If the Stick Turns Pink.... Carla Cassidy

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If the Stick Turns Pink... - Carla Cassidy Mills & Boon Cherish

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believe Tanner gave up the brotherhood of bachelorhood,” Bailey said. He shook his head, then continued. “Next year I intend to suggest to the pageant committee that they choose a married man to be the judge.”

      The idea that had been germinating from the moment she’d spied Bailey naked began to blossom in Melanie’s head. “Too bad you aren’t married now. You’re not only one of the most eligible bachelors in town, but now you’re an eligible bachelor with power. A heady combination.”

      “You’re telling me,” he exclaimed. He picked up the wristwatch that was lying on the dock and eyed it. “I’ve got to get back. I’ve got a couple of animals who need to be checked on.”

      She nodded and together they got up and began the long walk down the lane toward the house in the distance. Thoughts flew through Melanie’s head…crazy thoughts.

      She tried desperately to concentrate on the scent of grass and sun-baked pasture mingling with early summer wildflowers that filled the air. She tried unsuccessfully to focus on anything but where her thoughts were taking her.

      “I know how to solve the problem of the single women of Foxrun throwing themselves at you,” she finally said, not giving herself a chance to change her mind about what she was about to suggest.

      “And what’s that?”

      “Marry me.”

      He snorted. “Yeah, right. Ruin my life because of one stinkin’ beauty pageant.”

      “Thanks a lot,” Melanie said, unable to help the small stab of pain that shot through her at his words.

      He must have heard the hurt in her voice and he stopped walking and grabbed her hands in his. Despite the fact that he had held her hands a thousand times before, this time Melanie’s heart fluttered at his touch.

      “Mellie, you know I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” he protested, his eyes as blue as the cloudless sky overhead. “And you know how I feel about marriage. Never again.” He dropped her hands and continued walking.

      Melanie hurried to catch up with him. “But this would be different,” she exclaimed. “For one thing, it wouldn’t be forever.”

      Bailey stopped walking once again and faced her, his features radiating confusion. “What are you talking about?”

      “A temporary marriage for mutual benefit.” She wondered if he had any idea how attractive he looked with his dark hair wet and slicked back to expose his firmly chiseled features.

      However, he stared at her as if she’d completely and irrevocably lost her mind. “Not that I’m even considering such insanity, but remind me again, what kind of mutual benefit this marriage would give us?”

      “For you, it would relieve some of the onslaught by overeager contestants. No woman is going to show up in your bed if you’re a married man.”

      “And what do you get out of this arrangement?”

      She hesitated a moment. “We’d stay married until after the Miss Dairy Cow pageant and…until you give me a baby.”

      “Good grief, have you lost your mind?” He turned and stalked off, and once again Melanie hurried to catch up to him.

      “It would only be a temporary marriage,” she continued. “We’d marry as friends and divorce as friends. You get a reprieve from the tiara-hungry single women in town, and I get pregnant.”

      “I don’t want to talk about this. The whole idea is insane.” They had reached her car, parked in front of the barn, and he leaned against the front fender. “Mellie, I’m not the man for the job you have in mind.”

      “Bailey, you’re the only man in my life,” she protested.

      He gazed at her with a touch of sympathy. “Honey, eventually you’ll find the perfect man for you and get married and have a houseful of babies. Just give it time.”

      “I’m running out of time,” she exclaimed. “And you know my track record when it comes to finding Mr. Right. It stinks.”

      “That’s because your standards are too high.”

      “Bailey, just think about it.” To Melanie the whole idea seemed perfect. “I want my mom to know my child before it’s too late.”

      He looked at her in alarm. “Is her cancer back?”

      “No, but there’s no guarantee it won’t come back. You know how much I’ve wanted a baby, Bailey. Please think about this. You’re my very best friend in the whole wide world. Can’t you do this one thing for me?”

      Bailey was in shock. He studied the freckled face of the woman who had been his best friend for as long as he could remember, and he felt as if he were looking at a stranger.

      “Mellie, you know after the mess with Stephanie I vowed I would never marry again,” he said.

      She waved her hands dismissively. “Stephanie was a bubble-headed social climber who wasn’t half good enough for you.”

      He grinned. “That’s one thing we agree on.” His smile faded as Melanie didn’t return it.

      “It would only be a temporary marriage,” she repeated. “And I would never ask anything of you after that. Just give me a baby and I’ll go away happy.”

      He reached out and placed a hand on the side of her face. “Mellie, you know I would do anything for you. When we were in fifth grade I beat up Harley Raymond because he called you a bad name.”

      A ghost of a smile curved her lips. “The way I recall it, Harley Raymond made mincemeat out of you.”

      He laughed. “Okay, maybe you’re right, but I took the beating for your honor. In high school I tolerated you dressing me up in a monkey suit to take you to the prom. I would do anything in the world for you…except this.” He dropped his hand.

      She shrugged and offered him the slightly crooked grin that was as familiar to Bailey as his own heartbeat. “It was just a thought,” she said.

      Bailey relaxed, feeling for the first time in several minutes as if they were back on familiar footing. “What are your plans for the evening?”

      She made a face. “I’ve got appointments until about eight, then I have to come up with final grades before the end of this week when school lets out for the summer. I’ll probably get started on them tonight. What about you?”

      “I’ll probably eat a little of one of those questionable casseroles, then call it a night early. I’ve got a neutering surgery scheduled for seven in the morning.”

      “How about a movie tomorrow night,” she suggested. Most Friday nights they spent together, either eating dinner out or going to the old theater in town.

      “Why don’t we rent one and I’ll pop popcorn and we’ll watch it here.”

      She nodded and moved to the door of her car. “Sounds good. About seven?”

      “Perfect,” he agreed,

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