Modern Romance May 2017 Books 5 – 8. Louise Fuller

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Modern Romance May 2017 Books 5 – 8 - Louise Fuller Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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would not succumb to rules of old, as his father had.

      Alim would work within them.



      Even as she sat in her tiny flat, consoling poor Sophie, Alim was not far from her mind.

      For nearly a week, Sophie had been around every day bemoaning the loss of her job and the man who had caused it—Bastiano Conti.

      ‘I would never steal,’ Sophie said. ‘But if I did, I would not steal some stupid emerald and pearl ring. It would be diamonds.’

      She made Gabi laugh, and in the second that the world felt lighter, Alim invaded, for her phone rang and the fragile peace was shattered.

      ‘Why,’ Alim asked, ‘are you still living in that flat, when there is an apartment at the Grande Lucia at your disposal?’

      She gave an apologetic smile to Sophie and went through to her bedroom to take the call.

      Lucia was asleep in her crib and Gabi kept her voice down so as not to disturb her, and also because she did not want Sophie to hear.

      ‘Because I refuse to be kept by you.’

      ‘Your daughter has a father who will provide for her.’ Alim gave in, he refused to argue on the phone when he would see Gabi soon, but there was something he badly needed to know.

      ‘How is Lucia?’

      ‘She slept through last night for the first time.’

      ‘That is good. I am in Rome and I would like to meet her.’

      Gabi screwed her eyes closed.

      She had been dreading this, had been preparing herself for this moment. He had told her that nothing would stop him from seeing his child, and yet again Alim was a step ahead for she had at least thought there would be time to prepare for their meeting.


      ‘This afternoon. Is that a problem for you?’

      ‘No,’ Gabi admitted. ‘I’ve got a couple of days off.’


      ‘Bernadetta told me not to come in this weekend,’ Gabi said. ‘I’m not sure if I’ve been fired. I asked Bernadetta for a partnership...’

      Alim, it would seem, had lost interest in her career plans for he spoke over Gabi. ‘Can you bring Lucia to me at the Grande Lucia at one?’

      She looked around her home; no, she could not imagine him here.

      ‘For how long?’

      ‘The afternoon,’ Alim answered calmly. ‘Say, until five?’

      No, that was the part she dreaded, for Gabi knew she would have to get over him all over again.

      Sophie was terribly hard to get rid of, but Gabi pulled out an excuse and, sounding like Bernadetta, told her friend that she had a migraine.

      ‘That came on quickly,’ Sophie said.

      ‘Yes, they tend to.’

      Thankfully Sophie soon left and, wishing she could lie down in a darkened room and hide from the world for a while, Gabi bathed her slippery baby and washed her hair and then she fed her.

      ‘You’re going to meet your daddy,’ Gabi told her.

      And though Gabi was worried for herself, and her absolute drop-knickers reaction to Alim, at least today she had the shield of her daughter. Alim would be far too besotted with Lucia to worry about other things.

      And, more importantly, she was so happy for Lucia.

      No, history was not repeating itself—this little girl would have a dad.

      Of sorts.

      And so, just before one, Gabi walked into the foyer of the Grande Lucia, as she had done many, many times, but then she stopped in her tracks.

      The pillar display in the middle of the foyer was no longer its trademark red. Instead, there was a stunning display of sweet peas.

      Pinks, lilacs and creams, they were absolutely stunning and she stood for a moment, enjoying the wonderful change.

      ‘They’re for you,’ Gabi said to her daughter. ‘He did this for you!’

      Her happiness soon evaporated, though. She was met by Violetta, and it would seem that both baby and mother required preparation to enter the Sultan’s world.

      Pride had ensured that Gabi had dressed as well as she could for today, and little Lucia was wearing a gorgeous outfit and was wrapped in a new muslin square.

      It wasn’t enough.

      And it wasn’t just Lucia who had to be prepared.

      There was a silver robe laid out for Gabi and, she quickly realised, Violetta had an assistant to do her make-up and hair.

      ‘That won’t be necessary,’ Gabi said. ‘I’m here so that Alim can see his baby.’

      ‘The Sultan—’ Violetta started, but Gabi would not hear it.

      ‘He didn’t tell me he was a sultan when he took me to bed,’ Gabi interrupted. ‘And I am not here as his mistress. I am here as the mother of his child.’

      Violetta blinked, clearly more used to people bending over backwards to please the Sultan. Well, no bending over would be happening today.

      ‘This is Hannan,’ Violetta introduced them. ‘She is a royal nanny of considerable standing and will help get the baby ready to meet Sultan Alim.’

      ‘Her name is Lucia,’ Gabi said. ‘And she is ready.’

      This time Violetta paid no attention.

      The muslin was replaced with a cashmere wrap and Gabi bit her lip as Hannan dared check that her baby was clean enough for the Sultan’s eyes.

      It incensed Gabi but for now she stayed quiet.

      Lucia did not.

      She let out a cry of protest as her face was wiped.

      ‘Perhaps we will wait till after she is fed so that she is content when she sees the Sultan,’ Hannan suggested.

      ‘She isn’t due to be fed for another three hours.’ Gabi said. ‘And, given I’m due to leave at five, it would make it a very short first visit with her father.’

      ‘Perhaps just a small feed,’ Hannan suggested. ‘The Sultan is not yet here.’


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