Seduced by the Heir. Pamela Yaye

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Seduced by the Heir - Pamela Yaye Mills & Boon Kimani

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Rafael said, keeping his tone light, casual. The thought of spending the day with Paris appealed to him, but he didn’t confess the truth. If his best friend knew he was feeling something for her—even just a little—he’d blab to Cassandra, and Rafael didn’t want anyone to know he was interested in hooking up with his former flame. “My meeting has been pushed back to Monday, and I have nothing planned tomorrow.”

      “That’s great. Now you’ll have time to romance Paris!”

      Rafael scoffed at the suggestion. Ever since Stefano had proposed to Cassandra he seemed hell-bent on hooking him up with one of her single friends. And when he wasn’t playing matchmaker he was bragging about his lady love. Stefano couldn’t go five minutes without talking about how great she was, and listening to his buddy gush about his bride-to-be made Rafael feel lonelier than ever.

      First my best friend finds love, and then my brothers, he thought, releasing a deep sigh. Coming to Venice was a bad idea. All this love and happiness is sickening.

      “I’ll meet you on the tennis court at 7:00 a.m.,” Stefano said, as they exited the media room. “Don’t be late, or I’ll send Julietta to come get you.”

      “You better not, or you’ll be sporting a black eye on your wedding day.”

      Chuckling good-naturedly they strode down the hall and climbed the staircase.

      “Good night, man.”

      “Try not to snore,” Rafael teased, clapping his friend on the back. “I’m a light sleeper, and I need my rest so I can whip you in straight sets tomorrow.”

      “Keep dreaming, pretty boy, it’s not going to happen!”

      Seconds later, Rafael opened his bedroom door, flipped on the lights and kicked off his shoes. The first thing he noticed was Julietta—sitting on the king-size bed in a flimsy lace negligee.

      “I can’t sleep,” she stated. Her eyes were as wide and as innocent as Bambi’s, but the mischievous expression on her tanned face told another story.

      “What are you doing here?” Rafael retorted.

      “I came to see you,” she purred, flinging the blanket aside and hopping to her feet. Meeting his gaze head-on, she stalked toward him like a jaguar prowling the jungle for fresh meat. “Let’s get down and dirty. I have wine, and more toys than a dominatrix!”

      “I’m not interested.”

      “Then I’ll just have to change your mind.” Julietta reached for his belt buckle, but Rafael grabbed her hands. “What are you doing? Don’t you want to have a good time?”

      “It’s late, and I have work to do.”

      “You don’t want me to stay?”

      “No, sorry, I don’t.”

      Her smile fell away, and a sneer stained her glossy red lips. “I don’t need this crap. I’m superpopular here, and there are plenty of guys who’d kill to be with me,” she argued, propping her hands on her wide, full hips. “I was the third runner up in last year’s Miss Italia contest, and I have more Twitter followers than the Dalai Lama....”

      To end her rant, Rafael opened the bedroom door. “Good night, Julietta. Sleep well.”

      “If you change your mind, which I know you will, I’ll be skinny-dipping in the pool.”

      Rafael watched the blue-eyed temptress slink down the staircase, convinced that things couldn’t get any worse. But as he turned away, he spotted Paris standing at the other end of the hall, staring at him. He wanted to tell her about what didn’t happen with Julietta, but he could tell by the malevolent glare on Paris’s face that she thought he was the scum of the earth. But he had to say something, had to defend himself. Before Rafael could utter a word she marched into her bedroom and slammed the door.

       Chapter 4

      On Friday morning downtown Venice was clogged with noisy tourists, and flamboyant street performers hoping to make a quick buck, but Rafael couldn’t keep his eyes off Paris. Standing in the middle of the world-famous Piazza San Marco was a mind-blowing experience, one that should have been captivating enough to hold his attention, but it didn’t. Not with Paris around.

      She looks like an angel, Rafael thought, admiring her on the sly. Her oversize sunglasses gave her a youthful air, her crimson lips held a dazzling smile and her sleeveless white dress played up her pear-shaped figure.

      Yeah, a naughty angel you’d love to see naked, his conscience taunted. Quit gawking at her. You’re better than that. You’re a Morretti, remember?

      But Rafael didn’t turn away. He lacked the willpower and fortitude it required. Paris was dressed to kill, and her traffic-stopping curves made him hot under the collar and below the belt. Diamonds dangled from her ears, neck and wrists, and her ankle bracelet drew his gaze down her long legs time and time again.

      “The Piazza San Marcos is one of the most beautiful places in Italy, and people travel from far and wide to admire the magnificent works of Antonio Canova, Giovanni Bellini and Vittore Carpaccio.”

      Rafael tore his gaze away from Paris, and turned his attention to the middle-aged tour guide with the receding hairline. He tried to listen to what Mr. Esposito was saying, but all he could think about was kissing Paris with all the passion coursing through his veins. He wouldn’t act on his feelings, knew better than to make a move on her in public, but dammit if he didn’t want to.

      That morning at breakfast he’d scored a seat beside her. But unfortunately Paris had spent more time chatting with the other groomsmen than talking to him. And when they did speak their conversation was plagued with tension and awkward silences. No matter, Rafael told himself. He wasn’t giving up. They’d had something special once, and he liked the idea of having a holiday fling with Paris in his beloved hometown. In fact, he couldn’t think of a better way to kick off the New Year. He was determined to connect with his old college sweetheart and nothing was going to stop him.

      Raising his water bottle to his lips, he took a long, refreshing drink. The sky was clear, the breeze thick and the air was filled with the scent of sweet-smelling flowers. People were everywhere—snapping pictures, feeding the pigeons, wandering the cobblestone streets and pushing and shoving like kids waiting in line at the water fountain. As Rafael moped the sweat from his brow he decided he’d had enough excitement for one day.

      He choked down more water. After hours of walking from one ancient monument to the next, he was ready to head back to the villa for some R & R. He’d been up since dawn, and after working on his presentation, he’d played tennis with Stefano and swam in the heated pool.

      Checking his gold wristwatch, Rafael was surprised to see that it was midday. After lunch, the group was heading over to the fashion district. He had no desire to go shopping, and had better things to do with his time, but knew it was a bad idea to ditch the group. If he did, one of the other groomsmen would make a move on Paris, and there was no way in hell Rafael was letting that happen. He’d have to suck it up, and bide his time.

      “Are we going on a gondola ride today?” asked one of Stefano’s short, plump aunts.


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