Two Doctors and A Baby. Brenda Harlen

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Two Doctors and A Baby - Brenda Harlen Mills & Boon Cherish

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Chapter Two

      His kiss was hot and hungry and demanding. She kissed him back, just as hotly and hungrily, responding to his every demand and meeting them with her own. If she’d been able to think clearly—if she’d been able to think at all—she might have drawn back. But the moment his lips touched hers, all rational thought slipped from her mind. In fact, her brain seemed to have shut down completely, letting the hormones that flooded through her veins lead the way.

      And they were leading her to a very happy place. A place where his hands were all over her, touching and teasing, giving her so much pleasure and still making her want so much more.

      He eased his lips away from hers. “I like the sparkly things in your hair, Wallace—they really dress up your scrubs.”

      “What?” She frowned as she reached up, startled to realize that her hair was in a fancy twist instead of her usual ponytail. So much had happened since she’d left home, she’d almost forgotten about the party and the decorative pins she’d impulsively added to her updo for the occasion. “Oh.”

      “You were out celebrating the New Year,” Justin guessed.

      “I never actually made it that far,” she told him.

      “I’m sure your date was disappointed.”

      “It wasn’t a date,” she said. “Not really.”

      “Good.” He slid his hands up her back, drawing her closer, and lowered his head to nip playfully at her bottom lip.

      This was dangerous. He was hardly touching her and her resistance was melting. He wasn’t her type. Not at all. He was a player and a doctor and everything she didn’t want in a man.

      But right now, she didn’t care about any of that. Right now, she did want him. Or at least her body wanted to feel the way she knew he could make her feel, the way he was making her feel.

      “But I am sorry your plans were ruined,” he said.

      “They were actually Amy’s plans—and I was kind of relieved to escape another blind date.”

      “Then you weren’t planning to ring in the New Year with wild, sweaty sex?”

      “The thought never crossed my mind.” His hands grazed her breasts as they skimmed up her sides, making her breath hitch. “Until now.”

      “Really?” He smiled against her lips. “You’re thinking about it now?”

      She slid her hands beneath his scrub top, over the smooth, taut skin of his abdomen. “Yeah, I’m thinking about it now.”

      “If you want to hold that thought, I’m off shift in a couple of hours.”

      She scraped her teeth lightly over his jaw. “I’ll change my mind in a couple of hours.”

      “I definitely don’t want you to change your mind.” He whisked her scrub top up over her head, unveiling her pink lace bra, and his brows lifted. “You sure you didn’t put this on for your date?”

      “Forget about my date,” she suggested. “And focus on me.”

      “I’m focused,” he promised, his thumbs stroking over her rigid nipples through the delicate fabric. “Very focused.”

      Her head fell back against the door as arrows of sensation shot straight to her core. Her body was on fire. She was burning with want, with need. Desperate, aching need. She was so tightly wound up she was practically vibrating.

      Then he dipped his head and found her breast with his mouth, suckling her through the lace. She slid her fingers into his hair, holding him against her as waves of exquisite sensation washed over her.

      His mouth moved to her other breast as his hand slid down the front of her pants, his fingertips brushing over the aching nub at her center. The light touch made her gasp and shudder. He parted the soft folds of skin, groaning his appreciation when he found that she was already wet.

      “You do something to me, Wallace,” he admitted gruffly.

      “Do something to me,” she suggested, reaching a hand into his pants to wrap around the hard length of him, making him groan again. “Do me.”

      “I will,” he promised.

      But for now, he continued to touch and tease her. She bit hard on her lip to keep from crying out, her palms flat against the door to hold herself upright as her knees quivered and her body shuddered.

      She was gasping and panting and on the verge of melting into a puddle at his feet when he pushed her panties down to her ankles with her pants, then shoved his own pants and boxers out of the way. Finally he covered her mouth with his and thrust into her, kissing her hard and deep as he took her body the same way.

      She was ready for him. More than ready. But it had been a long time, and she’d almost forgotten how good it could feel. How exquisitely and blissfully good.

      It was pretty much a consensus among the female contingent of the hospital nursing staff that Dr. Garrett could satisfy a woman’s every want and need, and he lived up to that reputation now. He used his hands and his lips and his body to drive her to the ultimate pinnacle of pleasure and far beyond, soaring into the abyss with her.

      When she finally floated back to earth, her body was still pinned against the door, still intimately joined with his. She took a minute to catch her breath as he did the same.

      “I think I might need the paddles to restart my heart, Wallace.”

      She forced herself to match his casual tone. “Then it’s a good thing you’re a doctor.”

      But even while her body continued to hum with the aftereffects of pleasure, her mind was beginning to remember the hundred and one reasons that giving in to the attraction she felt for Justin was a bad idea. The number one reason was the MD that followed his name; the hundred other reasons were the hundred names of other women he’d undoubtedly pleasured in a similar manner.

      He brushed his lips against hers—the kiss surprisingly tender and sweet on the heels of their passionate and almost desperate coupling.

      “Do you ever wonder how we didn’t end up here before now?” he asked her.

      Her brows lifted. “Mostly naked in a housekeeping supply closet?”

      “I was focused on the mostly naked part,” he said. “And thinking that I’d like to take you back to my place and progress from mostly to completely naked.”

      She shook her head and pushed him away so she could pull up her pants and gather the rest of her discarded clothing. “Not a good idea.”

      “Why would you say that?”

      “Because we have to work together.”

      “We’ve always worked well together,” he noted. “And now we know that we play well together, too, and—”

      She touched a hand to his lips, silencing his words

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