The London Deception. Addison Fox

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The London Deception - Addison  Fox Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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      Rowan looked past them, despite the fact they called to her, whispering what a conquest it would be to remove everything. Instead, she pressed on, the piles of velvet containers housing bracelets, rings and necklaces all ignored until her hand settled over the black pouch in the rear of the safe. The cuff was heavy in her hands and she already imagined the wink of diamonds as she pulled the pouch from the safe.

      Already, she felt the way the hard metal would encase her wrist as she hid the bracelet under the too-long arm of her school sweater, daring fate to rat her out.

      To uncover her dark, desperate need to feel something.

      Despite her fantasies, Rowan was eminently practical and knew any further daydreaming would need to wait for home. With one last look at the layers of velvet boxes still in the safe, she let out a small sigh and reached for the thick metal door.

      The scream welled in her throat immediately at the heavy hand that came over hers while another dragged heavily against her mouth, muffling any noise.

      “Thank you, darling. You’ve made this terribly easy.” The dark voice crooned into her ear, the sounds of England unmistakable in the cultured tones. His breath was warm against her cheek.

      She struggled against the hold—and the uncontrolled shiver at the light breath—but her captor was prepared, his elbows tightening against her shoulders to keep her still. Raw fear flooded her mouth with a harsh metallic taste as the simple urge to flee surpassed every other thought.

      Was it one of the Warringtons’ servants, lying in wait?

      Another thief?

      A cop come to catch her?

      The thoughts tumbled one over the other, in time with the heavy thud of her heartbeats, and it took Rowan several seconds to realize her captor hadn’t moved.

      He’d made no effort to touch her further and she felt only his hands on her body, no press of a gun or knife.

      “If I move my hand, will you listen to me?”

      She nodded, the voice oddly seductive in the dim light of the closet.

      “Since I don’t fully believe you won’t scream, let me give you one more piece of advice, Peach.”

      She stilled, the strange sense that he spoke the truth filtering in through the fear as the odd endearment sent a shiver down her spine. What was likely a simple way to address her in lieu of her name felt different somehow.

      On his lips the name felt lush. And seductive?

      While she wasn’t all that familiar with the sensation, she’d read more than enough romances to wish for a little seduction in her life. Had giggled with her girlfriends over the very same.

      “That gunshot you blithely ignored in favor of heading in here? The man with the gun and two of his friends are still outside the house. So I suggest you do nothing to alert them to our presence.”

      Whatever sensitive emotion had momentarily gripped her fled at the very real threat that awaited both of them. The man lifted his hand and Rowan took her first easy breath since he’d captured her. Although he’d removed the cover over her mouth, the press of his body still held her in place facing the safe.

      “Wh-who are they?” Her breath hitched on the words and she winced at the weakness.

      “I don’t know but I suspect they’re after the same thing we both are.”

      “The bracelet?” Her voice was stronger and she squared her shoulders under his grip.

      “The very same.”

      “How would they know about it?”

      “Seems as if Lord Warrington purchased something that wasn’t really for sale.”

      “He stole this bracelet?”

      “Steal is such an ugly word when there is a payment involved. He claims he purchased it rightfully, but it’s been whispered in several places he knew full well the bracelet rightfully belonged to another.”

      The cryptic answer stilled her and Rowan tried once more to turn in his arms. “How do I know you’re not with them?”

      “I work alone.” The words were swift and immediate and she didn’t know why she believed him, but she did.

      “I can feel the brush of your ski mask against my head. Can I just turn around to talk to you? I clearly won’t be able to identify you.”

      A light laugh drifted over her as the velvet pouch was snatched from her hand and then the heavy press of his body vanished. Rowan wondered briefly at the loss of warmth before the thought fled and she turned to face her captor.

      Her very first impression was one of broad shoulders encased in black. The tight shirt he wore tapered to slender hips and long legs that made her think of the gangly height of her older brother Campbell. The wool mask she’d felt whisper against her head covered his face; odd that something she’d normally think of as scary or menacing only left her curious to see the face underneath.

      Rich hazel eyes glittered from the holes in the mask’s face and she forgot herself for the briefest of moments when her gaze locked with his.

      On a hard shake of her head, Rowan focused on the problem at hand. What was the matter with her? “Who’s out there?”

      A quick light flashed across his eyes before being replaced by a hard glint that matched his next words. “A few blokes who want what’s in here and thought tonight would be a good night to case the joint. Just like you and me.”

      “How could they know that?”

      “How’d you know that?”

      The words were nearly out—that she knew the family—when she bit them back on a hard clench of her teeth. He might be a friend for the moment, but the man clad head to toe in black wasn’t to be trusted.

      “Come on, Peach. Close that safe door and let’s figure out how we’re going to get out of here.” The name whispered across her nerve endings once more, and Rowan tamped down on the delicious clench that seized her belly.

      Rowan closed and locked the safe as directed. “There are servants’ stairs at the end of the hall at the back of the house.”

      “They’ve got three guys. One’s no doubt back there.” The masked man never turned as he reached for her hand and dragged her from the closet. He gestured with his free hand as they crossed the broad expanse of Lady Warrington’s room. “Over there. Behind the curtains.”

      “We can’t hide behind the curtains. They’ll find us for sure.”

      “No, they’ll find us in the hallway, which is likely where they’re headed now.”

      “They can’t get in that fast.”

      “Of course they can. Especially since they’ve probably breached the back door you so kindly left unarmed.” He turned to look at her. “You do realize you’re not the only person in London in possession

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