Heart Of A Cowboy. Margaret Daley

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Heart Of A Cowboy - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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      He dismounted and strode away from her before she could think of a retort, some kind of defense for herself. She shouldn’t have lashed out at him. He was right. Nicholas had told her that on more than one occasion, especially when she’d wanted to march up to the last school and face those kids who’d teased Nicholas and made fun of him. If it had started again, she would have to do something different. She wouldn’t let her son be miserable for another school year.

      Zachary stood at the edge of the stream that ran through his property and watched the kids wade across it. Their giggles peppered the air and brought a smile to his mouth. He’d enjoyed living near his niece and nephews, but at night he always went home to an empty house with no child’s laughter to fill it or bedtime stories to tell. And yet, Jordan had moved on with her life and had all of that with Nicholas.

      The boy captured his attention as he bent down and stared at something on the ground. He picked it up and straightened. When he saw Zachary staring at him, Jordan’s son crossed the creek and approached him.

      “Look what I found. This is a Terrapene carolina triunguis.” Nicholas held it up for Zachary to see. His expression must have conveyed surprise because the child added, “A three-toed box turtle. They were common where I used to live. They eat insects, worms, fish, berries, snakes.”

      “Did you have one as a pet?”

      “No. They’re better off in their natural habitat. I have a dog named Tucker.”

      What eight-year-old kid knew the scientific name of a turtle? At least he assumed that was what the child spouted off. “Do you like science a lot?”

      Nicholas shrugged. “It’s okay. I really enjoy math the most. I’ve been working on algebra, but tell you a secret—” he leaned toward Zachary “—Mom’s not very good at it. I have to teach myself.”

      “Teach yourself? That’s mighty ambitious.”

      “I love to learn.” Nicholas set the turtle on the ground.

      Like his mother. Jordan had always been a good student while he’d been more interested in sports, especially riding. She’d helped him with his classwork and he’d taught her to ride. For a brief moment he allowed himself to recall some of the good times he and Jordan had in high school—when she’d helped him cram for a test and he’d made an A or when he’d worked odd jobs to save enough to buy her a necklace the first Christmas they’d been together. The glimpse of her smile had made it all worth it. Randy’s voice calling Nicholas pulled Zachary away from the past—thankfully. He didn’t need to remember.

      Jordan’s son flashed him a smile. “Gotta go.” He whirled and raced toward the other kids.

      Zachary watched the children talking. Nicholas pointed at something in the creek and Jana squealed, ducking behind Randy. A brown, foot-long snake slithered through the water. Zachary slid his attention to Jordan. Her eyes grew round, and she backed away from the stream. She never did like snakes.

      He chuckled, remembering that time he’d found one on her porch. She’d jumped into his arms so fast he’d staggered back, almost losing his balance. But he’d recovered and tightened his embrace, cradling her against him. The onslaught of memories cracked a fissure in the wall about his emotions.

      Those carefree days were over. She’d walked away from him and never looked back.

      “We better get back to the barn.” Zachary started for his horse.

      “Do we hafta, Uncle Zachary?”

      He glanced at his niece. “Yeah, Alexa will be here to pick up Jana.”

      Nicholas had already crossed the stream while the other three were still on the opposite side. They reluctantly followed. For a few seconds a yearning for what he didn’t have inundated Zachary. But he pushed it aside. He just had to be satisfied with having a niece and two nephews. And staying out of Jordan’s way.

      Chapter Three

      Sore, Jordan slid to the ground back at the barn half an hour later, keeping her eye on her son to make sure he dismounted okay. He did, almost like a pro. She had to admit everything Nicholas did he did well. He was quick to pick up things. But usually they weren’t physical activities.

      Jordan caught sight of Zachary taking a few extra moments to explain to her son how to take care of his horse after a ride. Nicholas absorbed what Zachary told him with his usual intense concentration. She knew that after this he wouldn’t have to be told again. Zachary patted him on the shoulder. The smile her son gave Zachary right before he strode away to tend to his gelding stirred doubts in her that she hadn’t made a good choice all those years ago.

      That brief scene confirmed she had to tell Zachary about Nicholas soon. There was no way she could keep her secret if they were both living in such a small town. He was bound to find out some way or another. She still didn’t know how she would break the news. Tell Zachary first or Nicholas? She felt in over her head. But maybe this was one of the reasons she’d finally come home. She wanted Nicholas to be surrounded by family—even Zachary’s. It would be to her son’s benefit, and maybe for once, she wouldn’t feel so alone in this world. Yes, she’d always had the support of her mother, grandmother and sister, but long-distance support wasn’t the same as immediate face-to-face interactions. And yet, for years she’d lived far away from that support because of her feelings toward Zachary.

      Could she really tell him? If she kept quiet, she wouldn’t have to see him. She could even leave Tallgrass. He never had to know. That idea suddenly appealed to her because every time she thought of telling him about Nicholas, her stomach coiled into a hard ball.

      “Hi. Jana told me your son had his first riding lesson today.” A young woman with long, curly mahogany hair and soft, dark brown eyes stopped next to Jordan. “I’m Alexa Ferguson, Jana’s stepmom.”

      Jordan shook the hand the twentysomething offered her. “Nice to meet you. My son enjoyed getting to know Jana and the others. He can be shy around new kids.”

      “So can Jana, but this year she’s come a long way.”

      “How so?”

      “The best thing my husband did for Jana was take her out of school and teach her at home. She’d developed separation anxiety when her mother divorced Ian and left. She was afraid she was going to lose him, too. She needed that time with her father. I don’t advocate that for every child because a school placement is right for a lot of them, but some need something else. Jana was one of those.”

      “So you think homeschooling is a good option for some?” Is that what Nicholas needs?

      “Jana has blossomed since she’s been at home. When I’m not taking classes, I help Ian teach her. This past couple of weeks, I haven’t had a chance as much since I’m doing my student teaching, and to tell you the truth, I miss working with her.”

      “So it’s been a positive experience?”

      “It’s been great. I’m finishing my elementary education degree, so it’s a good experience for me. She’s bright, and we’ve had so much fun.” Alexa hiked her large purse up on her shoulder.

      “But you know what you’re doing.” She didn’t know the first thing about homeschooling. What if homeschooling was the answer if Nicholas

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