Modern Romance April 2017 Books 5 - 8. Кейт Хьюит

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Modern Romance April 2017 Books 5 - 8 - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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her and she came easily, wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her cheek against his chest, felt the steady thud of his heart beneath her. ‘Is Sam awake?’

      ‘Yes, I just had breakfast with him and he’s now gone to the pool. One of my staff is watching him.’

      ‘He’s had the time of his life here.’

      ‘Yes.’ Malik’s arms tightened around her. ‘I thought we could talk to him today. Tell him who I really am.’

      Gracie’s heart lurched a little, but she knew it was time. It felt right. ‘Okay.’

      ‘I’ve arranged for us to go pony trekking through the mountains. It will hopefully be enjoyable for all of us, and it will afford us the privacy to tell Sam.’ He paused. ‘Things will be set in motion quickly afterwards, Gracie. I want you to be prepared for that.’

      Gracie let out a shaky laugh. ‘I’m not sure there’s any way to be prepared for that. But I need to make my own arrangements, Malik.’ She eased herself away from his embrace so she could look up at him. ‘I want to call my parents, and I’d like my family to come to the wedding.’ Malik hesitated, and Gracie frowned. ‘Is that a problem?’

      ‘Not necessarily, but our marriage will have to be as soon as possible after our return so no one can challenge Sam’s rights. There won’t be time for your family to attend.’

      ‘Couldn’t we wait a few days?’

      ‘Time is of the essence.’ Malik hesitated. ‘But if it is really important, perhaps we could manage something.’

      ‘Do you mean that?’ Gracie was touched that he was so concerned about her wishes.

      ‘Yes, of course. The other option is we could have a formal reception and celebration in a week or two. Your parents and family could come then.’

      Gracie nodded slowly. If Malik could compromise, then she could, too. ‘Okay, that sounds like a plan.’ Smiling, he kissed her.

      An hour later they were setting off through the mountains on ponies, with Gracie clutching the reins of hers rather tightly.

      ‘I’ve never actually been horseback riding before,’ she confessed to Malik, and he gave her a reassuring grin.

      ‘These animals are very gentle.’

      Still, after an hour Gracie was glad to slide off and wobble towards the stream where the ponies were being led to for a drink.

      ‘Thank goodness for the helipad,’ she said as she rubbed her legs. ‘Seven days by camel would have just about killed me.’

      ‘You will need to get a little hardier, I think,’ Malik said with a smile as he took her by the hand and drew her down to the blanket several servants had spread out. A picnic was already being unpacked, dishes of dates and figs, meats and cheeses spread out for their consumption.

      ‘I don’t know,’ Gracie said, plucking a fig from its bowl. ‘Life in Alazar seems pretty luxurious. I think I’ll get used to the five-star-hotel treatment pretty quickly. In fact, I already have.’

      ‘I’m glad to hear it.’

      ‘It’s going to be hard for you to go back home,’ Sam teased as he joined them on the blanket. ‘Back to making supper and washing dishes!’ As Sam reached for a date, Malik and Gracie exchanged looks.

      ‘Actually, Sam,’ Malik said, his voice friendly and mild, ‘what would you think about staying in Alazar for longer?’

      ‘Longer?’ Sam looked up, chewing the date, his gaze narrowed. He swallowed and asked, ‘What do you mean?’

      Gracie held her breath, waiting, wondering how Malik would explain this. How Sam would respond.

      ‘I mean,’ Malik said carefully, ‘what would you think about living in Alazar?’

      ‘Living...’ Sam stared at him blankly. Then he looked at Gracie, a hint of hurt confusion in his eyes. ‘Are you thinking about moving?’

      ‘Well, yes,’ Gracie said. ‘Maybe. That is...’ She looked helplessly at Malik.

      ‘You came to Alazar for a reason, Sam,’ he said, his voice quiet and strong and sure. ‘Not just for a holiday, or because I am your mother’s friend. In fact, I am more than her friend. Your mother and I intend to marry.’ Malik kept Sam’s gaze unwaveringly while Sam stared back at him, his mind racing.

      ‘You’d be like my dad?’ Hope and uncertainty were both audible in his voice.

      ‘Yes, I would. In fact, I wouldn’t be like your dad.’ Malik smiled, and the hint of vulnerability in his expression made Gracie ache. ‘I am your father, Sam.’

      ‘What...?’ Sam’s breath came out in a rush. ‘How?’ He gave Gracie another look full of confusion. ‘Mom said she’d never been able to get in touch with my father.’

      ‘She wasn’t. And I didn’t know about you until very recently. If I had, I would have been part of your life. A big part. I promise.’ Sincerity throbbed in Malik’s voice and Gracie had to blink back sudden tears. She didn’t doubt for a second that Malik cared for his son very much.

      Sam stared down at the blanket, his brow furrowed, his mouth working, as he processed so much. Gracie put a hand on his thin shoulder and squeezed.

      ‘But you’re Sultan,’ Sam finally said, looking up. Malik nodded, waiting for more. ‘What does that mean for me?’ Trust Sam to make that leap almost instantly. Her son was fiercely intelligent.

      ‘It means you’d be Sultan after me.’

      ‘Sultan...’ Sam looked away.

      ‘How do you feel about that, Sam?’ Malik asked quietly.

      Sam kicked at the dirt. ‘I don’t know.’

      ‘It is a lot to take in, I understand. Nothing needs to change right now.’

      ‘But it has changed,’ Sam said, a note of accusation entering his voice. ‘Will I even get to go back to Illinois? To my home?’

      ‘Of course you will,’ Malik answered steadily. ‘For visits.’

      ‘I didn’t mean visits,’ Sam retorted. He looked up, his eyes bright with both anger and tears. ‘Why are you telling me all this now? Why did you lie to me all along? I hate you!’ He threw Malik a vicious look, and then he scrambled up from the blanket and stalked away. Gracie half rose to go after him, but Malik stayed her with one hand.

      ‘Let him go. My staff will keep an eye on him and he needs some time alone.’ His face was impassive, his tone quiet, but Gracie sensed his hurt. He had wanted his son to embrace him and all he’d offered, and he hadn’t.

      ‘He didn’t mean it,’ Gracie said, and Malik did not reply. She tried again. ‘This isn’t a rejection of you, Malik. He just needs some time.’

      He managed a stiff smile that didn’t reach his eyes. ‘I know.’

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