Ready, Set, I Do!. Cindy Kirk

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Ready, Set, I Do! - Cindy Kirk Mills & Boon Cherish

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pulled his car to a stop in front of the sprawling ranch home and decided he’d answer his father’s questions honestly but not bring up the matter first. Barely noticing the beds of flowers in full bloom flanking the walkway, Winn stepped to the front door and knocked.

      He’d been told many times there was no need for such formality, but walking unannounced into a home that wasn’t his didn’t feel right.

      After a few moments, Elena Hernandez, his father’s housekeeper, opened the door with a welcoming smile. Though she was close to his dad’s age, the jet-black hair pulled back in a twist didn’t show the slightest hint of gray. Today, she wore dark tailored pants and a crisp white shirt.

      Winn wondered if the outfit was her idea or his father’s. Regardless, she must not have an issue with the new uniform. From what Winn observed, Elena had a way of getting her way without the old man realizing it. That talent alone made Winn admire and respect her.

      “It’s nice to see you, Mr. Ferris.”

      “Good morning—ah—afternoon, Elena.” Winn glanced around the entryway with its beamed ceilings and travertine, stucco walls.

      Normally by this time his father would be bellowing how he was late, even if Winn was early. But the house stood quiet, with only the soft swish from a ceiling fan and a faint, sultry salsa beat that appeared to be coming from the kitchen.

      Winn lifted a brow and Elena flushed. “Mr. Ferris did not mention he was expecting visitors.”

      “This place needs a little music.”

      Relief washed over Elena’s face.

      “Is he in his office?”

      “I’m afraid your father isn’t here.”

      The meeting time had only been set last night. Winn pulled his brows together. “Where is he?”

      “In Idaho Falls, I believe. A business meeting.”

      Winn fought a stab of temper. The old man could have at least called or texted the change in plans.

      “The meeting was last-minute,” Elena confided. “A red-hot deal.”

      Winn couldn’t help it. The wry amusement in her eyes when she drawled the words made him laugh.

      “May I offer you lunch?”

      “No, I—”

      “I made chicken escabeche.”

      The look in Elena’s eyes told him she’d filed the fact that the cold Mediterranean salad was one of his favorites from the time he’d lived at the ranch.

      When Winn had first arrived in Jackson Hole, he’d planned to stay only a few weeks. Living at the ranch seemed to make sense. It hadn’t taken Winn long to realize he and his dad did better with lots of distance between them.

      “Mr. Ferris?” Elena waited with a smile on her lips.

      “I’m definitely staying for lunch.”

      Elena started out of the room then paused in the doorway.” Would you prefer to eat in the dining room or on the terrace?”

      “The terrace.” Winn pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’d like a glass of iced tea, too, please.”

      “Yes, sir. Right away.”

      Winn made his way to the flagstone terrace shaded by tall, leafy trees. He chose one of the comfortable chairs positioned strategically around a counter-high fire pit.

      While he waited for his lunch, Winn made quick calls to city hall and let several high-placed officials know just how unhappy he was with the latest round of delays.

      He turned at the sound of the French doors opening. Elena stepped out with a cut-crystal glass filled with ice and what he hoped was unsweetened tea.

      “Lots of ice, just as you like.” The housekeeper placed the glass on the side table next to his chair. “Your lunch will be right out.”

      “No rush.” Winn lifted the hand holding the phone. “I have calls to return.”

      “You and your father.” Elena clucked her tongue. “Always working.”

      “What else is there?” he said automatically.

      Elena opened her mouth then closed it and only smiled.

      It was obvious she didn’t understand the drive he and his father shared. But then, not many did. Elena probably thought his emphasis should be on home and family rather than business. But that road could be a rocky one.

      He thought of the look in Hailey’s eyes when he told her he’d seen Josh with another woman. And the unmistakable pain on her face when she relayed how the creep had been using her to get close to Tripp.

      He thought of Vanessa, a woman he once thought he might love. She was a kindergarten teacher with a girl-next-door persona and zest for life. In some ways, she reminded him of Hailey. But just as Hailey had discovered that Josh couldn’t be trusted, he’d learned the bubbly Vanessa was a liar and a cheat.

      Winn raked his hand through his hair, forcing air past the sudden tightness in his chest. He hated that Josh’s cheating on Hailey had caused him to think about Vanessa and her fiancé. He preferred to keep thoughts of that time in the back of his mind, locked tight in a rarely opened file cabinet.

      Winn heard the doorbell chime and straightened. It appeared he wasn’t the only visitor his father stood up today.

      “Come in, Miss Hailey.” Elena’s voice radiated welcome. The women spoke in lowered tones for several seconds. Other than the initial greeting, he’s in the barn were the only words Winn made out.

      Curious as to who was the mysterious “he” Hailey had come to see, Winn pulled to his feet.

      He reached the foyer and found Elena trying to convince the pretty blonde, still wearing the hot-pink hoodie, to stay for lunch.

      “Thanks for the offer,” Hailey told the housekeeper, “but my parents are expecting me and—”

      Hailey’s eyes widened when she saw him. “Winn. I didn’t realize you were here.”

      He smiled quizzically. “My car is parked out front. Didn’t you see it?”

      “I saw a sedan in the driveway. I thought it was your father’s.”

      Winn winced. He loved the S550, but was going to have to see about exchanging it for a sportier model. Driving an old man’s car didn’t fit the image he wanted to project. After putting a new vehicle on his mental list for tomorrow, Winn refocused on Hailey.

      “Reconsider Elena’s offer and join me for lunch,” he said with an easy smile, leaning against the doorjamb. “Did she mention we’re having chicken escabeche? I bet she could also scare up a glass of sangria for you.”

      “I don’t think—”


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