A Magical Christmas. Elizabeth Rolls

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same way and it’s so awkward and embarrassing I have to leave my job? There is nowhere to go after a conversation like that. I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes. Good night, Josh.” She was out of the car before he could say anything else, her shoes dangling from her fingers. She jammed her key into the lock, relieved when he drove away but feeling guilty because he was a good friend, and she couldn’t be what he wanted her to be.

      Everyone was in love with the wrong person, she thought dully. It was like a stupid movie where the ending was like a giant car crash. The type of movie she hated.

      Closing the door, she dropped her shoes on the floor, tugged off her boots and hung up her coat.

      Tyler’s jacket hung on the hook next to hers. She ran her hand over it, touched the fabric and then leaned in and buried her face in it.

      “You’re late.” His voice came from behind her. “I was worried.”

      She jumped and turned, heart pounding, scrabbling for an explanation as to why she’d been nestling in his coat. “I—I lost my balance.” And fell with my nose in your coat.

       Oh, crap—

      “Right.” He gave her a strange look. “Did you have a good time?” He stood in the doorway of the den, his powerful frame almost filling the space. His jaw was unshaven and his feet were bare. He looked strong, muscular and so handsome, it almost hurt to look at him.

      Those brilliant blue eyes met hers. Her response to that look was so overpowering, she felt a flash of despair because she’d never felt a tenth of this sexual charge when she was with Josh.

      “Yes, I had a good time.”

      “Are you seeing him again?”

      This was the moment when she should say something. She could come straight out and say Tyler, I have feelings for you and I’d like to know if you have feelings for me.

      She stood for a moment, balanced on the edge of a decision, afraid to take that step.

      “I don’t know. I need to go to bed.” She needed to get away.

      “Wait.” His voice was soft. “Come and join me in the den. We could watch a movie or something.”

      He was suggesting they snuggle in the dark?

      Why would he do that?

      “I’m pretty tired.”

      “A quick coffee, then. In the kitchen.”

      Remembering what had happened the last time he made her coffee in the kitchen, she shook her head. “I really do need to get to bed.” Her gaze collided briefly with his but it was enough to set her pulse racing.

      Maybe he did feel something. Maybe this wasn’t all one-sided.

      He broke the tense silence. “I wanted to talk to you about Jess.”

      “Jess?” From riding high on hope, she crashed down to disappointment. So he didn’t have a personal reason for wanting to spend time with her. It was about Jess. “What about her?”

      “I suspect she’s been having some trouble at school. She hinted that she’d talked to you about it.”

      “You should be talking to her, not me.”

      “If you know something, you shouldn’t keep it from me.”

      There were so many things she was keeping from him, it hardly seemed to matter. “The best way to make sure a teenager never talks to you again is to break a confidence.”

      “So you do know something. Come on, Brenna, you have to tell me!”

      Her head throbbed. Her heart ached. “I can’t do this now, Tyler.” She started to walk past him, but his hand closed over her arm.

      “You don’t seem like yourself.” His eyes darkened dangerously. “Did Josh say something to upset you?”

      “No. I had a lovely evening.”

      “Did you sleep with him?”

      She froze. “That is none of your business.”

      “Tell me what happened.” His grip tightened. “You’re upset, and you weren’t upset when you left.”

      “Nothing happened.” And nothing was ever going to happen because she was in love with the wrong man.

      “Are you serious about him?”

      This was the moment. This was the moment when she should tell the truth and ask him how he felt.

      “Why are you asking?”

      There was a pounding silence. A moment in which she was aware of her breathing and his.

      “Because I don’t want him to hurt you. I care about you.”

      Hope, bruised and battered, struggled briefly back to life. “You do?”

      “Of course. We’ve been friends forever.”


      She stood for a moment, long enough to regain her balance and her sanity.

      Honesty was one thing, but there was no point in asking a direct question when she already knew the answer.

      “My love life is my business.” She pulled away from him and walked toward the stairs, her vision misted by hot tears she refused to let fall. “Good night, Tyler.”


      TYLER SLAMMED THE front door and hung up his coat.

      He waited to be assaulted by the dogs but instead was met by silence. There was no sign of Brenna or Jess.

      He was wondering where they were when he heard a burst of laughter coming from the den. The door was closed, presumably to keep the dogs out.

      Congratulating himself on finally having imposed rules and discipline on the household and relieved that whatever was bothering Jess at school didn’t seem to be affecting her at home, Tyler walked across the hall and pushed open the door.

      “Go away!” Jess screamed and stuffed something back in a bag as Ash sprang up, barking frantically.

      Tyler raised his brows. “Always good to have a warm welcome at the end of the day.”

      “You can’t come in here!” Jess pushed bags under the sofa. “It’s Christmas, Dad. You have to knock on doors before you enter, not barge in.”

      “This is my house. I’m allowed to barge anywhere I want.”

      “Presents are supposed to be a secret! Wait there a minute.” There was

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