Unexpected Legacy. Jacqueline Diamond

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Unexpected Legacy - Jacqueline Diamond Mills & Boon By Request

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      Kate’s stomach clenched.

      “It’s got something to do with acquiring Clarks Communications,” Beth said, shaking her head. “Kate, I’m sorry.”

      Once again, Kate felt the painful stab of jealousy inside her. “All the more reason I should leave,” she whispered.

      “You’d let the man you love marry another woman?” Beth asked uncertainly.

      “If he wants her, yes. And I don’t love him. I might have had a crush, but I’m over that. I’m in love with the idea of Florida now.”

      “Kate, I think it’s hard for him to let himself want something, with what happened to your father, but I’ve always seen that he’s got it bad for you,” Beth said.

      “No. I had it bad for him. And now I’ve promised myself to forget him. I should find a man with no baggage who actually makes me feel loved, Beth.”

      Both women quietly watched her pace to the window and then back.

      “So there’s nothing going on between the two of you? The boys say he’s distracted. And so are you,” Beth insisted.

      Her best friend’s eyes twinkled all of a sudden, and Kate wanted to groan when she saw Molly’s mischievous smile also appear. Did they suspect Kate had totally gone sex-crazed at Garrett’s place several days ago?

      “There’s nothing going on. We’re...normal. Friends.” Who slipped up once, she mentally added. Through the window, she watched his silver Audi pull over to the curb. Little bugs tickled the insides of her stomach. “He’s here.”

      “I guess I’ll just slide into the back with Molly,” Beth offered as they went outside, and Kate locked up behind her.

      She hated how her heart pounded when she walked up to the shiny silver car. Garrett stood holding the door open, his eyes sweet and liquid chocolate as he smiled. “Hi, Katie.”

      Her bones went mushy every time he called her Katie. “Hey, Garrett.” His broad shoulder brushed hers as she got in, and her pulse sped with his nearness as he bent to kiss her on the cheek.

      Oh, God, please don’t be nice today, she thought miserably.

      She could handle fighting with him. But this?

      The thought of him marrying anyone, touching anyone like he’d touched her, tortured her.

      He settled behind the steering wheel. She watched his hands on the gearshift as they sped off, and her core warmed and boiled hot as she remembered the ways he’d caressed her. Every part of her body wanted to do it again except her mind, where warning bells were ringing at full volume.

      She couldn’t let it happen again.

      He was talking marriage to another woman.

      She was only too glad she wouldn’t be here to watch it.

      * * *

      After forty-five minutes at the dress shop, Garrett could now totally understand his brothers’ amused grins from only hours ago.

      He’d never gone to a dress fitting before.


      He sat on a chair outside a line of dressing rooms and watched as the ladies came out to stand before a huge mirror, where a busy little woman picked and poked and stabbed the material until she’d shaped it to her liking.

      He’d been doing fine, answering emails on his iPhone, until Kate came out and took his breath away.

      He watched her hop onto the platform and model the dress, exposing her slim, creamy ankles as she discussed the length with the short, busy-bee shop attendant. He felt as if a grenade had just exploded in his chest. His blood heated as he remembered the hell of watching her grow up, grow breasts, wear her hair longer, develop those curves. He’d seen her in her prom dress, in a barely there black bikini that hugged her silken curves in all the right places and made Garrett hurt in all the wrong ones.

      He’d seen her naked in his bed...writhing in his arms....

      And once he got her back there, he never wanted to see her dressed again.

      He wanted to touch her, hold her.

      He wanted to hear her breathe next to him at night. He just knew if she slept at his side, the mere feel of her would make all his nightmares vanish.

      He suddenly saw, clearly, how he’d be complete and whole with her. How he’d feel worthy and needed in a way he had never, ever felt before. But at the same time, he’d be vulnerable. Because, holy God, he needed this woman so much.

      He saw her eyes go bright when the girls came over, squealing in delight.

      “That blue looks so good on you,” Molly gushed.

      “Oh, your date is going to be so thrilled!”

      Garrett cocked a brow as he pushed himself off the chair and came over, listening to her ask if they were sure.

      He stood next to her and caught her gaze in the mirror. “Date?”

      She spun around to face him and her lips trembled in a smile. “I don’t know. We won’t be catering so I’ll have some time to spare.”

      “Exactly. Flirt around with a man. Have a little fun,” Molly said from nearby. Garrett couldn’t miss the mischievous glint in Molly’s eyes as she surveyed Garrett for a reaction.

      He gave her none.

      “Do we want this fitted...?” The saleslady maneuvered Kate’s skirt, and Garrett watched in rapture as the woman tucked the fabric around her waist to enhance Kate’s luscious curves even more.

      He studied her breasts, how lush they were, tightly constrained by the corsetlike bodice. His mouth watered and his hands ached. He was in hell and heaven at the same time, and it was the most puzzling feeling he’d ever experienced.

      Kate stared at his reflection, her blue eyes shining in concern and somehow pleading for a compliment. “Do you like it?”

      They both stared at one another, and for that one moment, nothing mattered but her. She held his gaze, and he held hers. His world centered around this one woman he’d always tried not to want.

      His eyes trailed along her body, taking her in, and he heard the soft, amusing sound of her breath catching. The gown was sapphire-colored, consisting of a tight corset top clinging to her body like second skin, then flaring into a wide skirt. He wanted to toss it up in the air and bury himself between her legs. Her arms were toned and slim, her breasts perky and tightly constricted, making him want to free them. Her glossy hair, too long and beautiful to keep restrained, hung down her shoulders.

      She was gazing at him nervously, wetting her lips. “Garrett...do you like it?” she repeated.

      He nodded while his body burned under his skin.

      Smiling tremulously, she hopped off the platform and started toward the

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