Fevered Nights. Jillian Burns

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Fevered Nights - Jillian Burns Uniformly Hot!

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      “You better go, Piper.” Her assistant urged her toward Neil.

      “Oh, yes.” Piper smiled at him.

      Neil bowed to the assistant. “Nice to meet you, Ragi.” After the woman bowed in return, he accompanied Piper to the hotel’s main entrance. “So you live in London?” He’d talked so much about himself last night he hadn’t learned anything about her.

      “Yes, I have a flat in Eaton Square, but I’m hardly ever there.” She stepped outside and headed for a long white limo waiting under the portico. Guess they weren’t taking a cab tonight.

      As he walked beside her, a dozen media parasites closed in with cameras and microphones, all shouting questions.

      “Piper, how did you and Lieutenant Barrow meet?”

      “How long have you been lovers?”

      “Lieutenant Barrow, how does your father feel about your affair?”

      These people were leeches. In the abstract, the fantasy of making headlines was amusing. And really, who cared what a bunch of tabloids printed about him? But being hemmed in as he and Piper tried to get to the limo set off every warning siren. Was this what she went through all the time? Why didn’t she have security personnel?

      But instead of cursing or shoving the recording devices out of her face, she just flashed that beautiful smile while she clung to his arm. His protective instincts kicked in and he pushed several reporters out of their way. Just as he reached the limo door, another reporter blocked their path.

      “Is it true you’re pregnant with the SEAL’s child?”

      Neil froze and Piper’s hand on his arm became a death grip. Man, they really did make this stuff up.

      But then Piper spun to face the vipers and gave them a playfully scolding look. “You naughty lot.” She wagged her finger. “Lieutenant Barrow and I are merely friends.” She smiled and ducked inside the limo as the driver opened the door. Neil followed her. Just friends, huh? Why hadn’t she flat-out denied the pregnancy?

      As soon as they were both in the limo, her scent invaded his senses. Something exotic and full of spices that tightened his gut and made him want to hold her close. He faced her and placed an arm across the back of the seat. “Are we merely friends?”

      Her gaze flew to his and her eyes flared in surprise. “You’re very direct.”

      He shrugged. “I don’t see any reason to beat around the bush.”

      She gave him a quizzical smile. “You Americans and your idioms.”

      Leaning toward her, he raised his brows. “You’re not answering the question.”

      Her smile faded and her playful gaze became serious. In the silence he could hear her draw in a ragged breath. His own breathing caught. He stared deeply into her eyes as something passed between them. A frisson of energy that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. In the field, that would’ve been a warning that something was wrong. But with Piper this felt right.

      She used her tongue to wet her lips. He stifled a groan. Now all he could see was her full, red mouth. He closed the distance between them, taking her mouth in a searing kiss.

      She moaned and he tightened his arms around her, reveling in the feel of her soft curves pressing against him. Just as she had after handing him the trophy, she responded to his kiss, urging him deeper, her tongue playing with his.

      After months of coming home to an empty, sterile apartment on base and sleeping alone night after night, he was starved for this woman. That must be why his body was reacting so intensely. His hands couldn’t seem to get enough of her. They moved from her hips to her waist, down her spine to cup her bottom.

      Giving him hot, wet kisses, she moaned again and straddled his lap. When she rubbed against his erection, his body hard and needing, he almost cried out. He kissed her neck, across her bare shoulder. He wanted to taste her, to possess her. He slid one hand around to palm her breast.

      “No.” Her voice was strangled, but her hand squeezed his wrist, tugged it away.

      Neil blinked as the world cleared from its haze. He tried to get his breathing under control. Embarrassment made his face heat as she slid back to her own side of the limo.

      “I’m sorry.” He shifted in the seat, his erection outraged at the aborted mission.

      What was wrong with him? He’d never felt that out of control with a woman before. Certainly not with his wife. He ran a hand through his hair and forced himself to look at her. “I shouldn’t have— Maybe I misread the signals.”

      “No!” Her gaze flew to his. She put her hand on his arm. “I— You didn’t.” Her eyes seemed to plead with him to understand. He didn’t, but maybe...he did. He covered her hand with his and turned away to look out the window at the bay. They were already on the MacArthur Causeway.

      In the awkward silence he heard her stomach rumble. He looked over in time to catch her self-consciously rubbing her midsection.

      “I’m starving, too,” he said.

      She smiled and her shoulders visibly relaxed. “I didn’t eat lunch.”


      She glanced down, running her fingers over the seams of her purse. “I just...” She shrugged. “I was scheduled to appear at a veterans’ facility this afternoon.” She scoffed. “Appear. How condescending that word sounds. As if I was deigning to grace them with my presence. The men and women I visited with are more brave and selfless than I could ever be.” She stared at him, unflinching. “Like you.”

      Brave and selfless? His chest tightened. Good old brave and selfless Straight Arrow Barrow. But he didn’t want to be some knight in shining armor, superhero type, guy on a pedestal. He was flesh and blood. With flesh-and-blood needs. He cleared his throat. “I don’t know about that, but I could definitely go for a hot dog and some nachos right about now.”

      “I shouldn’t eat that type of thing.”

      “Oh, yeah.” He nodded, smiling. “I forgot. Should we stop somewhere for a salad?”

      As she met his gaze, her worried expression slowly turned mutinous. “No.”

      * * *

      FORGET HER DIET. The frank’s juicy aroma enticed her as soon as they drew up to the snack vendor. She ordered a hot dog with mustard and relish piled on top, chips dripping with gooey cheese and a soda in a cup so large she doubted she could finish the entire thing.

      But she did.

      It was delicious. It was sinful. Ms. H would’ve never approved.

      But she wasn’t under Ms. H’s thumb anymore, was she?

      Piper licked her lips and smiled at Neil as he cheered for the men bouncing the ball across the court. Despite the flash of photographers’ cameras and the red blinking lights of video filming, he seemed to be having a good time.


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