Lights, Action...Family!. Patricia Thayer

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Lights, Action...Family! - Patricia Thayer Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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at the table playing with her new doll. Emily knocked, then opened the door.

      “Hi, Sophie.”

      “Emily.” The little girl stood up. All ready for bed, the child was wearing pink pajamas, her damp hair in ringlets.

      Emily’s heart tightened. “I brought you some towels and sheets.” Just then she heard running water in the other room. Well, she wasn’t about to interrupt the man’s privacy to give him a towel.

      She glanced around the ranch hand’s new quarters that Shane had built this past spring. The efficient kitchen had a stainless-steel stove, an oversize refrigerator and a long table that could seat twenty men. On either side of the room a hallway led to the two bedrooms. She knew that the large bathroom was designed in two sections with several walk-in shower stalls, separate from the sinks and toilets. She didn’t want to think about the naked man now using one of the stalls, or the water spraying over his muscular body.

      She quickly shook away the image and turned her focus to the table holding a cooler and groceries. “Did you eat?”

      Sophie nodded.

      Emily saw the carton milk and loaf of bread. Why didn’t they just come to the house and have pot roast? No. That wasn’t her business.

      “Hey, how about I make up your bed? Where are you sleeping?”

      The child motioned for her to follow as she walked into the nearest bedroom where five single bunks lined both sides of the long walls. The first two had sleeping bags opened on top of the new mattresses.

      “I think I can make you a little more comfortable. Emily pulled off one nylon bag and spread out the sheet.

      “You want to help me?” Sophie came over, and with some instruction, she tucked in the corners. Of course it wasn’t as good as could be, but the child was obviously proud of her handiwork. With one bed made, Emily started on the other. Maybe if she hurried she’d be finished before Reece returned. Suddenly she glanced up and saw the man in the doorway, leaning lazily against the frame. Too late.

      No fantasy she’d ever had came close to the real thing. The real thing was six foot two inches of pure male standing there in a pair of worn jeans and nothing else. His broad shoulders and well developed chest were bare and damp.

      “Unca Reece,” Sophie called out. “I made my bed.”

      “You sure did,” he acknowledged never taking those sable eyes off Emily.

      “Emily helped me,” she said.

      “I can see that,” he told her. “You just seem to show up everywhere.”

      Emily felt heat flood her face. “Tori wanted to make sure you had enough bedding. I brought towels, but I can see you didn’t need them.”

      “We made do, but thanks.” He went to the other side of the bed and began to tuck in the sheet, careful to make sure that Sophie was able to help. “We’re leaving in the morning and heading back to L.A.”

      “But the movie… Have you heard anything from Jason?”

      She shook her head. “I’ve called, but he’s been in meetings all day.”

      “I’m getting the same message. If I didn’t have Sophie it wouldn’t matter. But I need to provide her with a stable environment. Her caseworker wasn’t crazy about me bringing her on location as it was.”

      Emily realized she didn’t want to see them go, but knew the child had to come first. “What will Jason do about a stuntman?”

      “It’s not a problem to replace me. The stunts are pretty simple. A good horseman should be able to handle them. Even Camden Peters.”

      Emily shook her head. “It’s stipulated in his contract that he doesn’t do stunts.”

      Reece’s face split into a grin and her breath caught. “I guess he’s afraid to take any chances.”

      “I don’t care. We’re lucky to get him for the part.”

      Reece had worked with Camden Peters once before. The man was demanding and used his star power to get special treatment. “I’d say he’s the lucky one to have a chance at such a great part.”

      Emily didn’t know why, but this man’s praise meant a lot to her. “Thank you.” Her gaze lowered to see a series of faint scars across his chest. “Is that from one of your stunts?”

      He didn’t look down. “No, they’re from my rodeo days,” he said. “I guess I’m lucky I don’t have to take off my shirt for my part in the film.” There was a twinkle in his eye.

      She swallowed. “I imagine my ancestors got a few scars settling this land. You’d look perfect, scars and all.”

      His mouth twitched in amusement. “I’ll take that as a compliment. But stuntmen get paid for their ability to make the actors look good. No one sees my face.”

      Oh, that was a shame. He wasn’t pretty-boy handsome, but he had rugged good looks. Deep-set eyes that pierced right through you, a sharp jawline and a chin that displayed a deep cleft. But it was his mouth and a full bottom lip that, for the second time, made her wonder how it would feel against hers. Heat surged through her and she shook away the direction of her thoughts. “Well, I guess I should get back,” she said, realizing she was getting too up close and personal with the man.

      “Thanks for the sheets and towels.”

      “You’re welcome.” When she headed toward the door, he followed her. She reached for the doorknob and he did the same. Warmth shot up her arm and she jerked away just as Sophie came running to her, but stopped short and stood by her uncle’s side.

      Emily knelt down to the child’s level. “You get some sleep. Sweet dreams.”

      Emily moved to the door, but made the mistake to look over her shoulder to see the two. Just leave and don’t get any more involved. But it was too late.

      She found herself saying, “I think I know a place you could live during the filming. My mother has a small apartment over the garage.”

      Reece McKellen’s expression didn’t change except for a slight rise of his eyebrow. Emily decided that was probably the most emotion he showed people. Well, that was just fine, especially since she’d see him nearly every day for the next few months. They would be working together.

      “Are you interested?”

      His dark eyes pierced hers. “I’m very interested.”

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