Unbiddable Attraction. Robyn Grady

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Unbiddable Attraction - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon By Request

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main objections are to being the spokesman,” she said, settling back in the bucket seat.

      “Being the center of attention isn’t something I’m comfortable with and never have been,” he said honestly.

      “But it would only be some still photos and a few videos,” she insisted. “We could even cut out the few personal appearances unless you decided you wanted to do them.”

      “Yeah, those are out of the question,” he said firmly. As far as he was concerned those appearances she mentioned had been off the table from the get-go. “Like I told you the other day at lunch, I don’t intend to be a monkey in a sideshow. What you see with me is what you get, sweetheart. I wouldn’t know how to be an actor if I tried.”

      “What if we filmed the video spots on the ranch?” she asked, sounding as if she was thinking out loud. “I could have a cameraman take some footage of you riding up on your horse and then all you would have to do is read from a cue card.” She paused for a moment. “We could probably even lift still shots from that.”

      He could tell she wasn’t going to give up. “I’m by no means making any promises,” he said, wondering what he could say that would discourage her. “But I’ll have to think a little more about it.”

      “Okay,” she said slowly. He could tell she wasn’t happy that she hadn’t wrangled an agreement from him.

      Reaching over, he covered her hand with his. “I’m not saying no, Fee. I’m just saying I need more time to think it over.”

      When she looked at him, her expression hopeful, he almost caved in and told her he would be her spokesman. Fortunately, she didn’t give him the opportunity.

      “That’s fair,” she said, suddenly grinning. “But just keep in mind, I’m not giving up.”

      “It never occurred to me that you would,” he said, laughing.

      * * *

      Fee sat in the middle of the bed with her laptop and an array of papers spread out around her on the colorful quilt. She was supposed to be working on the Lassiter PR campaign. But in the past hour, she had found herself daydreaming about a tall, handsome, green-eyed cowboy more than she had been thinking about ways to restore the public’s faith in his family.

      Watching him interact with his niece that afternoon had been almost as eye-opening as witnessing his skill at helping a cow give birth to her calf. Both times she had seen him interact with his niece, he had listened patiently when the child spoke and always made Cassie feel as if everything she said was of the utmost importance to him. Someday Chance was going to be a wonderful father and Fee couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy for the woman who would bear his child.

      Her heart skipped a beat and she shook her head to dispel the unwarranted thought. What was wrong with her? Why was she even thinking about Chance having a child with some unknown woman?

      It shouldn’t matter to her. By the end of her month’s stay, she would be back in Los Angeles scheduling commercial spots for the family campaign and working toward her goal of becoming Lassiter Media’s first female public relations vice president under the age of thirty. And unlike being in Wyoming, she would enjoy the convenience of not having to drive forty miles just to reach a town where she could shop or dine out.

      But as she sat there thinking about her life back in L.A., she couldn’t seem to remember what the appeal of living there had been. Her condo building was filled with people she didn’t know and didn’t care to know. And for reasons she couldn’t put her finger on, the job promotion didn’t seem nearly as enticing as it had a week ago.

      As she sat there trying to figure out why she was feeling less than enthusiastic about her life in California, there was a knock on her closed door. Gathering the papers around her to put back in the file folder, she turned off her laptop and walked over to find Chance standing on the other side of the door.

      “It’s a clear night and the moon is almost full,” Chance said, leaning one shoulder against the door frame. “How would you like to go for a ride?”

      “On a horse? Surely you can’t be serious.” She laughed as she shook her head. “I’m not that experienced at riding during the day. What makes you think I would be any better at night? Besides, don’t wild animals prowl around more in the dark? There’s probably something out there with sharp teeth and long claws just waiting for me to come riding along.”

      “Slow down, sweetheart. You’re sounding a lot like Cassie,” he said, laughing. “We won’t be going far and other than a raccoon or a coyote, I doubt that we’ll see any wildlife. Besides, you won’t be riding Rosy. You’ll be on the back of Dakota with me.”

      She gave him a doubtful look. “And you think that’s an even better idea than me riding Rosy?”

      He grinned as he rocked back on his heels. “Yup.”

      “I’ll bet you even have a cozy little saddle made for two stashed in the tack room,” she quipped.

      “You’re so cute.” Laughing, he straightened to his full height and took her by the hand to lead her downstairs. “No, they don’t make saddles for two people. We’re going to ride bareback.”

      “Oh, yeah, that’s even safer than me riding Rosy at night,” she muttered as they left the house and started toward the barn.

      “It is if you’re a skilled horseman and you know your horse.”

      “Just remember, I’m counting on you to be right about that,” she said, unable to believe she was going along with his scheme.

      When they reached the barn, he led Dakota out of his stall and put a bridle on the gelding. Then turning, he loosely put his arms around her. “Thanks for going with me and Cassie today,” he said, kissing her temple. “I know she enjoyed talking to you about her dolls.”

      “She’s a delightful little girl. Very bright and outgoing,” Fee said. “I had a wonderful time talking to her.” Grinning, she added, “But I’m really surprised that you didn’t join in the conversation when we were discussing the latest doll accessories.”

      “I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know diddly-squat about dolls.” He chuckled. “But if you want to talk toy trucks or action figures, I’m you’re guy.”

      “I’ll take your word for that, too,” she said, staring up into his eyes. “But all joking aside, I really did have fun chatting with your niece.”

      “What about me?” he whispered, leaning forward. “Did you have a good time talking with me?”

      A quivering excitement ran through her body at the feel of his warm breath feathering over her ear and she had to brace her hands on his biceps to keep her balance. The feel of rock-hard muscle beneath his chambray shirt caused heat to flow through her veins.

      “Yes, I always enjoy talking to you,” she answered truthfully.

      “I like spending my time with you, too.” Lowering his head, he gave her a kiss so tender her knees threatened to buckle before he stepped back, took hold of the reins and a handful of Dakota’s mane, then swung up onto the horse. “Turn your back to me, Fee.”

      When she did as he instructed, he reached down

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