A Professional Engagement. Darcy Maguire

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A Professional Engagement - Darcy Maguire Mills & Boon Cherish

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      ‘Of course she won’t know who you are or what you’re helping Patrick with, my dear.’

      ‘But—’ Wasn’t the man listening? Didn’t he hear that Patrick didn’t want her help?

      ‘You’ll get an idea of the sort of person she is so that you can help Patrick with his proposal.’

      She gripped the phone tightly. ‘Mr Steel, he has said no to my help. My hands are tied.’

      ‘Would you come anyway? It would mean a lot to me if you just gave him a little more time to think about it. He probably made a snap decision.’

      Tara swallowed hard. Mr Keene may have done that all right. He’d made up his mind the moment she’d introduced herself—the look in his eyes had said it all.

      She tapped her pen against her desk. Could it hurt to pander to Mr Steel? She didn’t want the man to be upset on her account. ‘I’m not making any promises,’ she said slowly. ‘If Mr Keene comes to me and asks me for my help…’

      ‘Great. Wonderful. There’s a charity dinner tonight that we’re all attending, which would be the ideal situation for you to meet him…them…us.’

      ‘Tonight?’ A knot formed deep in her stomach. ‘This is rather short notice, sir.’

      ‘If you can be there around seven. I’ll add your name to the list.’ He rattled off the address of one of Sydney’s top hotels and hung up.

      Tara stared at the phone, then at her computer screen.

      She re-positioned herself in the chair, her muscles tight, an unpleasant queasiness brewing deep in her body.

      She had to look on the bright side. Mr Steel had got what he’d wanted, for now, even though she couldn’t see that she could do anything for a man as strong and confident as Patrick Keene. No meant no.

      Tara glanced at her watch, jerking to her feet. She didn’t have time to mull over her acceptance of the invitation. She’d just have time to get ready.

      She picked up her handbag and jacket and strode to the door. She was stressing over nothing. All she would have to achieve tonight was to present a good image to Mr Steel, showing him her dedication and her commitment. So maybe when Mr Keene did get around to proposing, they’d use Camelot for the wedding.

      She only hoped that Mr Keene didn’t take her presence tonight the wrong way…his bark seemed as though it could be intense, and his bite lethal.

      Rick slipped his arm around Kasey’s shoulder and pulled her a little closer to him. It should have been second nature by now to play the role of Kasey’s boyfriend, but he still felt awkward.

      He didn’t know whether it was because Kasey was his best friend’s little sister. Or because of the lies they were perpetrating.

      At least they weren’t hurting anyone.

      Rick glanced at Steel. And it was about time that Kasey scored a few points of her own.

      He smiled, trying to look casual, trying to look like he was enjoying being here with Kasey and her father. The only good here tonight was the chance to support the children’s hospital.

      The charity event was a full-on affair complete with a thirty-piece orchestra, ice sculptures and caviare. All the stops had been pulled out to woo the rich into delving deep into their pockets for the kids.

      He’d never needed any encouragement.

      Kasey elbowed him in the ribs. ‘Lighten up, Rick.’

      ‘I’m trying.’ Rick looked down into Kasey’s face, pretty and painted, soft and round, her hair all pulled up and elegant-looking.

      ‘Try harder.’

      Rick hadn’t told Kasey about the proposal planner idea her father had come up with. It was hardly worth mentioning since he’d taken care of it. She probably would have chucked a fit at her father’s interference, again.

      What had possessed the man to come up with the crack-pot scheme? Help with proposing…He could do it with his eyes shut, if he cared to.

      Sure, he hadn’t thought of what he’d say to a woman, but it wasn’t like he’d come close to wanting to. His relationships had always been fleeting.

      ‘How’s things with you?’ Rick had hardly seen Kasey at all the past few weeks, their public outings being pruned back to the point of being non-existent.

      ‘Good. Really good. You know that certain special someone…’ She smiled warmly. ‘I think I’m in love. Truly in love. He’s amazing, sweet and totally wonderful.’

      Rick smiled down at her bright face. ‘So, you don’t need me any more?’

      She punched him gently on the shoulder, a grin on her face a mile wide. ‘Come on. I’m not going to come clean just yet. I don’t want Father to scare Jack away.’

      Rick lifted an eyebrow. ‘Your father hasn’t scared me away.’

      ‘Yet.’ She shook her head. ‘As far as my father’s concerned you’re not good enough for me either.’

      ‘Probably not.’ He had the sneaking suspicion that no one, ever, was going to be good enough for his daughter. It was one of the reasons he had decided to go through with this. Kasey would never find someone if the old man ran them all off before she’d had a chance to get to know them.

      He pulled his shoulders back. Nothing could replace her brother in her life but he could be there when she needed him. It was the least he could do for his buddy’s little sister.

      He gritted his teeth. If only he could take back that night in their final year. If only he’d slowed Colin up on the drinking that night. If only he hadn’t left the car keys where Colin could find them. He clenched his jaw.

      When the police had come the next morning Rick had had no idea what was going on. He’d thought Colin was in bed, not wrapped around some tree down the road.

      Asking him to make that promise to look after Kasey was the last thing his best friend had said to him. And there was no way on the planet that he was going to break it.

      Kasey had only been twelve. Poor kid. And old man Steel, after losing his wife, then his only son, had gone all out to protect Kasey from everything, including life.

      Kasey nudged him in the ribs, a grin on her face. ‘You look like you’re at a funeral. I know these things are dead boring—’

      ‘But for a good cause.’

      She rolled her eyes. ‘Think of something happy.’

      That proposal planner came to mind. The way she moved, the way she talked, the passion in her every word, her smile…

      At any other time he’d have enjoyed peeling her cool, calculated layers until he found the vibrant woman that pulsed underneath. What a challenge it would be to release the passion he saw in her eyes and heard in her voice, breaking away her cool crust entirely.


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