Christmas With The Best Man. Susan Carlisle

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Christmas With The Best Man - Susan Carlisle Mills & Boon Medical

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      Who in their right mind got married outside in the middle of winter in New York? Elijah tried not to make a show of stomping his feet but they were freezing. This couldn’t be over soon enough for him.


      THIS WAS THE most fairy-tale-like wedding Helena had ever seen or been a part of. Grace looked lovely. A more beautiful bride Helena had never seen.

      Grace wore a long-sleeved, high-necked white dress, with a long white faux-fur cape. A circle of the same fur encircled her head with a small red poinsettia pin attached. She carried a bouquet of poinsettias. Grace had planned a perfect holiday wedding.

      The event director began to line up Charles’s sisters, Penny and Miranda, while the harpist played “Silent Night.” Helena took her place just ahead of Grace and her father. When the wedding march music filled the air and the director sent the first attendant down the winding path through the trees, Helena adjusted the short white fur cape around her shoulders and put her hands into the matching muff, making sure the flower attached faced forward. Glancing behind her, she smiled at the picture Grace made as she bent down to speak to Charles’s boys, both in black double-breasted coats and paper-boy hats.

      Helena walked down the path when told and out into the open. It was snowing. Under the trees, she hadn’t realized that. After lifting her face to the sky for a second, she continued to the top of the aisle. Charles and his groomsmen, Zac and Peter, also ER doctors from the hospital, were all waiting at the end. But none of the other men held her spellbound. Only Elijah. The corner of one side of his lips lifted as she met his gaze. Heavens, he was handsome. Hat and all. He was an old-world duke, dashing right up to the red rose in his lapel. Even his wayward hair was in place. Elijah had applied more than a little effort to making himself presentable. The results were impressive.

      As she made the turn to where she was to stand, he winked at her as if to say, See? I made it on time. She couldn’t hide her answering smile. She took her spot and watched as Grace, escorted by her father, came forward to meet Charles. She glanced at Elijah. His playful appearance of earlier had disappeared. He had taken on a shadowy look. What was his problem?

      Her focus returned to Charles and Grace yet she kept glancing at Elijah as the vows were being exchanged. One corner of his mouth did finally quirk upward, as if he found humor in the proceedings. The best she could tell, he liked Grace. Did he have a thing about weddings? Some men believed they were silly and a waste of time. Then again, maybe he was just cold.

      For her, weddings were a new beginning. A beautiful outward expression of love, security, and a promise of tomorrows to come. Despite how deeply she’d been hurt in the past, she still dreamed of having that happily ever after. The right man, children, grandchildren and growing old together. She couldn’t give up believing her dream mate was out there somewhere.

      Helena focused her attention on Grace and Charles and the soft smile between them. She wanted that silent communication, that bond. She’d been asked out, had even had a few relationships, which had lasted no longer than a couple of months. Still, she was cautious and she wasn’t ashamed to put up front what she wanted in an intimate relationship. She knew well what a superficial connection looked and felt like. Never again! Everlasting love was what she was looking for, someone who would be there for her through the happy as well as the tough times.

      A few minutes later she stood beside Grace and facing Elijah as the bride and groom exchanged rings. She smiled as the minister pronounced them husband and wife before they kissed and headed up the aisle. She looked at Elijah, who stepped toward her. He had a smile on his face now.

      She grinned at him as she took his offered arm. It was strong, secure, and steady. Even through his thick coat she appreciated his warmth. A hum of awareness zinged through her body. What was going on?

      They’d taken a couple of steps when he leaned down close and said, “I was watching your face. You love this stuff, don’t you?”

      He’d been watching her? “What’s not to appreciate about true love?”

      He snorted. “You do know that a wedding is the only funeral you go to where you smell your own flowers.”

      She glanced at him and whispered, “You’re awful.”

      He chuckled as he led her off to the side so the others in the wedding party could come down the aisle.

      “Well, I see you made it here on time with jokes in hand,” Helena remarked.

      “I did. I cleaned up pretty good, I thought.” Elijah opened his scarf and pulled at his red bow-tie as if it was choking him.

      “You do look mighty dashing, Dr. Davenport. Especially in your hat.” She smiled.

      “All I’m missing is the cane and Charlie Chaplin mustache.” He did a small dance in imitation of the silent-movie star.

      Helena laughed, not missing the sarcasm in his voice. “I, for one, love the romance of the old movies.”

      “That figures. Only a bride would expect someone to wear this type of get-up.”

      “You really aren’t enjoying this, are you?” She watched him closely.

      “Let’s just say it isn’t my ‘thing.’ I’ll be glad when it’s over.”

      “What, you got a hot date?”

      “I wish. It’ll take more than a shower and hot toddy to make my toes have feeling again.” He wiggled his brows. “You interested in helping me warm up?”

      She was glad that Grace called, “Come on, you two, we’ve got a few pictures to take and then we can go inside.”

      Helena and Elijah followed the rest of the wedding party back to the arch. She took her position beside Grace and smiled as the camera flashed. Helena shifted away when it was time for the family picture. Elijah stood a little off to one side until the photographer waved him in next to one of his sisters. Even then he looked uncomfortable. As soon as he was released to leave he moved away. What was all that about? Maybe she was just imagining things.

      Her family was close. Even after she had disappointed them by becoming pregnant, they had stood by her. She might live a long way away but she spoke to her parents regularly. Kept in touch with her siblings. She didn’t understand Elijah’s reaction to being around his family. The Davenports were important people in New York City. They were constantly working to support the hospital. To outward appearances they were a strong, loving family. So what was Elijah’s problem?

      With all the pictures taken but for those of the bride and groom alone, Elijah headed for the tent. She overheard him grumble, “I need a drink.”

      Helena followed along behind him, walking with his sisters. She entered the tent to blessed warmth. The heaters were working overtime but after the cold it felt wonderful. Twinkling white lights like those outside hung from the top of the tent, creating a fairy snow-globe feel. In the center hung a kissing ball. At the back of the large tent was an area with a burning rock fireplace with a wreath of red berries hung on it. On the mantel were pictures of Charles and Grace. Circling the hearth were comfortable-looking sofas with Christmas throw pillows. It was amazing.

      Round tables with white cloths over them were arranged in a circle, creating a dance floor.

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