Midnight in the Harem. Susanna Carr

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Midnight in the Harem - Susanna Carr Mills & Boon M&B

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through her body.

      When his hands cupped her bottom, she could not suppress a needy whimper. An approving growl came from deep in his chest as he lifted her to press the apex of her thighs against his hardness.

      Her legs spread of their own volition, but the skirt of the long Arabic gown constricted how far she could do so. He didn’t seem to mind, making another sound of approval as he intimately thrust against her. The contact between them, even through the layers of silk of their clothing, sent electric sparks exploding along her nerve endings. His thrusts became more urgent as she felt warm moisture develop between her legs.

      How could this feel so good? How could she feel so out of control already? They weren’t even naked yet.

      He tilted her pelvis just so and suddenly sensation unlike anything she’d ever known was making her womb clench. She mashed her mouth against his, needing to be closer.

      He gave her what she needed, taking their kiss into something wildly carnal.

      Unfamiliar tension built inside her, pleasure tinged by almost panic at the unfamiliarity of it, made her body shake even as she pressed against him in wanton need for something she couldn’t give name to.

      And then it came, that nameless something, a supernova of sensation that made her body go rigid as she cried out against his mouth. A sob built in her throat as the pleasure burst, and ebbed, and burst again.

      She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. She could only feel and that was too much. Too intense and yet she never wanted it to end.

      But something this immense had to end, or kill her. She was sure of it.

      Her heart felt ready to explode from her chest. If this is what he could do to her with a kiss, she was never going to survive what was to come.

      The jolts of pleasure grew farther apart as her body ebbed toward relaxation more and more until she was completely limp against him. Her grasp on his neck nothing more than a caress, really, as her muscles certainly weren’t supporting her.

      Finally, breaking the kiss, he swung her high against his chest and smiled down at her. “You are amazing.”

      She could not speak to respond, merely shook her head. He was the incredible one, playing her boldly like a sitar’s strings.

      “Making love to you will be my greatest pleasure.” She forgave him the smug tones edging his voice.

      They were well-earned. Besides, his words weren’t smug at all. He could have said it would be her greatest pleasure, and they both knew that would be the case.

      She was a virgin after all.

      Making the other claim was a sop to her feelings that she could not help loving him for. Tonight would definitely not be the beginning of her learning to suppress that love like she always had her feminine sensuality.

      That would come later, when she was not in his arms, experiencing feelings and emotions beyond comprehension.

      Even so, she wanted to ask if he meant it, but knew that would be a very stupid thing to do in the circumstances. A negative answer was so not what she wanted to hear right now. Still, she could not help giving him a doubtful look.

      His expression turned intensely serious as he carefully laid her on the huge bed. “You are the only woman I have ever touched that has been mine alone. You cannot know what satisfaction that gives me.”

      She wanted to call him a chauvinist. Tell him he was arrogant beyond belief. But most of all, she wanted to ask what he meant. Of course, Elsa would not have been untouched when Zahir began seeing her; his former mistress would have had liaisons with other men.

      Angele didn’t do any of that, though, because for the first time in all the years she had known this man, a glimmer of vulnerability showed through his super-controlled exterior.

      “All yours.” For tonight.

      His teeth flashed in another sensual smile. “All mine.”

      If he sounded like he was making a permanent claim, she convinced herself it was simply her ears hearing what they craved. Not a truth that resonated in her heart.

      “You will make love to me now?” she asked softly. “I have been making love to you since you stepped into my room.”

      She did not question it. She certainly could not deny it.

      He began to undress, pulling back the layers that named him crown sheikh of his people until he stood before her in the soft glow of a hundred candles, his perfect body completely open to her gaze.

      Skin a shade darker than hers covered bulging muscles she would not have expected in a man who spent his days playing politician. She’d always known he was strong, but now she believed the rumors that none of the security force in the palace could best him on the sparring mat.

      “You look like an ancient Bedouin warrior.”

      “A man cannot be weak and lead his people.”

      “I have never questioned your mental stamina.”

      “You mean you have questioned my physical prowess?” he asked and then laughed, the sound free and full of genuine amusement.

      That laugh was as much a gift as the pleasure he drew so unnervingly from her body.

      She choked on her own amusement. “Of course not, I just …”

      Her eyes could not help devouring him with hungry need. He was so incredibly masculine, his hardened sex standing out from his body in impressive splendor.

      “I think you like looking.”

      “I think I do, too.”

      “You sound surprised.”

      “I don’t make it a habit of looking at naked men.”

      There was that laughter again and she could not even mind it was at her expense. “I should hope not.”

      “It suddenly occurs to me that I’m debilitatingly naive for a woman from my adopted country.” She doubted there was a single woman who worked on the fashion magazine that employed her as an editorial assistant that was as innocent to sexual things as Angele.

      “You are exactly as you should be.”

      She knew he meant it, but she could not help thinking that if she’d been a bit more experienced, perhaps he would not have found Elsa such a fascination.

      She dismissed the thought as unnecessary and destructive. Elsa Bosch was not here, was not even in Zahir’s life any longer. Angele was. For now. And at this moment in time, that was all that mattered.

      “I think I could stand here and let you look and you would come from that alone.”


      He shrugged. “Perhaps, but you cannot know what a pleasure it is to have those doe-soft brown eyes eating me up like the tastiest dessert at the feast.”


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