Expert Witness. Rachel Dylan

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Expert Witness - Rachel Dylan Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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my former FBI colleagues believe that the two of them aren’t on speaking terms. But I do and that’s why I’m here. I had a feeling that East River would retaliate against you and today’s events only confirm my hunch.”

      “Are you sure?”

      He kept his eyes on the road. “I felt pretty strongly about it before, but you were almost gunned down in broad daylight outside the courthouse. So, yes, it’s a threat I take seriously. The US Marshals’ office is taking it seriously.”

      “What does all of this mean?”

      “It means that for the time being you’ll be in my protective custody. It was one thing when you were just testifying in a murder trial against Kevin Diaz. But circumstances have changed. If you’re a target of the East River gang because of your testimony that impacts everything. First and foremost your personal safety. When you agreed to testify as an expert witness for the state, it wasn’t under these circumstances.”

      She took a second and looked out the window as they drove. “Is all this really necessary?”

      “Most people are thankful for the protection, Ms. Berry.”

      I can take care of myself, she thought. “It’s Sydney, remember? And it’s not that I’m not thankful. It’s just that I’m having a hard time processing all of this. I’m not exactly used to being shot at when testifying in a major trial. Not to mention being told that I’m going to have my every move shadowed by someone I just met. I just need a few minutes to think it all through.”

      He nodded. “If you decide to continue to testify tomorrow, I’ll make sure you are able to safely arrive and finish your testimony. Then we’ll determine the next steps after that.”

      “What do you mean if? Why wouldn’t I testify? I already committed to it.”

      “That was before you knew about the danger to your life. The prosecutor will have to talk to you about the risks involved. And then we’ll need to lie low until there’s a proper threat assessment conducted on the risk to your life from the East River gang.”

      She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Wait. Are you talking about putting me into the witness-protection program?”

      “That would be premature at this juncture.”

      “But you’re not ruling it out?”

      “I never rule out any course of action. Doing so is the easiest way to get you or someone else killed. But the lead prosecutor and state’s attorney are going to be fully briefed on the current security issues, and they may seek that route for you. Especially after what just happened.”

      “Unbelievable.” She lived a solitary life so she didn’t have to worry about a family, but this marshal was throwing her a curve. Granted, he was just doing his job, but that didn’t mean she felt comfortable with him taking over. She was a private person. She’d only trusted a man once before, and she shuddered thinking about him.

      “I know this is difficult for you. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe and try and give you as much space as is reasonable.”

      “I guess I understand. But how could the state not have known about this connection to the East River gang?”

      “Since there isn’t any proven contact or links between the two cousins, I don’t think the state believed this was a relevant issue. Lucas thought Kevin sold out by working in corporate America. Or at least that’s the story that’s on the streets.”

      “But you’re skeptical?’

      “Yeah. I’m not doubting that there’s friction between the two of them, but I don’t buy for a minute that Kevin Diaz is completely on the up and up. The FBI is investigating his operations trying to find any other ties to East River or organized crime. However, it’s not their top priority. Like I said, I was the one driving that charge, and now that I’m gone it’s less of a focus. Regardless, in my opinion East River made clear today that they don’t want you to testify.”

      “But I’ve already started my testimony.”

      “And they don’t want you to finish it,” he shot back. “You’ve only gotten through the preliminary questions. Nothing you’ve said so far will hurt Diaz. It’s the rest of your testimony that would be problematic for him. So for tonight we have to be on lockdown. I’m taking you to a safe house in the area.”

      “I’ll need something to wear for court tomorrow.”

      “Don’t worry. All of that will be taken care of. We have a fully stocked safe house, and if need be we can send out for any additional necessities.”

      She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes for a second trying to steady her ever escalating nerves. She liked to be in control, and right now things were spiraling quickly into a place she didn’t like to be. Lord, I need You now.

      “Are you all right?” he asked.

      “Yes. How much farther until we reach our destination?”

      “It’s just outside the city, so only a few more minutes.”

      “Sorry to sound impatient.”

      He glanced over at her. “You were just shot at. You have every right to feel a mix of emotions. I’m actually quite impressed at how you’ve held yourself together.”

      She wanted to change the subject and take the focus off of her. “Are you from around here?” she asked.

      “I’m from Chicago, but I’ve lived all over working for the FBI. For the past few years I worked out of the Atlanta field office. And now as a marshal, I’ve been assigned to the Northern District of Georgia.”

      “I like living in Atlanta,” she said.

      The car suddenly swerved, stopping her from continuing her thought. What was going on?

      “Hold on,” he said loudly.

      She gripped the console.

      Then he slammed on the brakes.

      * * *

      Max’s day was going from bad to worse. If he hadn’t gotten to the courthouse when he had, his witness might have been killed—gunned down in broad daylight. And now a man stood waving his arms right in front of his car in the middle of the road.

      Max had to swerve to keep from hitting him. But it was close. And now his senses were screaming that something was terribly off. They were winding through the suburbs on the way to the safe house. What was this man doing?

      He thought of Sydney. How much more could she handle today? She certainly hadn’t signed up for being a target of the East River gang. His years in the FBI gang unit had shown him just how ruthless a group like East River could be.

      “Are you going to get out and see what he needs?” she asked.

      They sat in the car, not moving, as the man approached. Max estimated him to be in his forties, approximately six feet tall and two hundred pounds. He definitely didn’t look like a

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