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      Right now he could recall the entire night, moment by moment. His memory was flawless, he was sure, of making love to her, her passionate responses, her softness, her enthusiasm.

      Jared walked to the window to look out at the sprawling city of Dallas as seen from the top floor of the Weston Energy building. Two flags in the distance fluttered in the March breeze. He wished it could blow away his memories just as easily.

      But as he recalled the decision he’d made only days earlier, he knew there was no chance he’d be forgetting about Allison anytime soon.

      He had just hired Tyler Antiques and Appraisals for a job he needed done and learned it would be Allison who would be doing his appraisal. In days the lover he’d never forgotten would be back in his life.

      * * *

      Thirty minutes later, composed, professional and looking slick in a custom suit, Jared walked into a downtown restaurant for a business lunch. He watched the youngest, tallest and the last unmarried Delaney approach their table from the opposite direction. He greeted Ryan, shaking hands with his friend, gazing at friendly dark brown eyes and an infectious smile.

      “How’s everything in Dallas?” Ryan asked.

      “Everything is fine. How are your brothers?”

      “Great. Will is being Will, still taking charge of the rest of the family. His wife is fine, and Caroline is crazy about her little brother.”

      “And your world-traveler brother? How does marriage suit him?”

      Ryan grinned. “You won’t know Zach. He’s a desk jockey now. Goes to the office nine to five. He’s retired from fieldwork and stays in the office. Very domestic. Phoebe is almost nine months old. She’s a cutie.”

      “I can’t imagine Zach sticking to an office. That’s beyond me. I asked you to lunch so I could talk about my inheritance of the Delaney mansion in Houston.”

      “Talk away,” Ryan said, sitting and picking up a menu.

      As soon as they had ordered and the waiter disappeared, Jared leaned forward. “Ryan, it’s your inheritance from your dad.”

      “I know that technically it’s my inheritance, but it’s because of our dads’ friendship.”

      “Friendship and gratitude for the time our dads were both roughnecks, working in the oil patch. When that fire broke out on a rig, your dad saved my dad’s life. The mansion is just a thank-you.”

      “I had nothing to do with any of that.”

      “Dad had it in his will that, if your dad is deceased, the mansion is to go to you. It’s yours to do with as you please.”

      “One of the Tylers commences cataloging the contents of the mansion this week. Have any of you changed your mind about the mansion or its contents?”

      “Absolutely not. I asked my brothers again, just for you, and they gave me the same answer. We don’t want any part of the mansion. We never spent time there, and it’s meaningless to all of us. Stop worrying about it. The mansion doesn’t hold fond memories for any of us.” Ryan reclined back in his chair, looking fully relaxed and filled with his usual self-confidence. “We inherited enough from Dad, and we’re happy you have the mansion.”

      “It’s a marvelous inheritance and I appreciate it.”

      “On the phone you said you’d hired Herman Tyler to do the appraisal. You have your own appraisal company now in addition to owning Weston Energy. Why hire Herman?”

      “He’s the best. I still have an offer to buy his business, merge it with mine and let him run his part, but he wants to keep it. Actually, I bought my appraisal company to try to entice Herman to run both and work for me, but he won’t sell. I keep the offer open. Ryan, as far as the house and antiques are concerned, what about Sophia?” Ryan’s half-sister was an artist. “I’d think she’d want some of the paintings.”

      “Will asked her, as well as Zach. That’s not her type of art, and, no, she doesn’t want any of it. None of us do.”

      “Even if I sell it?” Jared asked, intending to make certain no Delaney had regrets.

      “If you didn’t sell it, we would. Hear me,” Ryan said, leaning in, “we do not want the mansion or its contents.”

      Jared put up his palms. “I’ll take you at your word and drop the subject.”

      “Good. I’m riding in the Fort Worth rodeo later this month—bull riding. Are we competing again?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with devilment.

      Jared had to grin. “We’re competing, and I’m going to beat you.”

      “We’ll see on that one,” Ryan said, his lips twitching in a crooked smile. “Want to bet an extra hundred, plus a burger and a beer for the winner?”

      “You’re on,” Jared said, enjoying the friendly competition he had with Ryan.

      “I can’t wait.” Ryan tilted his head to study Jared. “You know, we’re kindred souls.”

      “We both like life on the wild side.”

      “You’re like I am—neither one of us wants to look back with regrets.”

      “Amen to that,” Jared replied. “That’s what my dad did.”

      When lunch was over, as Jared drove back to his office, he thought twice about his decision to involve Tyler Antiques and Appraisals in the Houston property. The call he had made to Mr. Tyler had not been what he had expected.

      Jared hadn’t mentioned Allison, so it had been a shock to hear from Herman that his daughter had taken over the part of the business that was conducted away from the office.

      Allison Tyler still was the one woman on the whole planet that he did not want to get involved with. His longtime friendship with her brother was important to him. Too important to jeopardize. Sloan took a dim view of all the women in Jared’s life and certainly would not want his sister to become one of them. Jared didn’t want to be hounded by a threatening, hand-wringing big brother, which Sloan would be. Sloan also still thought Jared had a daredevil streak and risked his life constantly in wild pursuits.

      His cell phone rang, and when he glanced at the caller ID, he saw it was Sloan. Feeling guilty as well as amused, he answered. “You didn’t waste time,” Jared remarked.

      “Yeah, right. I talked to Dad just now. I heard you hired him to do some work for you.”

      “That’s right. I’ve hired him before, and he does a great job.”

      “Thanks. I guess he told you that Allison will be the one to go to the site to inventory and catalog items, that sort of thing.”

      “Yes, he did.”

      “So you know why I’m calling. Women are drawn to you like ants to crumbs. And vice versa.”

      “I will not ask your sister out. Does that make you happy?” Jared said, having mixed

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