Lured by the Rich Rancher. Kathie DeNosky

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Lured by the Rich Rancher - Kathie DeNosky Mills & Boon Desire

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to agree to be part of the advertising was stay at the ranch for a week or so, she’d do it. She had a job promotion riding on the outcome of this project and she wasn’t about to lose the opportunity.

      “Nice try, sweetheart.” His low chuckle seemed to vibrate straight through her. “I didn’t say I would agree to anything if you came to the ranch. I said we’d talk.”

      Staring at him across the worn Formica table, Fee knew that she didn’t have a lot of choices. She could either agree to go home with him and try to convince him to represent the Lassiters or start looking for another spokesman.

      She took a deep breath. “All right, cowboy. I’ll stay with you at the Big Blue. But only on one condition. You have to promise that you’ll keep an open mind and give me a fair chance to change it.”

      “Only if you’ll respect my decision and drop the matter if I choose not to do it,” he said, extending his hand to shake on their deal.

      “Then I would say we have an agreement,” she said, extending her hand, as well.

      The moment her palm touched his an exciting little shiver slid up her spine and Fee couldn’t help but wonder what she had gotten herself into. Chance Lassiter was not only the best choice for redeeming his family in the eyes of the public, he was the only man in a very long time to remind her of the amazing differences between a man and a woman.

      Why that thought sent a feeling of anticipation coursing through her at the speed of light, she had no idea. She wasn’t interested in being distracted by him or any other man. She had a job to do and a career to build and protect. As long as she kept things in perspective and focused on her goal of putting together a campaign that would redeem the Lassiters for any and all transgressions, she would be just fine.

      * * *

      The following morning, Fee had just put the finishing touches on preparing brunch when the doorbell rang, signaling her guest had arrived. “You have perfect timing,” she said, opening the door to welcome Colleen Faulkner. “I just took the scones out of the oven.”

      “I’m glad you called and asked me over.” Colleen smiled. “Sage is out of town for the day and I can definitely use a break from all of the wedding plans.”

      “Have you set a date yet?” Fee asked as she led the way down the hall to the kitchen.

      “No.” Seating herself at the table in the breakfast nook, Colleen paused a moment before she continued, “Sage is hoping if we wait a bit, things will settle down with Angelica.”

      Pouring them each a cup of coffee, Fee set the mugs on the polished surface and sat down on the opposite side of the small table. “When I saw her at the wedding the other night, I could tell she’s still extremely frustrated with the situation. Has she given up the idea of contesting her father’s will?” Fee asked gently.

      She didn’t want to pry, but it was no secret that Angelica Lassiter and the rest of the family were still at odds, nor was there any mystery why. The young woman wanted to break the will and regain control of Lassiter Media, while the rest of the family were reluctant to go against J.D.’s last wishes or bring into question the other terms of the will and what they had inherited.

      “I don’t think she’s going to give up anytime soon,” Colleen admitted, shaking her head. “Angelica is still questioning her father’s motives and how much influence Evan McCain had in J.D.’s decision to take control of Lassiter Media away from her.” Colleen gave Fee a pointed look. “But J.D. had his reasons and believe me, he knew what he was doing.”

      Fee had no doubt that Colleen knew why J. D. Lassiter had divided his estate the way he had—leaving his only daughter with practically no interest in Lassiter Media. Colleen had been his private nurse for some time before his death and she and J.D. had become good friends. He had apparently trusted Colleen implicitly, and with good reason. To Fee’s knowledge, Colleen hadn’t revealed what she knew about the matter to anyone.

      “I just hope that I’m able to turn public opinion around on the matter,” Fee said, dishing up the breakfast casserole and crisp bacon she had made for their brunch. “The Lassiters have for the most part been known as a fairly close, happy family and that image has taken its share of hits lately.” She didn’t want to mention that Sage had distanced himself from J.D. sometime before the older Lassiter died or that they had never really resolved the estrangement. It was none of her business, nor did it have anything to do with her ad campaign.

      “The tabloids are having a field day with all this,” Colleen agreed. They were silent for several long moments before she spoke again. “I’m a very private person and I’m not overly thrilled by the idea, but if you can use our wedding plans in some way to shift the focus away from whatever legal action Angelica is planning, I suppose it would be all right.”

      Taken by surprise at such a generous offer, Fee gave the pretty nurse a grateful smile. “Thank you, Colleen. But I know how intrusive that would be for you and Sage during a very special time in your lives.”

      “If it will help the Lassiters, I’ll adjust,” Colleen answered, looking sincere. “I love this family. They’re very good people and they’ve welcomed me with open arms. I want to help them in any way I can.”

      Smiling, Fee nodded. “I can understand. But I think—at least I hope—I’ve found the perfect angle for my campaign and won’t have to use your wedding.”

      “Really?” Colleen looked relieved. “May I ask what you’re planning?”

      As she explained some of her ideas for the videos and print ads featuring Chance as the family spokesman, Fee sighed. “But he’s not overly happy about being in front of the camera. In fact, he’s invited me to stay at the Big Blue for the next two weeks to prove to me that he’s completely unsuitable.”

      Colleen grinned. “And I’m assuming you’re going to use that time to convince him the exact opposite is true.”

      “Absolutely,” Fee said, laughing. “He has no idea how persistent I can be when I know I’m right.”

      “Well, I wish you the best of luck with that,” Colleen said, reaching for a scone. “I’ve heard Sage mention how stubborn Chance could be when they were kids.”

      Fee grinned. “Then I’d say he’s met his match because once I’ve made up my mind I don’t give up.”

      “The next couple of weeks should be very interesting on the Big Blue ranch,” Colleen said, laughing. “What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall when the two of you butt heads.”

      “I’m not only hoping to have his agreement within a week, I’d like to get a photographer to start taking still shots for the first print ads,” Fee confided in her new friend. “Most of those will start running by the end of the month.”

      “It sounds like you have things under control.” Colleen took a sip of her coffee. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get Chance to go along with all of it.”

      “Thanks,” Fee said, nibbling on her scone.

      She didn’t tell Colleen, but she had to get him on board. Her entire campaign was based on him and his down-to-earth cowboy persona. The Lassiter family had been ranching in Wyoming for years before Lassiter Media became the communications giant it was today. Besides the down-to-earth appeal of a cowboy, it just made sense to capitalize

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