Reunited by a Baby Secret. Michelle Douglas

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Reunited by a Baby Secret - Michelle Douglas The Vineyards of Calanetti

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was all the encouragement she needed. She raced over to him and seized him by the lapels of his expensive suit and shook him. She wanted some reaction that would help her recognise him, some real emotion. ‘We’re going to have a baby, Ryan! It’s not the end of the world. We can work something out.’ He stood there like a stone and panic rose up through her. She couldn’t do this on her own. ‘For heaven’s sake.’ She battled a sob. ‘Say something useful!’

      He merely detached her hands and stepped back, releasing her. ‘I don’t know what you expect from me.’

      That was when some stupid fantasy she hadn’t even realised she’d harboured came crashing down around her.

       You are such an idiot, Marianna.

      A breath juddered out of her. ‘You really don’t want this baby, do you?’


      ‘The bathroom?’ she whispered.

      He pointed and she fled, locking the door behind her before throwing up the crackers she’d managed for breakfast. Flushing the toilet, she lowered the lid and sat down, blotting her face with toilet paper until the heat and flush had subsided. When she was certain her legs would support her again, she stood and rinsed her mouth at the sink.

      She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Screw-up! The accusation screamed around and around in her mind.

      She didn’t know that man out there. A week on a beach hadn’t given her any insight into his character at all. She’d let her hormones and her romantic notions rule she always did. And now she’d humiliated herself by throwing up in the Executive Suite of the Grande Plaza Hotel. It was all she could do not to scream.

      With a superhuman effort, she pushed her shoulders back. She might be impulsive and occasionally headstrong, she might be having trouble reining in her emotions at the moment, but the one thing she could do was save face. Her baby deserved far more than that man out there had to give.

      She rinsed her mouth one more time, and dried her hands before pinching colour back into her cheeks. With a nod at her reflection, she turned and flung the bathroom door open...and almost careened straight into Ryan standing on the other side, with his hand raised as if to knock.

      She might not recognise him, but the familiarity of those lean, strong hands on her shoulders as he steadied her made her ache.

      ‘Are you okay?’ His words shot out short and clipped.

      She gave a curt nod. He let her go then as if she had some infectious disease he might catch. It took a concerted effort not to snap out, Pregnancy isn’t contagious, you know?

      He stalked back out into the main room and she followed him. ‘Can I order something for you? Food, tea...iced water?’

      ‘No, thank you.’ All she wanted to do now was get out of here. The sooner she left, the better. ‘I—’

      ‘The fact that you’re here tells me you’ve decided to go ahead with the pregnancy.’

      ‘That’s correct.’

      He shoved his hands into his pockets, his lips pursed. ‘Did you consider alternatives like abortion or adoption?’

      She had, so it made no sense why anger should rattle through her with so much force she started to shake. ‘That’s the male answer to everything, isn’t it? Get rid of it...make the problem go away.’

      He spun to her. ‘We were so careful!’

      They had been. They’d not had unprotected sex once. Her pill prescription had run out a month before she was due to return to Italy, though, and she’d decided to wait until she’d got home before renewing it. They’d used condoms, but condoms, obviously, weren’t infallible.

      Her heart burned, but she ignored it and straightened. Not that her five feet two inches made any impact when compared to Ryan’s lean, broad six feet. ‘I made a mistake coming here. I thought...’

      What had she thought?

      Anger suddenly bubbled back up through her. ‘What’s this all about?’ She gestured to his suit and tie, his Italian leather shoes, angry with him for his stupid clothes and herself for her overall general stupidity. ‘I thought you were...’

      His lips twisted into the mockery of a smile. ‘You thought me a beach bum.’

      She’d thought him a wanderer who went wherever whim and the wind blew him. She’d envied him that. ‘You had many opportunities to correct my assumption.’

      He dragged a hand down his face. ‘That week in Thailand...’ He shook his head, pulling his hand away. ‘It was an aberration.’

      ‘Aberration?’ She started to shake with even more force. ‘As I said, I made a mistake in coming here.’

      ‘Why didn’t you ring?’

      She tossed her head and glared. ‘I did. A couple of days ago. I hung up before I could be put the Executive Suite. It didn’t seem the kind of news one should give over the phone.’ It obviously wasn’t the kind of news she should’ve shared with him at all. This trip had been an entirely wasted effort. I’m sorry, topolino. She lifted her chin. ‘I thought you would like to know that I was pregnant. I thought telling you was the right thing to do. I can see, though, that a child is the last thing you want.’

      ‘And you do?’

      His incredulity didn’t sting. The answer still surprised her as much as it did him. She moved to cover her stomach with her hand. His gaze tracked the movement. ‘Ryan, let’s forget we ever had this conversation. Forget I ever came here. In fact, forget that you ever spent a week on a beach with me.’ Aberration that it was!

      She turned to leave. She’d go home to Monte Calanetti and she’d build a wonderful life for herself and her child and it’d be fine. Just...fine.

      ‘I don’t know what you want from me!’

      His words sounded like a cry from the heart. She paused with her hand outstretched for the door, but when she turned his coldness and impassivity hit her like a slap in the face. The room swam. She blinked hard. ‘Now? Nothing.’

      He planted his feet. ‘What were you hoping for?’

      She’d swung away from him and her hand rested on the cold metal of the door handle. ‘I wanted you to hug me and tell me we’d sort something out.’ What a wild fantasy that now seemed. She turned and fixed him with a glare. ‘But I’d have settled for you taking my hand and asking me if I was all right. That all seems a bit stupid now, doesn’t it?’

      Anger suddenly screamed up through her, scalding her throat and her tongue. ‘Now I don’t even think you’re any kind of proper person! What I want from you now is to forget you ever knew me. Forget all of it!’ Aberration? Of all the—

      ‘You think I can do that? You think it’s just that easy?’

      ‘Oh, I think you’ll find it incredibly easy!’


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