The Texan's Cowgirl Bride. Trish Milburn

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The Texan's Cowgirl Bride - Trish  Milburn Texas Rodeo Barons

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style="font-size:15px;">      Though she felt as if she’d been dropped off the top of a building, she managed to exit the arena under her own power, if a bit slowly. When the crowd started cheering, she gingerly raised her right hand in acknowledgment. Again, even in the midst of her pain, she wondered if Travis was among them or if he’d gone home after meeting up with Hailey and Rita.

      Part of her hoped he’d left. This wasn’t exactly her finest moment.

      As she exited the arena, Abby was there to meet her. “Damn, girl, you scared me half to death.”

      “Can’t say I want to repeat it myself.”

      The paramedic tried to guide her toward the ambulance.

      “I don’t need to ride in the ambulance. Someone else might need it more. I’ll just drive to the hospital.”

      “You really shouldn’t be driving, not until you’re fully checked out.”

      “I’ll take her,” Abby said as they reached the back end of the livestock pens.

      “No, I need you to take care of Bluebell, make sure she’s okay.”

      “You heard what the man said,” Abby protested. “You took a nasty fall, and you don’t need to drive until we see if your brain got knocked loose.”

      “I can take her.”

      They looked toward the sound of the male voice. Yep, Travis Shepard stood just beyond the pens. Well, she guessed that answered her question of whether he’d left.

      Savannah’s heart rate kicked up a couple of notches.

      “That’s not necessary.”

      “But it’s going to happen anyway.” Instead of the boy she’d known, he sounded every inch the army man he’d once been, brooking no argument.

      Honestly, she didn’t want to argue. She wanted to get the trip to the hospital over with so she could take a hot shower and lie down.

      She nodded. “Thank you.” Then she shifted her gaze toward where the vet was examining Bluebell.

      “Don’t worry,” Abby said. “We’ll take good care of her. You just take care of yourself. And if you need me, call.”

      Abby nodded then allowed Travis to take her arm to steady her as he guided her out into the field of parked vehicles.

      “Sorry to bother you like this,” she said.

      “It’s no bother. What are old friends for?”

      “But you don’t get to see the rest of the rodeo.”

      “Savannah, I’ve been to more rodeos than I can count. And I saw everything I was interested in at this one anyway.”

      She told herself that he was simply referring to Hailey’s ride on the sheep, but a part of her that she fully blamed Abby for wondered if he might be including her in his statement, as well. If so, he was probably mighty disappointed at the moment.

      When they reached his SUV, he opened the passenger door and helped her climb in. She winced against the pain, unable to hide it. Once she was seated, she let her head drop back and took a deep breath. But when she felt Travis’s hands move close, she jerked upright, causing fresh pain to slice through her.

      Travis placed his palm against her shoulder. “Hey, careful. I’m just getting the seat belt.”

      She felt like a fool for her overreaction, but he simply went about pulling the seat belt across her torso and fastening it, acting as if he hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. She wanted to thank him for that but didn’t want to draw any more attention to the fact that he made her jumpy.

      Honestly, she didn’t know why he made her so on edge. They’d known each other for years, even if they hadn’t spoken for the past several.

      She imagined a miniature version of herself sitting on her shoulder shaking her head. “Of course you know why,” her tiny clone said. “He’s as hot as a barbecue on the Fourth of July, and you haven’t had a real date in way too long.”

      Savannah closed her eyes, trying to shove the words away. She hoped Travis chalked it up to her being in pain, and not anything to do with his nearness. She suddenly wished she could snap her fingers and transport herself back to the safety and solitude of her apartment above the Peach Pit. There she didn’t have to deal with physical pain and a jittery, most unexpected attraction that had thrown her for a loop.

      In the distance, she heard the rodeo announcer call the name of the first bull riding contestant followed by enthusiastic cheers from the crowd. Bull riding always came last because it was the most popular of the rodeo events. Normally, she’d be sitting in the stands, too, chomping down on a cheeseburger. Now all she could think about was not breathing too deeply and the fact that she was being hauled to the hospital by a guy who made her heart beat way faster than average. This was not how she’d envisioned her night going.

      She grunted as he eased his vehicle out of the field.

      “Sorry. I’m being as careful as I can,” he said.

      “I know.” Still, she was grateful when he pulled out onto smoother pavement.

      “If it makes you feel any better, you were looking good to beat Abby’s time before the slip.”

      She opened one eye as she rolled her head toward him. “Not really.”

      He smiled, and her heart gave an extra thump as if she didn’t already know that Travis Shepard was a very good-looking man.

      “What happened?”

      “Just lost my concentration for a split second. That’s all it takes.” She just hoped that the momentary lapse hadn’t cost her Bluebell. Sure, the horse had walked out of the arena, but Savannah wouldn’t rest easy until the veterinarian gave her mare a clean bill of health. To be such powerful animals, horses were also fragile, more so than even their human riders.

      It didn’t take long to reach the hospital, but Savannah felt every bump on the way. The pain ricocheted through her body each time the truck hit one.

      She didn’t move, not even when Travis came around to her side of the vehicle and opened the door.

      “Can’t I just sit here for the rest of the night?”

      “I’d guess they’re not going to wheel the X-ray machine out to the parking lot.”

      “Well, that’s mighty inconsiderate of them.”

      Travis chuckled then reached across her to unbuckle her seat belt. Thankfully, this time she didn’t jump at his close proximity. Maybe her brain was finally remembering she wasn’t normally so jumpy around men. She was a grown woman who was around guys all the time—farm workers, her brothers, rodeo cowboys.

      But none of them came to her rescue like a knight in shining armor, did they?

      Oh, for Pete’s sake, he’d driven her to the hospital. Any decent human being would

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