’t easy for you, but I want you to know that you’re doing a great job, Ryker.”

      He awarded her with a smile. “Thanks, cousin.” They were words he wanted to hear but he wasn’t sure he deserved them. He was still a newbie when it came to fathering skills.

      “You know I’m here if you ever need me. I love Kai like she’s my own.”

      “That’s why I love you,” Ryker told her as he checked his watch. “I better get to work. Talk to you later.”

      The only two ways Ryker had been able to deal with the death of his wife were lavishing all of his attention on his young daughter and staying busy as a managing partner in his family-owned law firm.

      He strode with purpose into his corner office, anxious to start his day. It was going to be a long one.

      Ryker sat down at his desk, turned on the computer and was soon engrossed in the notes for his upcoming court case. He studied the declarations of the witnesses, committing them to memory.

      When he looked up at the wall clock, an hour had passed. Ryker had about another hour before he had to show up in court, so he relaxed.

      * * *

      Three hours later, he bumped into his other cousin at the courthouse. “What’s up, Jadin?”

      “Nothing much,” she responded with a smile identical to her twin. “I’m waiting to meet with my client. He’s not here yet.”

      “I’m on my way back to the office,” Ryker announced. “I’ll be glad when this day is over.”

      “Right now I’ll just settle for some lunch,” Jadin said. “I didn’t have breakfast this morning and I’m starving.”

      Ryker pulled a Slim Jim out of his attaché case and handed it to Jadin. “Maybe this will tide you over. It works for me.”

      She embraced him. “Thanks, cousin. See you at some point this afternoon.”

      When Ryker arrived back at the firm, Jacques DuGrandpre met him outside his office. “Dad, do you need to see me?” he was inclined to ask.

      Tall and solid in stature, his father was a well-respected member of the legal community.

      “I just stopped by to see if you wanted to have lunch with me and your mother.”

      “I’m going to order something from the deli across the street,” Ryker responded. “I have a lot of paperwork on my desk and I need to stay on top of it. Why don’t we plan something later in the week? Maybe Aubry can join us, too.”

      Jacques nodded. “That’s fine.”

      Ryker quickly walked into his office and closed the door behind him. He could have taken time to have lunch with his parents, but he was definitely not in the mood to be interrogated by his mother. He already knew the questions she would ask: Have you met anyone special? Don’t you think it’s time you developed a social life? His mother was on a campaign for him to find a wife so that Kai would have the love of two parents. Rochelle Harper DuGrandpre did not believe that a child could thrive without a mother and a father.

      He was determined to prove her wrong. Ryker was not looking for a wife—he was still grieving the loss of Angela, although it would be three years in September since she’d been gone.

      Ryker released a sigh of relief when the workday ended at five o’clock. He was looking forward to spending the rest of the evening with Kai. She made life bearable for him. She was truly his reason for living.

      * * *

      Garland Warner laughed in delight as she watched her two-year-old daughter dipping her tiny toes in the surf. They’d been walking hand in hand along the beach, enjoying the cool island breeze swirling around them.


      “Yes, baby,” she prompted.

      Pointing, she murmured, “Wadda...”

      “Very good, Amya,” Garland said with pride. “There’s a lot of water out there. It’s called the ocean.”

      “Osen,” Amya said, encouraging a grin from Garland.

      Garland truly loved her life on Edisto Island. The beaches, saltwater marshes and low-country oaks draped in Spanish moss were a picturesque combination. Historical landmarks were prevalent on the island, providing the backdrop to a rich cultural heritage. The awesome beauty and rich history were why Garland elected to open her high-end children’s boutique there.

      Garland and Amya usually came to the beach for a stroll before heading home. She found the daily routine a welcome break from the rush of everyday life. And she relished this quality time spent with her daughter.

      Garland had desperately wanted to have a child before she turned thirty, so after her last relationship failed she’d decided to take fate into her own hands by using an anonymous sperm donor to get pregnant. Although she’d suffered complications in her pregnancy and during delivery, Garland had delivered a healthy and beautiful little girl.

      She glanced down at her daughter and smiled. “C’mon, sweetie. I’m afraid it’s time to go home.”

      Amya did not protest, provoking a soft sigh of relief from Garland. Her daughter loved the ocean as much as she did and often resisted leaving, but this evening was different. Perhaps she was tired, too.


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