Justice is Coming. Delores Fossen

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Justice is Coming - Delores Fossen Mills & Boon Intrigue

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gave her a flat look. “You tell me.”

      Oh, mercy. She hadn’t expected Declan to blindly go along with the faked-death plan, but Eden had figured the photos would have at least convinced him that he was in danger. And not from her. But from the same person who could get her and her sisters killed the hard way.

      She walked closer to him. “Look, I don’t want to be here, and I darn sure don’t want to be involved in this mess. I have enough going on in my life—”

      “Enough going on that you could have cut a deal with someone to kill me. I’ve made enemies.”

      Yes, he had made enemies. Plenty of them. For whatever reason, maybe old baggage from his childhood, Declan volunteered to take the worst cases. Scum of the scum. And men like that didn’t forgive and forget easily. They would often try to take revenge against the lawman who’d arrested them.

      “I’m not disputing that people might want you dead,” Eden said. “But why come to me? Why involve me in this other than because you arrested my father? I think even you have to admit that’s a thin connection.”

      “Maybe.” Clearly, he wasn’t admitting that at all. He reached down, picked up her gun and shoved it into the waistband of his jeans. “Come on. You’re going to the marshals’ office with me so I can take a statement.”

      Eden held her ground when he latched on to her arm. “Someone wants to kill you.” Though she’d already made that point several times. Either he didn’t believe her at all or he was ready to risk his life and hers by walking out that door.

      “Think of my sisters,” she said, and she was ready to beg if necessary. “You know what it’s like to lose someone close to you. Don’t make my family go through that.”

      Eden didn’t see what she wanted in his eyes—any indication that he was considering what she’d just asked. But then Declan turned his gun toward the floor.

      And fired.

      The two shots blasted through the small house, the bullets tearing into the wood floor. The sound was deafening. Unnerving.

      But a relief, too.

      “Thank you,” Eden managed to say despite her suddenly bone-dry throat. “Now, for the next step. While you pretend to be dead, I’ll leave and contact one of your brothers. I’m thinking maybe Harlan McKinney.” She’d researched them all, and he seemed the most levelheaded.

      He shook his head. “I’ll call Wyatt. Harlan’s tied up with some personal stuff right now. Wedding plans,” he added in a mumble. His gaze shot back to hers. “I’ve got no intention of playing dead for long. You cooperate with Wyatt and me, and we’ll get to the bottom of this.”

      Before she could agree, Declan got in her face again. “Here’s the only warning you’ll get from me. If you’re lying about any of this, I will make you pay.”

      She nodded, knowing that this was far from over. It was just the beginning, and Eden prayed they could all get out of it alive.

      Using his left hand, Declan took out his phone from his pocket. Hopefully to call his foster brother Wyatt McCabe, but he didn’t press any buttons or numbers. Declan froze for a moment before his gaze shifted to the window.

      Eden’s heart went to her knees. “Did you hear something?”

      “Yeah.” He hooked his arm around her and shoved her behind him.

      That only made her racing heart worse, and she came up on her toes to try to look over his shoulder. She didn’t have to look far.

      Eden spotted someone beside the tree where that camera had been mounted. A man. He was peering through a scope on a rifle.

      And he had that rifle aimed right at Declan O’Malley’s house.

      Chapter Three

      Declan backed Eden deeper into the shadows and took aim out the window. The guy didn’t appear to be on the verge of shooting, but Declan didn’t want to take any chances. If this moron fired, it would be the last shot he’d ever take.

      Without moving his attention from the man with that rifle, Declan pushed the button on his phone to call his foster brother Wyatt.

      “You still at the ranch?” Declan asked the moment Wyatt answered.

      “Yeah. About to leave for work now. Why?”

      “I got a problem. Several of them, in fact.” He spared Eden a glance to make sure she wasn’t ready to do anything stupid. Her attention, too, was staked to the guy outside, and judging from her reaction, his being there wasn’t part of her plan.

      Whatever her plan was.

      Just in case her plan was to still kill him, Declan repositioned her so that she was hip to hip with him. He didn’t want her in his line of sight in case she tried to grab her Glock from his jeans.

      “A man has a rifle pointed at my house,” Declan explained to his brother. “I need you out here, but make a quiet approach from the back. I’d do it myself, but I have another unexpected visitor. This one’s inside, and it’s Zander Gray’s daughter.”

      Wyatt cursed. “What the hell’s going on?”

      “Not sure yet, but I’m about to find out.” Declan used the camera on his phone to click a picture of the guy, and he fired it off to Wyatt. “Send that to Dallas and see if we can get a hit on facial recognition. I need it fast. Oh, and if possible, keep the guy outside alive. I need to question him.”

      “I’ll try,” Wyatt assured him.

      Declan had no doubt that Wyatt would indeed try, and it shouldn’t take him long to get to Declan’s place, since the main ranch house was less than a mile away. Wyatt would hurry, too. No doubts about that.

      “You recognize that man with the rifle?” Declan asked Eden the moment he ended the call with Wyatt.

      “No.” She didn’t hesitate, either. “But I warned you that someone was likely watching.”

      Yeah, someone who wanted to make sure she murdered him.

      But there were some huge holes in her story. For instance, if someone had wanted him dead, why send a female P.I. with a goody-two-shoes voice and a body that could distract a man? A face, too.

      Maybe that was exactly why someone had sent her.

      Declan had never hurt a woman, even one that he’d butted heads with. And it could be the person behind all of this thought Eden might be able to pull the trigger before he even saw it coming.

      Declan motioned for her to take out her phone when he felt it vibrate. She pulled it out, and her breath stalled when she saw the screen.

      “The caller blocked the number,” she relayed.

      The guy with the rifle had both hands on his weapon, so he wasn’t making the call, but it could be coming from the person who’d hired this would-be triggerman and Eden, as well.


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