Modern Romance March 2017 Books 1 - 4. Эбби Грин

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Modern Romance March 2017 Books 1 - 4 - Эбби Грин Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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tall, willowy nor sophisticated, waitress Darcy Denton knew she wasn’t Renzo Sabatini’s usual type. But enthralled by the powerful magnate, unworldly Darcy became addicted to their passionate nights together.


      Ensconced in Renzo’s secluded Tuscan villa, Darcy glimpses Renzo’s troubled past and desolate soul. She should end it before she gets in too deep, but then she discovers she’s pregnant!


      Harboring her own childhood secrets, Darcy dare not tell Renzo, but as the mother of his child it’s only a matter of time—nine months, to be exact—before he claims what’s his...

      ‘Your being able to hurt me would imply that I cared.’ Darcy’s mouth barely moved as she spoke. ‘And I don’t. At least, not about you—only about our baby.’

      Her fingers fluttered over the swell of her belly and Renzo’s heart gave a sudden leap as he allowed his gaze to rest on it. ‘I am prepared to support you both.’ His voice thickened and deepened. ‘But on one condition.’

      ‘Let me guess. Sole custody for you, I suppose? With the occasional access visit for me, probably accompanied by some ghastly nanny of your choice?’

      ‘I’m hoping it won’t come to that,’ he said evenly. ‘But I will not have a Sabatini heir growing up illegitimately.’

      He walked over to the window and stared out at the heavy winter clouds before turning back again.

      ‘This child stands to inherit my empire, but only if he or she bears my name. So, yes, I will support you, Darcy—but it will be on my terms. And the first non-negotiable one is that you marry me.’

       One Night With Consequences

      When one night…leads to pregnancy!

      When succumbing to a night of unbridled desire it’s impossible to think past the morning after!

      But, with the sheets barely settled, that little blue line appears on the pregnancy test and it doesn’t take long to realise that one night of white-hot passion has turned into a lifetime of consequences!

      Only one question remains:

      How do you tell a man you’ve just met that you’re about to share more than just his bed?

      Find out in:

      The Shock Cassano Baby by Andie Brock

      An Heir to Make a Marriage by Abby Green

      The Greek’s Nine-Month Redemption by Maisey Yates

      Crowned for the Prince’s Heir by Sharon Kendrick

      The Sheikh’s Baby Scandal by Carol Marinelli

      A Ring for Vincenzo’s Heir by Jennie Lucas

      Claiming His Christmas Consequence by Michelle Smart

      The Guardian’s Virgin Ward by Caitlin Crews

      A Child Claimed by Gold by Rachael Thomas

      The Consequence of His Vengeance by Jennie Lucas

      Look for more One Night With Consequences coming soon!

      SHARON KENDRICK once won a national writing competition by describing her ideal date: being flown to an exotic island by a gorgeous and powerful man. Little did she realise that she’d just wandered into her dream job! Today she writes for Mills & Boon, featuring often stubborn but always to die for heroes and the women who bring them to their knees. She believes that the best books are those you never want to end. Just like life…

      For three fabulous writers who helped with the Australian detail in my 100th book, A Royal Vow of Convenience.

      Helene Young and Margareta Young, for the inspiration and the insight—and Rachael Johns, for the Tim-Tams!


      RENZO SABATINI WAS unbuttoning his shirt when the doorbell rang. He felt the beat of expectation. The familiar tug of heat to his groin. He was half-tempted to pull the shirt from his shoulders so Darcy could slide her fingers over his skin, closely followed by those inventive lips of hers. The soft lick of her tongue could help him forget what lay ahead. He thought about Tuscany and the closing of a chapter. About the way some memories could still be raw even when so many years had passed and maybe that was why he never really stopped to think about them.

      But why concentrate on darkness when Darcy was all sunshine and light? And why rush at sex when they had the whole night ahead—a smorgasbord of sensuality which he could enjoy at his leisure with his latest and most unexpected lover? A woman who demanded nothing other than that he satisfy her—something which was easy since he had only to touch her pale skin to grow so hard that it hurt. His mouth dried. Four months in and he was as bewitched by her as he had been from the start.

      In many ways he was astonished it had continued this long when their two worlds were so different. She was not his usual type of woman and he was very definitely not her type of man. He was into clean lines and minimalism, while Darcy was all voluptuous curves and lingerie which could barely contain her abundant flesh. His mouth curved into a hard smile. In reality it should never have lasted beyond one night but her tight body had been difficult to walk away from. It still was.

      The doorbell rang again and the glance he shot at his wristwatch was touched with irritation. Was she daring to be impatient when she wasn’t supposed to be here for another half hour? Surely she knew the rules by now...that she was expected to fit around his schedule, rather than the other way round?

      Barefooted, he walked through the spacious rooms of his Belgravia apartment, pulling open the front door to see Darcy Denton standing there—small of stature and impossible to ignore—her magnificent curls misted with rain and tugged back into a ponytail so that only the bright red colour was on show. She wore a light raincoat, tightly belted to emphasise her tiny waist, but underneath she was still in her waitress’s uniform because she lived on the other side of London, an area Renzo had never visited—and he was perfectly content for it to stay that way. They’d established very quickly that if she went home after her shift to change, it wasted several hours—even if he sent his car to collect her. And Renzo was a busy man with an architectural practice which spanned several continents. His time was too precious to waste, which was why she always came straight from work with her overnight bag—though that was a largely unnecessary detail since she was rarely anything other than naked when she was with him.

      He stared down into her green eyes, which glittered like emeralds in porcelain-pale skin and, as always, his blood began to fizz with expectation and lust. ‘You’re early,’ he observed softly. ‘Did you time your visit especially because you knew I’d be undressing?’

      Darcy answered him with a tight smile as he opened the door to let her in. She was cold and she was wet and it had been the most awful day. A customer had spilt tea over her

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