High-Stakes Holiday Reunion. Christy Barritt

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High-Stakes Holiday Reunion - Christy Barritt Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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asked if they could meet down at the Virginia Beach boardwalk—one of their favorite places. She’d bundled up—it was cold outside—and waited for him on their favorite bench. Die-hard joggers had paced past, seagulls had complained overhead, salty air had filled her nostrils.

      As soon as she’d seen Christopher walking toward her, she could tell something was wrong.

      Her spine had stiffened. This is about more than Afghanistan, isn’t it? But what? In their two years together, they’d never even had a major fight. That’s how easy and natural their relationship had been.

      Those expressive green eyes had held torn emotions as he sat beside her. His shoulders even looked burdened. “I can’t be with you, Ashley,” he’d told her.

      “What do you mean?”

      “I’ve realized that I can’t be a good SEAL and a good husband.”

      “What are you talking about?” She’d blinked back her confusion, certain that she hadn’t heard him correctly. What he said didn’t make sense.

      He’d grabbed her hand. “You’re the only person I want to be with, Ashley. But that’s not fair to my country. I promised them I would protect our freedoms. I’m not doing that when I’m thinking about you. Being a SEAL...it’s almost like being married. And I’ve already made that commitment.”

      “You’re breaking up with me?” Her voice had cracked in disbelief. How had things gone from perfect to this?

      Water had filled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Ashley. I’ve been pretending I could do both, but it’s become clear that I can’t.”

      She snapped back to the present and the blazing fire in front of her. Funny, she hadn’t thought about Christopher’s tear-filled eyes in a long time. Oh, she’d thought about the breakup, but somehow she’d blocked out memories of how anguished he’d looked during their conversation. Christopher was the last person she wanted to be thinking about right now.

      She dragged her mind from one bad thought to another—David. Where was he right now? Was he warm? Comfortable? Had they fed him?

      She took another sip of coffee, her hands still trembling as her heart ached.

      Please, Lord, don’t let him be scared.

      As anxiety squeezed her, she nearly dropped her coffee when a hand reached out and grabbed it. She looked up and saw Christopher there. Just in the nick of time. Again. Like always.

      Except when he’d left her.

      She had to stop thinking about that and start concentrating solely on the matters at hand. Her heart was just in such a fragile state right now that it kept going other places. Christopher helped her into a plush chair. She set her coffee on the table, unsure if her hands could hold it any longer.

      “Two of the guys from Eyes are coming down. Jack and Denton. They’re still here, working on a big project for the Department of Defense. They’re the best. They’ll be able to help.”

      “Thank you,” she mumbled. After a few minutes of silence stretched between them, she asked, “How’d you end up here, Christopher? I never thought you’d leave the military. I thought you’d be a career guy.”

      A new somberness seemed to come over him. “So did I. But life changes sometimes. It was time.”

      “How long have you been back?”

      “Three months.” He changed the subject. “How about you? You still a web designer?”

      She nodded. “Started my own business about five years ago.”

      “You’re a business owner now?”

      “I was working for a corporation, but I was miserable. Great benefits, great pay, but no fulfillment, you know what I mean? So I took a leap of faith and started my own company. I design websites for some major companies, all while working in the luxury of my own home. I’ve been really blessed.”

      A smile spread over his face. “I know that’s what you always wanted to do. I’m glad you were able to.”

      “Yeah, at least some things worked out according to plan.” She clamped her mouth shut. Now why had she gone and said that? It wasn’t very mature of her. She glanced at her hands. “I’m sorry.”

      “I deserved it.”

      “No, you didn’t. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

      “All of this is a lot to handle. I think you’re doing just fine.”

      Her gaze connected with his. “It’s only by God’s grace we’re alive, isn’t it?”

      “I couldn’t agree more.”

      She stared at him. He meant those words, didn’t he? When they’d known each other before, neither had been Christians. She must have stared at him long enough that he felt obligated to give an explanation.

      “When you’ve seen some of the things that I saw over in the Middle East, you start believing there’s a God pretty quickly.”

      “I’d imagine.” When you have to give your child up for adoption, you start believing pretty quickly, too. She kept that part to herself.

      Just then, two men tromped down the stairs. She drew in a deep breath, ready to formulate a plan to get her brother and son back.

      * * *

      Jack Sergeant, the CEO of Eyes, and Mark Denton, his second in command, came to a stop in front of them. Both looked like they’d been working long hours. They’d abandoned their ties and coats. The top button of Denton’s white shirt was open and the shadow of a beard had already formed on his cheeks.

      Mark—who went by Denton—had helped to train Christopher as a SEAL before going to work for the CIA. He’d been Christopher’s contact in getting a job here and, for that, Christopher was grateful.

      Christopher trusted Jack and Denton more than if they’d been brothers. Both had been SEALs and had earned reputations as being trustworthy and loyal, as well as innovative and at the top of their game in the paramilitary contracting world. He’d jumped at the chance to come work for them.

      They introduced themselves to Ashley. Jack put his hands on his hips, his brow furrowed with concern. “What’s going on?”

      Ashley glanced at Christopher before sucking in a deep breath and telling her story. Even though she had to be exhausted and scared, she maintained a calm demeanor that he could appreciate. Except for her voice cracking a few times, she stuck to the facts.

      Denton stepped forward. “Is there anything you can remember about the car?”

      She nodded. “The license plate number.”

      Christopher raised his eyebrows. “You can?”

      She nodded again. “I thought the police were the only ones who could do something with that information, though. I figured it would do us no good.”


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