The Most Eligible Doctor. Karen Rose Smith

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The Most Eligible Doctor - Karen Rose Smith Mills & Boon Silhouette

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doesn’t talk about himself much.” Brianne suddenly knew she was sounding too interested.

      “Do you wish he would?” Lily asked more gently.

      “No. It’s better this way…that we keep a strictly professional relationship. After all, he’s my boss.” Besides that Jed Sawyer was obviously experienced. She was inexperienced. That was her choice. She’d had a lot of losses in her life and because of them she tried to protect her heart.

      She’d felt totally adrift when, at fourteen, she’d found a private investigator’s report in the attic. It had stated that her biological mother had taken her to a church pew in Madison and died a few months later from pneumonia because she’d been homeless and living on the streets.

      Since Brianne’s parents hadn’t told her about any of it, she’d felt betrayed. Since her birth mother had left her in the church, she’d felt abandoned. Brianne had depended heavily on her childhood friend, Bobby Spivak, during that confusing time. He’d been her best friend since kindergarten. But in their senior year, they were discussing getting engaged and going to the same college when Bobby had been diagnosed with leukemia. She’d lost him eighteen months later.

      And seven months ago, she’d lost her parents, too. Over and over again she’d learned that love hurt in so many ways. Yet…she also knew it was life-giving. Bobby’s doctors had said he had six months to live. He’d lived a year past that, and Brianne’s heart told her that love had kept him with them.

      Still, she was afraid of loving…and losing once more. Giving her heart away wasn’t in her plans anytime soon, if ever.

      When Brianne thought of Jed Sawyer, she realized her relationship with Bobby had been the epitome of safety. Their love had been born of friendship and hadn’t yet developed into burning passion. Jed, on the other hand, was so intense that all she thought about amid the tingles she felt around him was passion. That spelled trouble with a capital T. She wouldn’t let a few unruly hormones run away with her good sense.

      Ending the conversation and putting a lid on her thoughts, she asked Lily, “So what can I do to help get ready for tomorrow?”

      If she stayed busy, tomorrow and seeing Jed again in a relaxed setting wouldn’t make her so jittery.


      Jed had once known how to do it like a pro. Back in L.A., he and his partners had been invited to cocktail parties with movie stars, investment bankers, models. He’d been able to talk to anyone about anything. But then his life had fallen apart and talking had become too much of an effort. The position in Alaska had been a godsend, but because of it, he’d grown rusty at socializing.

      Lily Garrison crossed to him, a tray balanced on her hand. “Try the crab quiches. I found the recipe on the Internet.”

      Jed took one, bit into it and grinned. “Maybe you should go into catering as a sideline.”

      “I think I have my hands full with work and Megan. But I’ll keep that in mind.”

      Suddenly Jed’s attention was drawn to Brianne as she entered the living room. She stood by the built-in bookshelves for a moment, looking uncertain. Her auburn, shoulder-length curls bobbed around her face with the slightest movement of her head. Her aquamarine eyes were the wonderful color of the sea. Ever since that night by the car, he’d wanted to talk to her again about more than work, but the clinical atmosphere at Beechwood hadn’t seemed right to delve into the subject of her parents. And the stirrings of desire he’d felt whenever they were around each other had deterred him from seeking her out privately.

      When Brianne’s gaze passed over the room as if she was deciding which conversation to enter, her eyes met his. She quickly looked away, turned around and retreated to the kitchen.

      Finishing the miniature quiche in a quick bite, Jed said to Lily, “Excuse me, will you? There’s someone I need to talk to.”

      Lily’s eyes twinkled. “I’ll catch you later.” Then she moved along to another group with her tray.

      Jed strode through the dining room into the kitchen, where he found Brianne scooping coffee into a filter.

      “You and Lily went to a lot of trouble today.”

      Startled, she looked up, and her cheeks became a little rosier. “It wasn’t that much trouble. Are you enjoying yourself?”

      “The truth is, I’m having to readjust to a party mode. I haven’t been to one for a few years.”

      “Since you took the job in Alaska?”


      There was an awkward silence, and Jed knew he had to be the one to fill it. “I didn’t mean to upset you on Monday night. I shouldn’t have pried into your life. Living alone in a cabin wore off my civilized veneer. I’m sorry about your parents.” After she’d mentioned losing her parents, Jed had remembered his dad filling him in on some of the things that had happened in Sawyer Springs the past couple of years. Skyler Barrington had been a lawyer, her husband Edward a cardiologist. They had both come from money and their name was well known in the town. Brianne had inherited all of their wealth and could be considered an heiress. Jed was a bit puzzled why she was working as a nurse at Beechwood when she could be traveling the world, living anywhere she pleased.

      Her gaze was vulnerable as she looked up at him. “Thank you. It’s been less than a year since their accident, and I—”

      Brianne never got to finish because Megan came running in and threw her arms around Brianne’s waist. Her hair was lighter blond than her mother’s, and Lily had attached a barrette over each of her daughter’s temples. In the crook of her arm, Megan carried a rag doll dressed in blue-and-pink gingham, with red yarn hair.

      Looking at the beautiful child made Jed’s heart clench. He wondered if he’d ever be able to be comfortable around children again. Trisha had been almost three when she’d drowned, and being around kids always made his memories more of a burden.

      Megan stood on her tiptoes and crooked her finger at Brianne, glancing shyly at Jed. “Can I have another cookie?” she almost whispered. “Mommy said I could. There aren’t any more on the tray. So she said I should ask you.”

      When Brianne smiled, her face lit up, as did her eyes and everything about her. Jed could tell this child meant a lot to her.

      “We’ll have to do something about an empty cookie tray,” Brianne agreed. “Sure, you can have another one.”

      “Can I take the lid off the cookie jar?” Megan asked eagerly.

      “Maybe Dr. Sawyer can lift you up. I’ll hold Penelope for you.”

      Brianne looked at Jed as if she was making an everyday request. He realized she was, and he shouldn’t make a big deal of it. He tried to keep his expression blank. “Where’s the cookie jar?” he asked gruffly.

      Pulling a gingerbread boy jar from behind the coffeepot, Brianne nudged it near the edge of the counter with her elbow as she tucked the rag doll under her arm and filled the coffee carafe with water.

      Megan ran over to Jed and held her arms up to him. His chest was so tight he could hardly breathe. Clasping her around the waist, he lifted her until she could reach the

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