Nyc Angels & Gold Coast Angels Collection. Lynne Marshall

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Nyc Angels & Gold Coast Angels Collection - Lynne Marshall Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Hey, will you please do me a favor?” She glanced at him in surprise, nodding automatically. “Smile, Molly. I want tonight to be about us, two people having a nice time together. I want you to have fun tonight.”

      She smiled and just like that the shadow that hovered over his soul was gone. “All right. So tell me, where is this place you’re taking me?”

      “Valencia’s.” He grinned. “It’s one of the best-kept secrets. They have great seafood and they’re located in the West Village.”

      “Sounds perfect.”

      “Have you ever eaten there before?” He didn’t want to assume she hadn’t. For all he knew, that guy she’d been seeing had taken her there. The thought made him scowl.

      “No, although I’ve heard wonderful things about it.”

      Selfishly, he was glad she hadn’t been there before. He parked his car at a very expensive structure and they walked the rest of the way.

      “Oh, my gosh, this is a cobblestone street!” Molly said with a gasp of surprise.

      “Yeah, this is a colonial building that was once used as a carriage house.” He put his hand in the small of her back as she walked into the restaurant.

      “Wow, fancy,” she whispered, as they waited to be greeted by the maître d’.

      “We have an eight-o’clock reservation,” he said. “Dan Morris.”

      “Of course, Dr. Morris. Right this way, sir. You requested a table by the fireplace, correct?”

      “Yes. Thank you.” He smiled when Molly took the seat closest to the fire. “Would you like wine?” he asked. “Or maybe you’d prefer champagne?”

      Molly blushed, or maybe it was the heat from the fire. “Wine would be great. I think I should stay away from champagne for a while.”

      “Do you have a wine preference?” he asked, studying the wine list.

      “Anything you choose is fine with me.”

      He ordered a French red wine and watched Molly peruse the menu. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she glanced over the options.

      “The prices are outrageous,” she whispered in horror.

      “Molly, relax. Splurge a little.” He hadn’t brought her here to intimidate her—he wanted her to enjoy herself. “What would you have if money was no object?”

      She worried her lower lip between her teeth, making him want to kiss her. “I have a secret love of lobster,” she confessed. “And I also love a good steak.”

      “Then have both,” he urged. “I promise you’ll love it.”

      They placed their order and he noticed Molly relax as she sipped her wine. “This is very nice, Dan. Thanks for bringing me.”

      “You’re more than welcome. Besides, you deserve special treatment. Do you have any idea what a great reputation you have at Angel’s?”

      She arched a brow. “Do you have any idea what a great reputation you have at Angel’s?” she countered. “Your patients love you.”

      “So do yours.” He reached across to take her hand in his. “Your bright, sunny attitude is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who enjoyed their work as much as you do.”

      She blushed and took a sip of her wine. “I’m sure you enjoy your work,” she countered. “Saving small children’s lives by doing open-heart surgery is far more important than what I do each day.”

      He cocked his head to the side, wishing he could find a way to convince her how special she was. “Your work is just as important. We both give hope to our small patients and their parents.”

      “Giving hope,” she murmured with a smile. “I like that comparison, even if you’re exaggerating my expertise.”

      “Molly, believe me when I say that no woman has ever talked to me the way you did after Josh’s first therapy session,” he said with a wry grin. “Your passion for your work is unsurpassed by anyone I’ve ever met.”

      “I let my temper get away from me,” she admitted with a deep blush, making him want nothing more but to take her into his arms. But the waiter arrived with their first course and he had to settle for watching Molly enjoy her salad.

      “What made you decide to become a pediatric heart surgeon?” she asked, when she’d finished.

      Unwilling to ruin the mood, he gave her the light version. “I always wanted to be a doctor, and once I started my surgical residency I knew cardiothoracic surgery was my area of expertise. Yet once I finished my pediatric rotation I knew that working with kids was equally important. Luckily, I landed a job at Angel’s that allows me to do the most with my little bit of talent.”

      “Little bit of talent?” she echoed dryly. “I say you’re underestimating your ability.”

      “Giving kids the opportunity to have a normal life is important to me.” He stared at his empty salad plate for a moment. “Yet I almost screwed up with Josh, big time.”

      “Josh loves you,” she protested quickly.

      He forced a smile. “Yeah, we’re getting back on track. And I’m thrilled he’s getting stronger every day. Today we went to another movie and for the first time in a long time he didn’t ask for you to come with us.” When he realized how that might have sounded, he tried to backpedal. “I mean, he loves having you around, but—”

      She interrupted him with a laugh. “Don’t worry, I understand. It’s okay, he should want to spend time with you. You’re his father.”

      As he gazed at Molly across the table, her red-and-gold hair glowing from the light of the fire, he realized that Molly would be an excellent mother. Far better than Suzy. Far better than his own.

      And he was one lucky son of a gun to be here with her. Especially when she had no idea how unique and special she was.

      He was sure his food tasted wonderful, but he didn’t really pay much attention, having more fun watching Molly as she enjoyed every aspect of their meal.

      He forced her to split the chocolate mousse for dessert and longed to lean forward to taste the chocolate from her lips instead of just from the spoon.

      After they finished dinner, he followed her back outside to his car. “Thanks for the lovely dinner, Dan,” she said as they approached his car.

      He hoped, prayed the night wasn’t over yet, but he didn’t say anything as he closed her passenger door behind her and then walked around to slide into the driver’s seat.

      The ride back across town to her apartment didn’t take long. When he was within a block or two of the parking garage he glanced over at her, feeling a little bit panicked at the thought of letting her go. “Molly, I don’t want the evening to end.”

      She went still, before

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