Branded as Trouble. Delores Fossen

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Branded as Trouble - Delores Fossen A Wrangler’s Creek Novel

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tell me Garrett’s not thinking about leaving here once Nicky and he get married.”

      “No way. Nicky and her kid love it here, too, and you couldn’t get Garrett to move away if you stuck dynamite up his ass. There might be trouble coming, though.”

      Hell. “What kind of trouble?”

      He motioned to the back part of the ranch. “You know that land by the creek?”

      With just that question, Roman got an inkling of what this was about. Because that land had been in dispute for more than six decades. It was an old family history lesson, but Roman’s great-grandfather, Zachariah Taylor Granger, or Z.T. as people called him, had a brother, Jerimiah, who was Lawson’s great-grandfather. Both Z.T. and his brother had built not only the town of Wrangler’s Creek but the ranch, as well. However, after a falling out, they’d split the land.

      Except for about a hundred acres that, at the time, had been leased out to another rancher.

      The lease had long since expired, and that meant the ownership of the land was in question, and it was a prized chunk of acreage to own because the creek coiled through it. Garrett needed the creek water to keep the ranch growing.

      “Your brothers don’t even ranch their land,” Roman said, though he was certain Lawson needed no such reminder.

      “That might change. Lucian is thinking about bringing in large herds.”

      “Lucifer,” Roman grumbled.

      Lawson didn’t object to the nickname for his oldest brother, especially since he was the one who’d given it to him. Roman’s family wasn’t the only ones on the outs with Jeremiah’s kin. Lawson had parted ways with his three brothers, as well. That was mostly due to Lucian. Roman was a badass novice compared to Lucian and the man’s cut-throat business tactics. Lucian and his brothers already had a huge ranching operation in another part of the county, but if they were looking to expand, they’d definitely be looking here.

      “Did Lucian tell you this?” Roman asked.

      Lawson shook his head. “Dylan.”

      Another of Lawson’s brothers. Roman was a novice womanizer compared to Dylan, but at least he wouldn’t stab you in the back. Dylan fell into the lover rather than the fighter category.

      “I’ve already told Garrett all of this,” Lawson went on, “but he’s not spreading the news just yet. Especially since it might not happen. Dylan’s trying to talk Lucian out of doing this.”

      Okay, maybe Dylan had some fighter in him, after all.

      “Tell Dylan thanks,” Roman said. It wasn’t thanks because of him but because of Garrett. This place did mean everything to his brother.

      “I will. I’m seeing Dylan later this week. He’s coming into town to meet Mila for a drink.” And with that, Lawson walked away.

      “Mila?” Roman cursed in pain when he moved too fast to catch up with Lawson.

      When Roman did step in front of him, Lawson looked at him as if he didn’t understand what had to be a look of concern on Roman’s face. “A friend set them up on a blind date,” Lawson explained. “Of course, it’s not really blind because they know each other. Not well, though... Say, what the hell’s wrong with you? Are you about to keel over again from the pain?”

      Roman took a moment to decide how to answer that. He took another moment to try to figure out why it bothered him that Mila was going on a date with his cousin. And it did bother him. There was no mistake about that. It bothered him because Dylan was a love-’em-and-leave-’em type.

      Just like Roman.

      And considering what Sophie had told him about Vita giving her a condom and Mila using a dating site, maybe she had decided to lose her virginity to Dylan.

      Dylan would take it, too, because he wouldn’t care if he broke her heart in the process.

      “Are you okay?” Lawson asked.

      No. He wasn’t. Roman had to stop Mila from making a huge mistake.

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