A Breath Away. Wendy Etherington

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A Breath Away - Wendy Etherington Mills & Boon Blaze

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what I please.”

      “Not if you want my team protecting you.”

      His body responded to her order by hardening like a rock. He wanted her when she was angry and defiant. He wanted her soft and vulnerable. Was there any situation where she couldn’t—literally—get a rise out of him?

      He did realize that forcing his point would get him nowhere. She’d never back down in front of her team.

      “Could we discuss this in my office?” he asked as he rose.

      “Office? You don’t—”

      “How about the room I’m currently sleeping and working in?”

      She sighed—heavily. “David, continue to run the equipment diagnostics. Mo, keeping working on those names and background checks. I want the most likely suspect ASAP. I’ll be right back.”

      She stalked toward Remy’s bedroom door, crossed the threshold, then stood at the end of the bed with her feet planted shoulder-width apart, her hands braced on her hips. She looked as though she planned to go ten rounds with the heavyweight champ.

      He was tense, as well. It was both heady and annoying to have dreamed about being with her, to finally have her near him, only to have her constantly trying to distance herself.

      But in contrast to her anger, he took great pains to move slowly, to close the door behind him with a quiet click and face her with a slight smile on his face. “Clients are a pain in the ass, huh?”

      “Yes, they are.”

      “And yet without them, you wouldn’t have a business.”

      She narrowed her eyes. “I have agreeable clients. Ones who listen to me, ones who don’t question—”

      “Ones who are too damn scared to do anything else.”

      She said nothing for several long moments. “I don’t like you very much.”

      “What a shame. I like you very much.” Before she could add another terse comment that might send his temper careening over the edge she’d already jumped off, he walked toward her, stopping when he was just inches away. “I’m not scared, Jade. At least not of getting shot again. I’m troubled by the need you rouse in me. I wonder if I’ll forget what I’m here to do.”

      Instead of touching her, he should be finding a way to separate his fascination with her from his need for her investigative skills. There had been times he’d tossed aside professional ethics, but never for sex.


      Okay, so there was that case in Boston years ago when he probably should have resisted the charms of that lovely blond secretary who worked for the drug cartel….

      But that was just fun and games. This thing with Jade felt too intense to be a game. Fun…well, maybe…if a man had the right touch.

      Thankfully—or not, depending on which parts of him he asked—she didn’t seem to give a damn about his confession of attraction. “We need to get the people on your suspect list under surveillance, and you’re laying low for a couple of days while I gather resources and information.”

      “I can’t do that.”

      “And I can’t fight blind.”

      He had issues with being trapped—which was how he viewed holing up in a hotel room, luxurious or not. He knew this stemmed from his childhood days at the orphanage. While the nuns had been caring and gentle, his movements had been restricted to the convent; his choices had been limited. Had his foray into rebellion and eventual thievery been genetic or circumstantial? He’d likely never know for certain.

      “I have to do something,” he said.

      “I’ll put you to work.”

      “I work better in the field. You must realize I can get in and out of here without anyone knowing.”

      Her eyes flashed. “Not without me knowing.”

      “Jade, Jade…” He cupped her elbows. “I’m trying here. I’m really trying to work with you. But you can’t put me in a box. You can’t honestly expect I’d agree to that.”

      She pulled away, then paced in a circle before facing him again. “I’m asking you to stay put. Just a day or two. I need time to check with my network of contacts about your suspects. Two of them are all the way across the country in San Francisco and one is in south Florida.”

      He could help by giving her more information. But he’d promised himself to let her roll with this case her way. After all these years, if he’d made a mistake or jumped to the wrong conclusions, he might never have the answers he sought. “Do you ever stop pushing?”


      He’d expected nothing less. Wasn’t that why he’d hired her in the first place? “You’re asking a lot.”

      “I’m doing what’s necessary. You know I am.”

      He knew.

      “Do you really intend to tell me everything about your past?” she asked. “The parts that aren’t in your file?”

      “Do you really intend to continue to deny our chemistry?”

      She sighed and stepped back. “We’re not getting anywhere.”

      They certainly weren’t. But as much as he needed her to do her job, to make sure his own investigation had indeed led him in the right direction, he needed her touch, her kiss, her sighs of pleasure even more.

      His muscles twitched with the effort of holding back. He clenched his fists at his sides and fought to control his breathing.

      “There are parts of my life that aren’t pretty,” he said finally.

      “I’m not denying our chemistry,” she said at the same time.

      She extended her hands. “You first.”

      “Ladies first. Besides, mine will take longer to tell.”

      She huffed out a breath. “Okay, look. We’ve got a personal issue with each other. I’m not completely immune, and obviously you’re not.”

      Was that a compliment? He didn’t think so.

      “It’s just something we’re going to have to work around,” she continued. “It’s a chemical thing that pops up from time to time when men and women work together. Close quarters, tense moments, etcetera.”

      He loved her short, businesslike tone. He’d known her three hours, and yet he already realized it was so her. “Really? When was the last time it cropped up for you?”

      “I don’t think we need to go into specifics.”

      “Sure we do.”

      She sighed. “Okay, so maybe one time I let myself get too close to a target.

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