Treacherous Slopes. Terri Reed

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Treacherous Slopes - Terri Reed Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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been a long time, Jules,” Nick said, drawing her attention. He held his injured arm close to his body and looked as if he were about to topple over.

      Concerned, she moved to sit next him so she could grab him if he pitched sideways. “Yes. Yes, it has.”

      “You two know each other?” Gordon asked, his gaze bouncing between them.

      “Yep. Grew up together.” Nick grinned.

      She held out her hand to Gordon. “Julie Frost, Northwest Edition.”

      Dawning realization widened Gordon’s hazel eyes. “Right.” He shook her hand. “Gordon Lewis, Nick’s manager. We spoke earlier.”

      “Nice to meet you.”

      “Northwest Edition?” Nick asked. “As in the TV show?”

      “I’ve been working there since college,” she said, which was technically true. She didn’t mention her official job title was production assistant. If all went well with the story on Nick, she’d be hosting her own segment by the end of the month.

      “So Jules, how did you get back here?”

      She grimaced guiltily as she answered Nick’s question. “The woman manning the table out there thought I was your wife.”

      His eyebrows twitched. “Not that I wouldn’t mind, but you’re a reporter. I’d never date, let alone marry, a reporter.”

      Bristling, she stared at him. “Excuse me?”

      A doctor wearing a white lab coat over ski pants entered with a wheelchair. “Mr. Walsh, a transport will be here shortly to take you to St. Charles Memorial Medical Center.” He moved to inspect Nick’s arm. “Let’s get an X-ray of your arm,” the doctor said. “In the chair, please.”

      Julie stepped back as Gordon and the doctor helped Nick into the wheelchair. The doctor rolled him out of the exam room, the big guy in black following closely behind. Julie figured he must be event security.

      She turned to Gordon. “What will happen if there is a break in his arm or the CT scan shows a brain injury?”

      “There would be no possibility of competing in the upcoming winter games.” Gordon ran a hand through his hair, clearly freaked out by Nick’s close call. “I can’t believe this is happening. We’re so close.”

      “It’s been a hard year for Nick,” Julie stated quietly.

      His weary gaze met hers. “For us all, Ms. Frost.”

      “If Nick is knocked out of the running for a spot on the U.S. ski team, who do you think the committee would choose?”

      Gordon shrugged. “There are thirteen skiers from the B and C teams ready and willing to step into his place on the A team, including the two skiers who were just here. And more behind them that would jump at the chance to be invited to join the U.S. ski team.”

      Julie ached for Nick. She could only imagine how devastated he’d be if an injury this close to the games took him out of the competition.

      “I take it you didn’t tell him about the interview,” she said, still smarting by Nick’s comment that he wouldn’t date or marry a reporter. Not that she wanted to date him—or marry him—but still...

      Gordon winced. “I didn’t have time. But I will, once we know he’s okay.”

      She let out a dry scoff. “I get the distinct impression he won’t be pleased.”

      “Probably not, but he’ll do it. I’ll make sure of it.”

      “What does he have against reporters?”

      Gordon sighed. “After the way the media smeared Cody’s reputation with nasty accusations about drugs and alcohol usage causing his death, Nick’s not too trusting of the press.”

      A twinge of unease twisted her tummy.

      She hadn’t believed the reports of drug use leading to the accident that took Cody’s life and had thought the media storm had been unfair to a man who wasn’t there to defend himself.

      It was important she convince Nick not to paint her with the same brush. Her promotion, her career, rode on his cooperation.

      But did she have the skills necessary to succeed?


      The doctor returned without Nick. Julie’s heart leaped to her throat. “Is Nick okay?”

      Nodding, the doctor said, “There’s no fracture. Only a bruise, but that will heal over time. The transport’s here. The ski patrol is getting him onboard. Are either of you going with him?”

      “I am,” Gordon stated.

      Seeing an opportunity for a moment alone with Nick to pursue her story, Julie tapped Gordon on the shoulder. “Your other skiers need you.”

      Gordon hesitated, clearly torn between his duty to Nick and his duty to his other clients.

      “I’ll go with Nick,” she offered. “You come to the hospital as soon as you can. There’s nothing you can do for him right now anyway. Right?”

      Clearly relieved, Gordon said, “I’d appreciate it. I’ll okay it with the EMTs. If Nick gives you any hassle, you tell him I said don’t.”

      After hastily explaining to Bob where she was going and having his assurance he’d follow in the news van, Julie rushed to the ambulance. Since Nick wasn’t critical, only one EMT was present for the drive to the hospital. She climbed into the bay of the ambulance and sat on the metal bench.

      The big guy in black stopped in the doorway. “Hey, what are you doing?”

      Nick lay on the gurney. He blinked at her. “Yeah, what are you doing?”

      “Filling in for Gordon. He needs to stay for your buddies.” She directed her answer to Nick rather than to the security guard.

      “Mr. Walsh?” Big guy’s tone held a note of displeasure.

      “It’s fine. Sit up front, Ted.”

      Ted gave her a censuring look before closing the back bay doors.

      “Why is event security going to the hospital with you?” Julie asked.

      “He’s not with the event. He’s my personal security,” Nick answered.

      Her interest piqued, she asked, “Personal security? Like a bodyguard?”

      “Yes. Lots of athletes hire personal protection. Fans, you know.” He slanted her a glance. “I’m sure he’s not happy with you back here.”

      “You don’t need to worry, I won’t bite,” Julie teased.

      One corner of Nick’s mouth twitched. “I might.”


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