Regency Society Collection Part 1. Sarah Mallory

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Regency Society Collection Part 1 - Sarah Mallory Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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neither was there a sign that others would be present.

      ‘And there is no clue as to the identity of the sender? No address? A mark of some sort?’ Although he’d have felt a seal or an embossed monogram with his own fingers.

      ‘No, sir. I assumed you knew the identity of the woman.’

      Adrian raised the paper to his nose. There was the slightly acrid smell of fresh ink, and a hint of lemon perfume. Had she rubbed the paper against her body, or merely touched it to the perfume bottle to send this part of the message?

      He smiled. And did she know how she would make him wonder on the fact? He preferred to think of the paper held against those soft breasts, close to her quickly beating heart.

      ‘About that …’ What a blatant display of poor character that he had not even learned her name. It gave him no comfort to show Hendricks how low he had sunk, for the man was more than just a servant to him, after years together in the army, and Adrian’s growing dependence on him since the injury. But as Hendricks’s devotion to Lady Folbroke had grown, Adrian had come to suspect that the man’s loyalties were more than usually torn.

      ‘There was no time for a formal introduction last night. I had only just met her a few moments before you arrived. And, as I’m sure you could see, the situation was quite hectic.’ He paused for a moment to let his secretary make what he could of that, and then said, ‘But you saw her, did you not? What was she like?’

      He heard Hendricks shift uneasily again. He had never before required the poor man to help with a liaison. It must prick at his scruples to be forced to betray the countess. But Adrian’s curiosity about the woman would not be denied. ‘Was she attractive?’ he suggested.

      ‘Very,’ admitted Hendricks.

      ‘Describe her.’

      ‘Dark blond hair, short and dressed in curls. Grey eyes, a determined chin.’

      Determined. He could believe that about her. Last night, she’d shown fortitude and a direct way of speaking that proved she was not easily impressed by fine words. He could feel the attraction for her, crackling on his skin like the air before a storm. ‘And?’ he prompted, eager to know more.

      ‘She was expensively dressed.’

      ‘And when you returned her to her home, where was it? It was you that escorted her, was it not?’

      Hendricks shifted again. ‘She made me swear, on my honour, not to give further information about her identity or her direction. You have a claim upon my honesty, of course. You are my employer …’

      Adrian sighed. ‘But I would not use that claim to make you break your word to a lady.’

      ‘Thank you, my lord.’

      ‘And I expect she will divulge what she wishes me to know, if I go to her tonight.’

      He heard another uncomfortable shifting.

      ‘And I will not expect you to be further involved in this, Hendricks, other than to help me with the reading of any correspondence. I understand that you are a valuable aid to Emily, as well as myself. I will not force you into a position more difficult than the one you already occupy.’

      ‘Thank you, my lord.’

      ‘This evening, I will take the carriage when it arrives, and whatever thanks the woman wishes to give me. I suspect that will be the end of it. You will hear no more of it.’

      ‘Very good, my lord.’ But Hendricks’s voice sounded annoyingly doubtful.

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