Because Of The Baby. Anne Haven

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Because Of The Baby - Anne Haven Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance

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so quickly. One moment she was recovering from an emotional episode, the next moment an acute physical awareness filled her whole body. Melissa started to pull away, but when she did his lips traced a path from her temple to her mouth. And they were kissing.

      They hadn’t kissed since July. Now that seemed like only yesterday. This felt so natural, so easy.

      So automatic.

      The kiss wasn’t outrageous. No tongues, no frantic moans or angling of heads. Just a simple, hot meeting of lips. Spellbinding. Gentle and soft and sexy. Like a kiss between a longtime couple, familiar and intimate.

      And then Kyle ended it and rested his forehead against hers. They both breathed more quickly now, but this time it was arousal.

      “That didn’t feel like friends,” she managed to say.

      “I know. I’m sorry.” He didn’t sound particularly regretful. His voice had a ragged quality. “Want to pretend it didn’t happen?”

      “Oh, yes. Definitely.”

      She stepped out of his arms. They walked to the kitchen and it was as if the interlude had never happened.

      Her body still humming, she opened the refrigerator door. “Let’s skip the restaurant tonight, okay? I have some leftovers we can graze on.”

      He nodded and they pulled out some food. They were acting like an old married couple in the kitchen.

      Kyle poured them glasses of water and sat down at the kitchen table. “You still up for Whitney’s dance thing?”

      She joined him with a collection of utensils and a couple more containers of food. “Actually, yes. I think it will be good for me. Would you mind driving, though?”

      “Not at all.”

      They ate in silence for a minute.

      She said, “I know I told you I didn’t want to talk until Wednesday.” About their situation. The baby they had conceived. “But Anita’s pregnancy changes things. She and Troy plan to tell Dad at dinner on Sunday. I think we should, too. It wouldn’t be right to listen to their announcement and not make our own.”

      “Are you sure?”

      She shrugged and took a bite of pasta salad.

      “Don’t you think they’ll have a lot of questions?” Kyle said. “About you and me, that is.”

      “I already told Anita.” She watched his expression change. He looked almost tense. Normally he was so easygoing, she thought, so unconcerned. She was supposed to be the uptight one.

      “Told her what exactly?”

      “I told her we’d gotten together one night.”

      He swallowed a bite of rotisserie chicken. “Oh? What did she say?”

      “She was shocked. She asked if we were getting married. I said no, of course.”

      “Mmm. So, what do you want to tell your dad?”

      “That’s the thing. I don’t know. Maybe I should say I don’t know who the father is.”

      “Right.” He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

      “I could say it’s someone I met at a medical conference. Someone from, say, Cleveland.”

      “Any particular reason?”

      She shrugged again.

      “Melissa, it’s not going to work. We have to tell him I’m the father.”

      “He’ll be mad at you. Madder than he’ll be at Troy, I’m sure.” At least Troy and Anita shared a household; at least they were a real couple.

      “Fine. I’ll take the heat. I’d rather do that than hide behind an imaginary guy from Cleveland.”

      “God…maybe we should get married. It would make this so much easier.”

      “I’m sorry?”

      She shook her head. “I don’t know. It was just an idea.”

      “A crazy one,” he said.

      “Can you come up with something better?”

      Kyle thought for a moment. “Maybe not. You’re sure we should tell him on Sunday?”

      “Yes. I’ve already told Anita. She doesn’t want to have to keep the secret. Anyway, she’s afraid she’d accidentally spill the beans.”

      “But finding out about you and Anita at once—”

      “Will be even harder on Dad. A double whammy. Yes, I know.” She paused. Reached across the table for a gingersnap. “If we could tell him we were getting married, though…”

      Kyle set down his silverware. He leaned forward and captured her gaze. “You keep saying that and I don’t know why. You’re not serious.”

      He was right, Melissa thought. She couldn’t be serious. It was too outrageous. Too extreme.

      And she didn’t miss the flicker of panic in his eyes. Marriage and Kyle? No, not since Felicity had that been a possibility, and it wouldn’t be for years to come.

      Not too difficult to figure out that the suicide of a loved one was even harder to get over than a regular death. Not too difficult to figure out why Kyle kept his love life shallow and uncommitted.

      And her own feelings about marriage? The subject was an uncomfortable one. She didn’t like to go there. She hadn’t expected it to be an issue. The two proposals she’d received in her life had not even remotely tempted her. She found it impossible to imagine herself as a wife, as part of a happy little picket-fence family.

      But this wasn’t a normal situation, she thought. It felt unreal, as if they’d slipped into an alternative universe.

      One in which marriage might be a strangely appropriate solution.

      “Mel,” he persisted, “tell me you’re not serious.”

      “I don’t know, Kyle. What if I were? What if we could have an old-fashioned marriage of convenience?”

      “What in God’s name is that?”

      “One that’s not based on romance. One based on other things. Like—”

      “Convenience. Come on, Mel. That’s crazy.”

      “Is it, though?” She frowned, trying to think it through. “We get along well. We want the same things in life. Oh, Kyle. Marriage could be the smartest way to handle our circumstances.”

      “What you’re talking about is a shotgun wedding. The thing your sister refuses to have.”

      “Fine,” Melissa said. “I’m not

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