Mail-Order Christmas Brides Boxed Set. Jillian Hart

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Mail-Order Christmas Brides Boxed Set - Jillian Hart Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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if I’m not mistaken, they’ve already told everyone from miles around that we were getting married today. They’ve been waiting since I got your letter. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll explain it to them and they’ll spread the word that it didn’t happen.”

      Maeve looked away from him then and his throat tightened. She was upset that they had not gone through with their vows. If he didn’t believe she’d feel differently in a couple of days, he would have turned the wagon around and headed back to the church.

      But he couldn’t live with a woman who felt trapped in a marriage to him. His wife’s unhappiness had left them both miserable.

      Just then, his men came up close to the wagon. They were all noisy, grinning and carrying their rifles. No doubt they intended to fire off a volley in honor of the occasion. Noah stopped the horses and held up his arm. He wouldn’t be surprised if Dakota had organized all of this; that man was determined to give up his cooking duties.

      The crew looked at Noah expectantly.

      “We’re not married yet,” he explained as he surveyed the ranch hands. “I felt it was only right to give her a chance to see what she’s in for before she goes through with it. In the meantime, I know you’ll honor Maeve as if she were my wife.”

      “Maeve?” one of the men in front of him asked as he tilted his head. “Isn’t that Irish?”

      “You can call her Mrs. Flanagan for the time being,” Noah replied. Some of the men had hard feelings against the Irish after a brawl with some soldiers from nearby Fort Keogh. “She and her daughter, Violet, are my guests. Now let me get this wagon up by the porch. You can help carry everything inside before the storm gets any worse.”

      He started the horses forward.

      “Is she going to cook for us in the morning?” Dakota called after them. “I mean, since she didn’t marry you?”

      Noah reined in the horses and looked over at Maeve. She had pushed more of the blankets back so she could see what was happening. Her green eyes were sleepy. Her hair tousled. He didn’t need to ask to know she was exhausted.

      “Dakota can fry eggs in the morning,” Noah said. “Same as usual.”

      That was enough to make all of the men turn to stare at him.

      “But he burnt them last time,” one of his men reminded Noah, although he didn’t do it loudly. “I almost couldn’t eat mine. And you know me. I eat anything.”

      “I was looking forward to a biscuit,” a younger cowboy complained, as well. “How hard can that be to make?”

      Dakota bristled at this and turned to the younger man. “I’d like to see you try to make some.”

      They hadn’t had bread of any kind for months. The last batch of biscuits Dakota had made had been hard as stones. No one could eat them. Noah had finally ordered the man to stop even trying so they wouldn’t keep wasting flour. He wasn’t sure if Dakota was relieved or still held a grudge over the incident.

      “The woman deserves a rest,” Noah said. And he intended to see that she had one.

      He wasn’t sure what decision he and Maeve were going to make about the marriage, but he did believe she was a decent woman who had been overcome by trouble. Whether she wanted to marry him or not, he meant to see that she got a new start in life.

      “I’ll get up early anyway,” Maeve said with a yawn and then sat up straighter on the wagon bench. “I always do.”

      Noah didn’t answer as he pulled the horses to a halt in front of the house. For however long Maeve and her daughter were with him, he wanted them to be welcome.

      “You’re entitled to stay in bed in the morning,” he said firmly. “You’ve had a long trip here. And treat my place like your home. Don’t let the ranch hands convince you to get up and cook for them.”

      Maeve looked at him, speechless, and then smiled before turning to wake up her daughter.

      “I can carry her in,” Noah said as he started to climb down off his wagon. “I’ll come around.”

      His men had walked up to the back of the wagon and were starting to unload the supplies.

      Noah hurried to the other side of the wagon and held out his arms for the girl. He had moved most of his clothes out of the bedroom yesterday and put them in the room at the end of the bunkhouse. The woman and her child would be comfortable in the house. His room shared a wall with the parlor fireplace so it was the warmest place in his house, except for the kitchen.

      He could hear Violet murmuring as her mother gathered her up. The girl was likely still half-asleep. Noah’s hat was knocked off by the wind and it fell into the back of the wagon. He left it there since the woman was ready to set the girl in his arms. For a moment, he let her weight settle. He was surprised at the contentment he felt holding her. He’d never had a child on his ranch before, not one he could lay claim to as his own. His neighbors, the Hargroves, brought their girls over once in a while when they visited, but there was no one else.

      Noah had hoped his wife would have his children, but, even if she had stayed, she had made it clear she didn’t intend to be a mother. She had muttered something about little ones having sticky fingers and colic.

      The girl shifted suddenly in his arms, and then stiffened as she opened her eyes. A shriek of pure terror split the early night as she screamed.

      “What’s wrong?” Noah looked up at Maeve in alarm. The girl was rigid in his arms.

      “She’s frightened.” Maeve slid to the end of the wagon bench and opened her arms to take her daughter back. “She was startled when she saw you. I should have known. She hadn’t fully woken up yet. I wasn’t thinking.”

      Noah gave the now-shivering girl back to her mother. Maeve was apologizing, but Noah didn’t think she was surprised. The child had been terrified.

      Dakota had opened the door to the house and two other ranch hands were moving the trunk inside. They set down the burden and ran back to the wagon at the sound of the scream.

      “What’s wrong?” Dakota asked breathlessly. The other ranch hands crowded around.

      Maeve was rubbing her daughter’s back and Violet’s whimpering was slowing down.

      “We’ll be fine,” Noah answered. The girl’s eyes had opened wider at the sight of the other men. She might be silent now, but she wasn’t at ease.

      “Give her some room to breathe,” Noah advised the other men.

      The men were used to animals that panicked and nodded.

      “Anything she needs,” Dakota whispered as the men turned their backs.

      They all walked away quietly and picked up the trunk again.

      Noah waited a few minutes for the girl to start breathing normally.

      “Let me help you down,” he finally said as he lifted his arms up to help the burdened Maeve down. He pulled her toward him and then let her slide to the ground. Carefully, he avoided touching her daughter cradled in her embrace.

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