The Last Crawford Bachelor. Judy Christenberry

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The Last Crawford Bachelor - Judy Christenberry Mills & Boon Silhouette

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starting today, we can make a dent in the caseload. I don’t think the other A.D.A. is as experienced, but he’ll be another pair of hands.”

      “Do you know the other person they hired?” Abby asked.

      “No. I’ll meet him today.”

      “Well, good luck,” Abby said as she stood. “I’m going to ride out with the guys to check on the herd in the south pasture. Are you and Floyd going to check the well that’s stopped working?” she asked her husband.

      “Yeah, but we should be back for lunch.”

      “Good, I’ll meet you here. Be careful,” she added as she rounded the table and kissed him goodbye. Then she hurried out the back door.

      “It’s still hard to believe Abby is a cowboy,” Michael said, shaking his head.

      Logan laughed. “I didn’t believe it either when I first met her. But she convinced me pretty quickly.”

      Years ago Logan had applied for the job of ranch manager. Michael recalled that Abby hadn’t wanted to hire him at first but she had, solely out of necessity. As Logan had put it, it had been a match made in heaven. Michael looked over at his brother. After two kids, Logan was still crazy in love with the woman.

      Checking his watch, he told everyone goodbye and headed for his car. He wanted to get to the office a little early for his first day. He’d already been shown to his desk last week.

      An hour later he was organizing his workstation when District Attorney Ned Cobb called a meeting to introduce the new A.D.A.s. Michael hurried to the conference room, looking forward to meeting his fellow workers.

      As he stepped into the room, he was called over by Ned, a mover and shaker in his midsixties, with slicked-back dark hair sprinkled with silver. “I want to introduce you to our other new attorney, Michael. This is Daniele Langston.”

      Dani stepped forward, offering him her hand…again.

      Dani felt betrayed. Michael Crawford had mentioned nothing about himself last night. All along she’d looked forward to beginning fresh without anyone knowing anything about her past. Now she found herself confronted with a member of the Kennedy family, no matter how remote the connection.

      She stuck out her hand, because she had no choice. He stared at her as if he were as displeased as she was. Finally he took her hand and covered the awkwardness with a comment about not expecting such a beautiful woman. The remark did little to impress her.

      The D.A. introduced Michael to another attorney Dani had just met, an older man, calm and friendly. He explained that Dick Stanton would be Michael’s mentor for the first month.

      Ned hadn’t offered Dani a mentor. She looked at him curiously, and as if reading her mind, he smiled and said, “And I will be your mentor, Dani. It will be a real pleasure to show you the ropes.”

      Dani froze. She’d heard that tone of voice before. The man thought he had an easy prey.

      There was an awkward silence until Ned ordered all the attorneys in the room to sit down around the big conference table. He guided Dani to the seat next to his, giving her a smarmy smile that made her want to lose her breakfast.

      She took her seat and discovered it was opposite Michael. The look on his face told her he thought she’d planned the pairings to her advantage.

      She glared at him.

      “Right, Dani?” Ned said, catching her off guard.

      “I’m sorry, Ned. I was trying to remember the names of the people I’ve met.” She gave him a brief smile and paid attention as he explained he’d told them all she was from Texas Tech Law School. “Yes, that’s right.”

      “And Michael, of course, is from Oklahoma. But we’ll have no feuding between the two of you even when OU comes to Texas to play football.” Ned gave a hearty laugh, and his staff briefly joined in.

      Dani looked around the table. She was the only female, and she was beginning to understand why. Call her naive, but in this day and age it hadn’t occurred to her that there would be problems for a female lawyer.

      She’d wanted so much to connect with her grandmother, she just assumed a nearby job in Wichita Falls would be perfect.

      After a brief discussion, Ned sent them all on their way—except for Dani. She grabbed the opportunity to showcase her initiative. “I’d appreciate it, Ned, if you’d give me some time to study the files on the active cases at the moment. Then I might be able to help out.”

      “Why, no, Dani, I have no intention of throwing you to these wolves. I’m working on the most important case, and I could use a good researcher. Come along to my office.”

      Michael actually felt sympathy for Dani as she followed the D.A. out of the conference room. Ned Cobb was easy to read. He was acting like a three-year-old with a new puppy.

      He stepped up beside Dick. “Has this happened before?”

      “New people?”

      Michael gave him a knowing look. “New woman.”

      Dick sighed. “Yeah. She won’t last long unless she plays along.”

      “He’s not married?”

      “Sure he is. For forty years. A sweet, gentle lady. But he’s our boss. There’s nothing we can do.”

      Michael didn’t like Dick’s attitude. The Crawford family tradition said a woman in trouble should be helped. But did he necessarily think Dani was a young innocent?

      He dived into the files, enjoying the cases he worked on. He hadn’t yet been given his own case, but, after all, it was his first day. A first day that, all things considered, had gone quite well.

      When he joined his family later at the dinner table, Abby wanted to know how it went.

      “Fine. I’m going to be busy.”

      “Beulah would tell you that’s best,” Abby said with a chuckle.

      That remark made him feel guilty for not mentioning Dani, but he kept his silence.

      Halfway through the meal, Abby said, “I tried to call Dani today, but I couldn’t find a listing in either Lubbock or Amarillo.”

      “Sorry, hon,” Logan said. “Maybe she’ll contact you again.”

      “I doubt she’ll make the drive from Amarillo after—”

      Michael couldn’t stand it any longer. He interrupted them. “She’s here.”

      Abby’s eyes widened. “She is? At the ranch?” She started up from her chair.

      “No, Abby, I didn’t mean she’s here at the ranch. She’s here in Wichita Falls.”

      “How do you know that, Michael?” Logan asked.

      “She’s the other new A.D.A. at the office.”


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