Twelve Days Of Pleasure. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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Twelve Days Of Pleasure - Deborah Fletcher Mello Mills & Boon Kimani

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the side?”

      She nodded. “I think the color’s more eggshell than cream.”

      Kendrick gave her a daft look as a pregnant pause swept between them. He blinked, batting his thick lashes at her.

      Maitlyn chuckled. “I’ll check it out. Are you thinking about settling down? Maybe quitting and getting a normal job?”

      Kendrick shot a quick glance over his shoulder. “As far as anyone is concerned I have a normal job, thank you very much. But I am thinking about putting down some roots. It’s hard to maneuver things living in your parents’ home.”

      “Like you live here. What’s it been? Three months since the last time you were home? And if you stay forty-eight hours I’d be surprised.”

      He shrugged, his broad shoulders pushing toward the ceiling. “It’s still hard to maneuver things.”

      “Which means you’re giving up caffeine but not the sex and rock and roll.”

      “Exactly, so I need me some space to do me.”

      Maitlyn shook her head. “You really need to settle down.”

      “You’re starting to sound like our mother.”

      “Our mother is a very wise woman.”

      “Yes, I am,” Katherine Boudreaux responded from the doorway. She moved into the room and kissed him and then Maitlyn. “What are you two doing up already?”

      Maitlyn hugged her mother back. “I couldn’t sleep. I took a quick nap and then tossed and turned for an hour. Figured I’d just get up and double-check all of my lists.”

      “You worry too much,” Katherine said. “That’s why you hired a wedding planner, remember? So someone else could worry.”

      Maitlyn rolled her eyes. “It’s not the wedding I’m worried about. I was going over everything that has to be done for Thanksgiving.”

      Kendrick shook his head. “That is next week, isn’t it?”

      Maitlyn nodded. “It’s Thursday and everyone is going to be here. Mom wants to cook all of our favorite foods and the Sunday after, our brother wants to baptize the twins. Then we have to get ready for Christmas. We’re all going to Texas. Everyone’s staying at the Stallion ranch and there’s a ton of preparing that needs to be done. I have a lot of lists!”

      “And why are you up?” Katherine asked, dropping a warm palm to his shoulder.

      “I had to get my run in before the day started.”

      “You need to get some rest, too. You both don’t take nearly enough time for yourselves.”

      “I’m sure Zak will make sure Maitlyn gets some rest soon,” Kendrick said.

      His mother nodded. “And what about you?”

      Kendrick grinned. “You worry more than Maitlyn does, Mom.”

      Katherine shook her head. Before she could respond his sisters Tarah and Katrina moved into the space, greeting them all warmly.

      “Good morning, family!” Katrina Boudreaux-Stallion chirped, her toddler son sitting against her hip.

      Matthew Jacoby Stallion, Jr., grinned, reaching his arms out for his grandmother. Katherine wrapped him in a warm hug, kissing his full cheeks. “How’s Grandma’s baby?” she cooed.

      “Jake is wide-eyed,” Katrina said as she handed the child over then reached for the coffeepot. “He got eight hours of sleep.”

      “Who gets married this time of the morning?” Tarah whined. “It’s too early!”

      “It’s not too early,” Katherine said as she leaned to give her youngest daughter a hug. “It will be a beautiful ceremony.”

      Tarah rolled her eyes skyward as Jake reached for her head. The baby tangled his chubby hands in her hair and pulled with all his might. He giggled, his antics tickling his spirit.

      “Ouch!” Tarah exclaimed as she tried to detangle herself from her nephew’s grasp.

      Kendrick moved onto his feet. “I’m going to leave you women to it.”

      “Where are you going?” Katrina questioned as she took the first sip from her coffee mug.

      “I’m headed back to the hotel. I need to get the groom to the church on time.”

      Tarah suddenly gave him a curious look. “What are you doing here, anyway? I thought all the men spent the night at the hotel?”

      Kendrick gave her an eye roll. “They did but I had to get my morning run in.”

      “So you ran home?”

      Maitlyn and Katrina both laughed.

      “Leave your brother alone, Tarah,” Katherine admonished.

      Maitlyn grinned and moved onto her feet. “Do me a favor, Kendrick,” she said as she walked into the other room and back, carrying a small box in her hands. “Once Zak gets his tux on would you please give him this for me?” She passed the small box into his hands.

      “What is it?” Kendrick questioned as he shook the container between his palms.

      “None of your business,” Katherine answered for Maitlyn. “The bride asked you to give her groom a present. You get to see it after he does.”

      Maitlyn chuckled.

      Feeling slightly foolish, Kendrick shook his head. “It was just a question,” he muttered, scowling.

      “Git,” Katherine said, waving a dismissive hand in his direction. “We all need to get moving,” she said, taking a quick glance toward the clock.

      Kendrick leaned to kiss Maitlyn’s cheek. The two locked gazes and Maitlyn smiled brightly at him. “You know I’m happy for you, right?” he said softly.

      His sister nodded. “Make sure my guy doesn’t get cold feet, okay?” she whispered back.

      Kendrick smiled as he moved toward the door. “I’m on it,” he said. “You know I won’t rest until the job is done.”

      * * *

      “Zak, do you take Maitlyn to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and cherish her in sickness and health, till death do you part?” the minister questioned.

      “I do, sir,” Zakaria Sayed said, his expression beaming with sheer joy. “I most certainly do!”

      Maitlyn smiled, a tear stealing past her lashes. The beautiful couple had chosen the Oak Alley Plantation, on the banks of the Mississippi, to exchange their vows. They stood beneath the canopy of the oak tree–lined path, the first hint of the morning sun beginning to rise in the distance. The family had gathered on the lawn of the antebellum manor just after six o’clock in the morning for the intimate

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