The Bridal Quest. Jennifer Mikels

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The Bridal Quest - Jennifer Mikels Mills & Boon Cherish

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him with his every breath. Time healed pain. With good intentions, everyone had said that would happen. He hadn’t believed them, hadn’t believed any woman would reach inside him again, would make him smile. Or love again.

      In the rearview mirror, he saw Annie look up from her book. “Isn’t she pretty, Daddy?”

      He assumed she was talking about some picture in the book.

      “And nice,” she went on.



      A dimpled smile came to mind. So did shapely legs.

      “I like her,” Casey announced.

      That was a remarkable feat. Casey was stingy with her approvals.

      “Do you like her?” she asked.

      Like? Maybe. Desire, absolutely. And he wasn’t thrilled about that. It was dumb thinking, he berated himself. He hardly knew her.

      “I want a hamburger,” Annie informed him.

      Sam zipped into the parking lot adjacent to the diner.

      “Can I have one?”

      “Me, too,” Casey piped in.

      “Sure.” He switched off the ignition, watched the girls bound out of their sport utility vehicle. They looked more eager than usual about going into the diner. That made him edgy, especially since Annie’s comments about Jessica Scott.

      Previously he’d learned from Arlene that his two angels thought they needed a mommy, and their daddy had been too busy to find them one. The truth was he hadn’t been looking. He’d had the love of his life. He truly believed a man didn’t get that gift twice.

      “Daddy, look.” Annie pointed in the direction of the bench near Herb’s. “There’s Jesse.”

      Sam rounded the front of the vehicle to see them racing toward her and calling her name. “Jesse, Jesse.”

      He thought she looked tired, but she sat with her back straight as if she was balancing a book on her head. The orange glow of sunset caressed her glossy hair. Hanging loose now, it fell to her shoulders.

      From a distance, her smile looked weak. In what seemed like an affectionate gesture, she touched his daughter’s shoulder. Closer now, Sam noted the suitcase at her feet, and guessed Thunder Lake’s newest resident had a problem. “Hi.”

      A moment passed before she looked up, swung pale, watery eyes toward him.

      Tears. Things had gone from bad to worse for her, Sam deduced. His natural instinct with someone he knew would have been to offer a comforting shoulder. But this woman was a stranger. “Annie, take Casey and go in. Get us a booth.”

      Nothing was simple with Annie. She liked schedules and predictability. Any deviation from what she expected made her ask a dozen questions. “Aren’t you coming?”

      “I’ll be there in a minute.”

      A frown grabbed hold on her face. “Where should we sit? What if there aren’t any empty tables?”

      Here goes, he thought. “Sit in any booth.” The parking lot wasn’t full, so he doubted they’d have a problem finding one. “And both of you can have a soda tonight,” he said, knowing that treat would hurry them into the diner.

      They rewarded him with pleased smiles and took off.

      Sam focused on her again. “I usually force milk on them,” he said lightly to gauge her mood, determine how down she was.

      Though she looked tired and worried, a slim smile lit her face.

      “I thought you’d want to know what happened with Arlene, Mrs. Mulvane,” he said while he sat on the bench beside her. “She got to the hospital in time.”

      “Oh, I’m so glad.”

      “The doctor said she’ll be fine. Thanks to you. Arlene said she would have never thought she was having a heart attack, she would have written off the pain as heartburn. The doctor said she’d have suffered a lot of heart damage if she hadn’t gotten to the hospital when she did. Because of you, she didn’t.”

      “I really didn’t do anything. You did.” A flush that made her look younger had swept over her face. “But I’m glad everything worked out for her.”

      “Me, too. She’s a nice woman.” As she smiled again, Sam tapped the bottom of her suitcase with the toe of his boot. Not getting involved never entered his mind. This went beyond an obligation to his job. She looked so damn lost, so vulnerable sitting there. “You have a problem?”

      In a resigned more than a helpless gesture, she shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

      He didn’t believe her for a moment. Whether or not she liked it, he couldn’t accept her simple answer. He was used to sticking his nose in others’ business. “You had a tough day today. You never waited on tables before, did you?”

      A throaty soft laugh answered him. “That’s obvious, isn’t it?”

      Sam stared at her lips and felt an uncharacteristic impatience. “You try hard.”

      She looked less tense, less annoyed. “That was nice. Thank you.”

      “But that didn’t help, did it?”

      She shook her head. “’Fraid not.” As a breeze whipped around her and tossed her hair, she raised a hand to brush back strands.

      Sam saw no point in beating around the bush. “Did Herb fire you?”

      As if sensing it was pointless to pretend she had no problem, she admitted, “Yes, I don’t have a job anymore, but I can’t blame Herb. I dumped spaghetti on the lap of the mayor’s wife.”

      Despite the seriousness of her personal dilemma, a laugh tickled Sam’s throat. He would have loved to have seen that. Eunice Wilson was big on herself—too big. In her opinion, her husband’s political office had made her one of Thunder Lake’s most prestigious citizens. “What are you going to do now?”

      When her eyes darted to him, he swore he saw panic in them. Hell, he’d been a cop too long. Shyness probably accounted for her quick looks away.

      “I’m not sure.” Head down, in what he interpreted as a small show of nerves, she fiddled with the strap of her shoulder bag. “Tomorrow I’ll look for another job. Cory thought I’d find one without any trouble.”

      He gave her credit. She hung onto that bright smile as if her life depended on it.

      “And if I don’t find one here, I’ll go somewhere else.” She should have stopped then, but she rushed more words. To Sam, it was a sure sign she was nervous, maybe hiding something. “I like to travel, so I move around a lot.”

      “Jesse. Jesse,” Annie yelled as she charged out of the diner and toward them. “Don’t you work here anymore?” Looking as if the

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