Nyc Angels & Gold Coast Angels Collection. Lynne Marshall

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Nyc Angels & Gold Coast Angels Collection - Lynne Marshall Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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wishing that she would be around to share breakfast with him every morning.

      Molly told herself at least ten times to leave Dan’s to return home, but somehow she ended up spending the entire morning with him. And Josh.

      She was thrilled that he’d agreed to her idea for Josh’s birthday party. And if she was a little annoyed that he hadn’t come up with something for himself, she put those feelings aside.

      She was beginning to realize that Dan needed help, not just in learning how to play games but in learning how to be a father. What his ex had done, leaving him alone with a small son to raise on his own, was appalling. And while she understood he had a very demanding career, operating on young infants and children, surely they weren’t more important to him than his son?

      She couldn’t help wondering about him, especially his past, even as she insisted on helping to clean up the breakfast dishes. To her surprise, Dan refused to let her do the work alone. Working side by side with him in such a mundane task as washing dishes brought a strange sort of intimacy to their relationship.

      “I’d like to massage Josh’s legs one more time before I go,” she said as she finished drying the last pan. “Too bad I don’t have the ultrasound machine here for him. He could really benefit from that therapy, too.”

      Dan scowled as he took the damp dishtowel from her. “I could buy one, if you think that would help.”

      “Buy one?” she echoed, aghast. “Do you have any idea how expensive they are?”

      “Doesn’t matter,” he said with a shrug. “I’ll buy one today, if you think it would help.”

      She could hardly believe he was really offering to purchase an expensive piece of equipment for Josh to use for such a short time.

      But then again, wasn’t she surrounded by luxury? Dan Morris obviously could afford an ultrasound machine. Or anything else he or Josh desired.

      “Don’t be ridiculous,” she muttered. “We can stop by the clinic and use the ultrasound there just as easily.”

      “Great. And then maybe we can take in a movie this afternoon, too.”

      “Yeah!” Josh said with barely repressed enthusiasm. “Come on, Molly. Please? Please come see a movie with us?”

      She wanted to say no. Needed desperately to put distance between them. Maybe Dan cooked breakfast like a normal person, but he was a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, for heaven’s sake. Wasn’t this fancy condo proof of how he moved in much higher circles than she could even fathom? She’d heard rumors that his salary was seven figures. Talk about a mind-boggling amount. She didn’t make a tenth of what he did.

      This … friendship, or camaraderie or whatever they had couldn’t go anywhere. Why was she setting herself up for more heartache? She was destined to remain an outsider, and nothing was going to change that. Dan only thought he needed her now, but as soon as he’d repaired his relationship with his son, he’d move on.

      “Please, Molly?” Josh said again. And looking down at Josh’s big brown eyes, mirror images of his father’s, she couldn’t bring herself to say no.

      “Yes, Josh, I’d love to see a movie with you.”


      GOING INTO THE physical therapy clinic on Sunday, when no one was around, felt strange. Molly didn’t think she would get into trouble or anything but, still, she knew she’d be glad when she’d finished the ultrasound treatments to Josh’s legs.

      While she worked on Josh, she did her best to ignore Dan’s intense gaze, but it wasn’t easy. At this point she didn’t think he was watching her because he didn’t believe in her technique.

      No, this time she had the distinct impression he was watching her out of some sort of personal interest. Not a romantic interest, she told herself quickly, but more as if she were some sort of alien creature that he couldn’t quite figure out.

      Maybe because she was so different from his ex? Hearing Josh cry for his mother had really bothered her. She couldn’t imagine how Dan managed to cope with the demands of being a single parent.

      “Can we go to the movie now?” Josh asked eagerly, after choosing a root-beer-flavored lollipop. She hid a smile, figuring he was planning to try every single flavor in the jar before starting over with grape.

      “Sure thing, champ,” Dan said with a gentle smile. Was it her imagination or was he already getting closer to his son? “We have plenty of time to get there before the show starts, no problem.”

      “Yay,” Josh said, using his arms to propel his wheelchair forward as they made their way back out to the car. “I can’t wait.”

      Dan sent Molly a wry smile over Josh’s head. He’d already explained that Josh wanted to see the latest Disney film, and she honestly didn’t mind. The last cartoon film she’d seen had been one that she’d watched with James’s two sons.

      And if she remembered correctly, James had begged off, claiming he had work to do. Now she wondered if he’d been seeing that other woman even then.

      No reason to torture herself over that now. Her friend Kara had told her she was much better off without James, and while that had been difficult to believe at first, it was easier now. Today was about Josh, not her. She was determined to enjoy herself, while protecting her heart.

      Getting to the movie theater didn’t take long and once Dan had spent a small fortune on popcorn and soft drinks, they found a place in the back where Josh could sit in his wheelchair at the end of an aisle.

      “Sit next to me, Molly. Sit next to me!”

      She did as Josh asked, hoping Dan wouldn’t mind. He didn’t say anything, simply took the seat to her right, the action causing their shoulders to brush lightly. She settled back in her seat, telling herself to focus on the ultra-wide screen.

      Flanked on either side by the Morris men made it difficult for her to concentrate on the movie. As the one in the middle she was the one stuck holding the bucket of popcorn. She grew acutely aware of Dan leaning over to help himself, especially when his arm stayed pressed against hers. Warmth radiated from his skin, sending shivers of awareness rippling along her arm.

      But she didn’t move away, despite knowing she should.

      The movie was a cute story and she soon found herself giggling right along with Josh. And when she heard Dan laughing softly, she was secretly thrilled he’d unbent enough to enjoy the show.

      “That was fun. Thanks for bringing me along,” she said after the movie ended.

      “I’ll drive you home,” Dan offered quickly. “Unless Josh and I could convince you to stay for dinner?”

      “I couldn’t eat a thing after all that popcorn,” she protested. “Besides, I really need to get home.”

      “I understand,” he murmured, although she caught a glimpse of disappointment shadowing his gaze.

      Her resolve almost wavered. Almost. But she’d already let this go on long enough. What was she thinking, spending time with Dan and Josh as if they were more

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