Her Happy-Ever-After Family. Barbara Hannay

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Her Happy-Ever-After Family - Barbara Hannay Mills & Boon By Request

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window.’ The woman laughed, bouncing back upright. ‘And…?’

      ‘And we’ll all live happily ever after,’ they hollered together in a chorus, and Cam found he couldn’t drag his eyes from them.

      It was just a house on an average acre block. But it hit him then what this property represented. A new start. And he knew exactly what that meant.

      With everything in his soul.

      The woman clapped her hands, claiming his attention once more. ‘I think we should sing our song to our new perfect home.’

      And they started to sing. The children held a wobbly melody and the woman harmonised, and they so loved their song and grinned so madly at each other that Cam found his lips lifting upwards.

      ‘The house loves us now,’ the little girl whispered.

      ‘I believe you’re right.’

      ‘I love a veranda,’ the little boy said and Cam knew it was his way of saying he approved of the house…of their new start.

      The woman smiled that smile again and Cam had to shift on his bench. ‘Right,’ she said, dusting off her hands, ‘what we need now is the key.’

      That was his cue.

      He hadn’t meant to sit here for so long watching them without declaring himself. He’d only thought—hoped—that a moment’s observation would give him the measure of his new tenants. Except…He found himself more confounded than ever.

      ‘That’d be where I come in.’

      Both children literally jumped out of their skins at his abrupt declaration and he found himself wishing he’d cleared his throat first to give them warning of his presence.

      The little girl ducked behind the woman, her hands clutching fistfuls of the woman’s shirt. The boy wavered for a moment or two and then moved in front of the woman, face pale and hands clenched, but obviously determined to protect her. It was a simple act of courage that knocked Cam sideways. His heart started to pound.

      The woman reached out and tousled the boy’s hair and pulled him back in against her. She kept her voice solidly cheerful. ‘Aha! You’ll be our emissary from the town.’

      Not quite, but…‘I have your key.’

      ‘Good Lord!’ She planted her hands on her hips as he emerged more fully into the sunlight. ‘Look at the size of you. I bet you’re a big help to your mum.’

      And beside her both children immediately relaxed, and he found himself careful to keep the smile on his face and to move towards them slowly. ‘Actually, I guess I’m your landlord. I’m Cameron Manning.’

      She frowned. ‘I thought Lorraine…’

      ‘My mother.’

      ‘Ah.’ She nodded, and then a cheeky grin peeked out. ‘The mother you’re such a big help to, no doubt.’

      Actually, there was every doubt in the world on that head.

      ‘I’m Tess, and this is Tyler and Kristina—Ty and Krissie for short—and we’re very pleased to meet you.’

      She held out her hand and he moved the final few feet forward to shake it. With such dark hair—nearly black—he’d thought she’d be pale but she had skin the colour of deep golden honey. Her palm slid against his, smooth and cool. Large brown eyes surveyed him with undisguised intensity as if attempting to sum up the man beneath the bulk. She smelled of liquorice and cool days, and when he finally stepped back Cam found his heart pounding.

      ‘Can you ride a horse?’ Tyler asked, awe stretching through his voice.

      ‘I can.’

      ‘I want to be a cowboy when I grow up.’

      ‘Then you’ve come to the right town,’ Cam said, though he could hardly believe that he spoke them. He hadn’t meant to be so welcoming. He’d meant to be businesslike and brisk. But that boy had stepped in front of his mother when he’d thought she’d needed protecting. There were grown men who were afraid to take Cam on physically. At six feet three and sporting the kind of muscles that hard work on the land developed, he understood that reluctance.

      He was big and he was strong. Yet, still, this little boy had faced his fear and Cam couldn’t ignore that.

      ‘Auntie Tess—’ the little girl tugged on the woman’s sleeve ‘—I’ve gotta go.’

      Auntie? She wasn’t their mother?

      ‘Right.’ She stared at him expectantly. ‘The key?’

      He recalled how he’d considered talking them out of this property. The contract he’d left sitting on the bench fluttered in the breeze. He considered Tyler’s act of courage and Krissie’s excitement about chickens and the way Tess had quieted the children’s fears with a song.

      A new start. He knew all about the need for those.

      He fished the key out of his pocket and handed it over.

      The three of them raced to the front door of the old farmhouse. Cam retrieved his contract and then stood under the Kurrajong tree and dragged in a breath. Okay, the house was neither here nor there. he had no plans for it. Those forty hectares, though, did matter and he wanted—needed—Tess’s signature on the dotted line.

      And he wasn’t leaving until he had it.

      He followed them into the house.

      ‘Bags this room!’ Tyler shouted from the corridor off to the right. ‘It has a view of the front and I can see who’s coming, which is good ’cause I’m the man of the house.’

      That almost made Cam smile again, only he remembered how pale the boy had gone when Cam had appeared unannounced.

      The toilet flushed, the sound of water running in a tap and then Krissie raced down the corridor too. ‘Auntie Tess, this is your room! And this one is mine ’cause it’s right next to yours!’

      Cam let out a breath as he glanced around. The yard might need some TLC, but the women from the Save-Our-Town committee had cleaned this place to within an inch of its life. The furniture might be mismatched—favouring comfort more than elegance—but there wasn’t a single dust bunny in sight. ‘Coffee?’ he called out, wanting Tess to know he’d followed them into the house.

      ‘Excellent idea,’ she called back.

      He strode into the kitchen and put the jug on to boil. The farmhouse wasn’t fancy by any means, but it had a certain homey charm. he had the impression that Tess would turn it into a home in the blink of an eye.

      What on earth was he talking about? He shook his head. She already had, and he wasn’t sure how. It took more than a smile and a song to make a home.

      Didn’t it?

      He let himself out of the back door, the contract burning a hole against his palm as he moved down the steps to stare out at those magical forty hectares.

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