Lone Star Legacy. Sara Orwig

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back to flirting again,” she said, looking out the window. The sun was still high. There was no merciful darkness to hide her blush. “Stop teasing me. All I had in mind was Caroline. I can go to my room and leave you two to bond.”

      “Oh, no. This was your idea, and part of the deal has to be that you stay.”

      “Sometimes. But part of the time it would be good if just the two of you were together. She needs you, and the more you’re together, the more she’ll bond with you.”

      “How about you? The more we’re together, will it be the more we will bond?”

      “That’s entirely different and you know it,” she snapped. “Stop your flirting. Get back to some impersonal level. Tell me about this opera. I can’t recall seeing a performance of this one,” she said, knowing full well she had seen it before, but not recently.

      “Ah, it’s beautiful. You’ll like it,” he said, summarizing the story quickly as the limo slowed and stopped. A crowd had gathered, and she wondered if her picture would show up in a magazine with her entering the opera on Will’s arm.

      The chauffeur held the door. Will climbed out and turned to help her.

      While they moved through the crowd into the building, he held her arm lightly, yet with Will it was as disturbing as a caress, far from impersonal. During the performance she struggled to avoid glancing at him. After a time the music overrode her awareness of Will.

      During intermission, she was introduced to friends of his. Several women gave her frosty stares, turning their smiles on Will.

      “Will,” a deep voice called, and Ava turned to see a tall, ruggedly handsome man approaching. A stunning blonde with her arm linked through his walked beside him.

      The tall man’s thick brown hair had unruly waves with a lock falling on his forehead. He was noticeable in the crowd because of his height plus his hawk nose, high cheekbones and pale gray eyes.

      As Will shook hands with him, he turned to her. “Ava, meet my friend and right-hand man, my main advisor, Garrett Cantrell. Garrett, this is Ava Barton.”

      Her hand was enclosed in a firm grip as he smiled at her with a flash of snowy teeth. His smile softened his rugged features, and she smiled in return.

      “Will is given to exaggeration, probably because we’re longtime friends who have been together since too far back to recall. Let me introduce Sonya Vicente. Sonya, this is Ava Barton and Will Delaney.”

      “I’m glad to meet both of you,” Ava said as the house lights dimmed.

      “I think that’s our call,” Will said. “Nice to meet you, Sonya. See you, Garrett.”

      “So Garrett is single?” Ava asked as they walked away.

      “Yes. Very available, but not marriage material. He’s almost as leery as I am just because he doesn’t want to be tied down. Garrett’s ambitious and a workaholic. I think he’d really like to be on his own, but I pay him enough that his salary diminishes the temptation to go into his own business. All that plus our long-standing friendship and family closeness. I can’t replace him with anyone as loyal, good, intelligent and fun to be with all rolled into one person.”

      She glanced back over her shoulder, spotting Garrett’s dark hair easily. “You make him sound superhuman.”

      “Nope. Garrett’s human, but exceptional and vital to me. Besides such a close friend.”

      “You haven’t even mentioned the stunning blonde.”

      Will grinned. “I did notice her. Garrett finds the lookers, but they never last.”

      “Somehow that’s the image I had of you until I met you. As you know, my opinion changed and continues to change.”

      “Thank goodness,” he said as they reached their seats. “Although you’re right—I appreciate beautiful women, and I’m out with a ravishing one tonight.”

      “Thank you, but enough of that. This color hair isn’t ravishing.”

      Surprising her, Will drew her close against his side and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

      “Oh, yes it is. We can argue that one later tonight,” he said, his breath warm on her ear.

      Her heart jumped and beat rapidly. “Your attention should be on the stage.”

      “It is. Somewhat,” he added. “I’d really rather look at you.”

      “You will see me plenty this summer. Tonight and this moment, shift your attention to the stage. I’m enjoying the performance immensely.”

      “Good. So am I,” he said, settling back, taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers. “So am I,” he repeated, smiling warmly at her.

      As the house lights dimmed they became quiet, and while still aware of Will, she was caught up in the music until it was over.

      When the applause finally died, they turned to leave. “That was wonderful. Beautiful voices,” she said.

      “Let’s go have a drink. The evening is still early.”

      “Hardly early,” she replied, amused that he would say so when it was almost midnight. “A drink is fine,” she replied, unable to resist accepting.

      As usual.


      He took her to a private club where they had a window table with a panoramic view of the city lights below. After ordering brandies and talking while they sipped, Will stood and took her hand. “Would you like to dance?”

      “Yes,” she answered, knowing this was turning into the type of evening she had tried to avoid and should keep from allowing to happen again. As she stepped into his arms, all her caution and guilt disappeared. Will was breathtakingly appealing and she danced with him as if floating on a cloud. An old ballad played softly while Will held her lightly. They danced, legs brushing, her arm on his shoulder, her hand high on his back, the soft wool of his coat beneath her fingers. He was warm, close, his aftershave enticing. His dark gaze was on her as they danced, fanning desire into flames.

      She was at a loss for conversation, wanting to dance away, just the two of them, and kiss him, knowing he wanted the same. She barely noticed when he danced to a darkened area, pushed open a door and stepped onto the terrace, taking her in his arms to continue dancing.

      A breeze caught strands of her hair, blowing a few against her cheek.

      “Beautiful,” he whispered and her heart beat rapidly.

      “It is beautiful out here,” she replied without looking around. She still couldn’t tear her gaze from his. Her heart continued to race while they moved slowly in time to the music. Will danced around a corner to a more secluded place on the terrace where there were no other couples.

      “Will, the music is fading,” she said, her heart drumming. She should stop him, go back, get out of the situation. Instead, all she wanted to do was pull him close and kiss him. As if they had the same thought, he stopped

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