Marriage, Bravo Style!. Christine Rimmer

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Marriage, Bravo Style! - Christine Rimmer Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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chuckled. “You really liked him.”

      She might play coy with someone else. But never with Mercy. “Yeah. I really did.”

      “Did he ask you out?”

      I wish. “Oh, come on. I just met him.”

      “Well. Did he like you, too?”

      If you can’t tell the truth to your own sister, who can you tell it to? Plus, Mercy wouldn’t say a word to anyone else. When it came to romance, the two of them had a longstanding vow to keep each other’s confidences. “I think he did like me. Yeah.”

      “Come to dinner at the ranch Sunday,” Mercy said—out of nowhere, it seemed to Elena. By “the ranch,” Mercy meant the Bravo family ranch, Bravo Ridge, which was a little ways out of town going north, on the southern edge of the Hill Country. Once Bravo Ridge had belonged to the Cabreras. But back in the 1950s, James Bravo had won it off Emilio Cabrera in a horse race, setting off decades of feuding between the families.

      The feud was over now.

      More or less.

      And Mercy, Luke and little Lucas lived at Bravo Ridge together. Luke ran the place. And just about every Sunday they had a big family dinner there. Davis Bravo—who was the oldest son of James—and his wife, Aleta, had had nine children. The siblings and their families tried to show up for Sunday dinner at the ranch at least every couple of months or so.

      “Now, there’s my idea of a great time,” Elena said wryly. “Easter Sunday dinner with the sperm donor and family.”

      “You’ve got to quit calling him that,” Mercy chided.

      Elena laughed. “I always call him that. And you always tell me I have to stop.”

      “You need to make peace with him.”

      “Mercy, I don’t care if you are my big sister. Don’t lecture me, okay?”

      “He is your father.”

      “Papi is my father. And can we not have this argument again, please?”

      “You’ve forgiven Mom,” Mercy prodded reproachfully. Lately, she was getting like a dog with a favorite bone on this subject. She just wouldn’t let go. “And think about it…”

      “I’d rather not.”

      Mercy kept after her anyway. “Mami did worse than Davis. Davis confessed to Aleta that he’d had an affair. And he never even knew you were his daughter for all those years. Why can’t you forgive him?”

      “Mom is…my mother.”

      “And Davis is—”

      “Uh-uh. Don’t say it again. Just let it be. I mean it. Please?”

      Mercy drew in an audible breath and blew it out hard. “All right. I’m done. At least for now—but say you’ll come to Sunday dinner.”

      With waning patience, Elena reminded her, “I thought you just said you were done.”

      “I am. I’m not asking you to come for Davis’s sake. I’m asking because Caleb and Irina are coming. And Mr. Irish Eyes is staying with them….”

      Rogan was staying with Caleb and Irina.

      And he would be at the ranch on Sunday.

      Elena’s heart rate accelerated and she felt slightly breathless.

      Stunned, she put a hand against her chest. How lovely, to simply think of a certain man and get that rising feeling inside.

      At last.

      She asked, sounding as breathless as she felt, “He’s coming to dinner Sunday? Why didn’t you tell me?”

      Mercy chuckled. “You didn’t give me a chance. You started right in about Davis. So. You’ll come?”

      Elena considered the pros and cons. Getting to see Rogan again versus having to be around the sperm donor. It took her about half a second to make her choice. “Fine. I’m there.”

      She’d barely hung up from talking to Mercy when Caleb called.

      Her favorite brother asked, “How about dinner tomorrow night, at my house?”

      Her heart was getting a workout. Now, it did a happy dance. Rogan was staying with Caleb, so he would most likely be there for dinner tomorrow.

      Another chance to see him. She grinned like an idiot. Why shouldn’t she grin? No one was watching. “Love to,” she said.

      “You’re so easy,” Caleb teased.

      “Well, I do like your wife a lot. And I’m willing to put up with you.”

      “I was afraid you maybe had a date with Antonio.”

      “Uh, no. Antonio and I have decided to…move on.”

      Caleb was a salesman by nature and by trade, the top producer at BravoCorp, the family company. He usually knew just the right thing to say. This situation was no exception. He went directly to the assumption that it must have been Elena who had done the dumping. “Poor guy. I hope you let him down easy.”

      “I think he’s going to survive the breakup,” she said wryly.

      Gently, her brother asked, “And you?”

      “Antonio? Never heard of him.”

      “That’s the spirit.”

      “So about tomorrow night. Will it just be the three of us?” To her brother, she was giving nothing away. Not at this point, anyway. She would trust Caleb with her life. But this attraction to Rogan, well, it was too new to go broadcasting it to the whole family.

      Caleb told her what she’d been longing to hear. “Rogan will be here, too. He’s staying with us. You know, your dad’s potential buyer? He says he met you today.”

      “Oh, yes. Rogan,” she replied in a purposely neutral tone. Did he say anything about me? she longed to ask. But she didn’t. “I liked him.”

      “He liked you, too. He says you’re charming. And gorgeous.”

      Her pulse sped up again and her heart seemed to expand inside her chest, a sensation that somehow contained equal parts pain and pleasure. “Those Irish. Always with the flattery.”

      “Well, you are charming and gorgeous.”

      “I love absolute loyalty in a brother.”

      “I told him he was allowed to ask you out. But he’d better treat you right or he’d be dealing with me.”

      She groaned. “Oh, God. Caleb, you didn’t.”

      He laughed. “Okay, I didn’t. I only thought it.”


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