Blossoms Of Love. J.M. Jeffries

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Blossoms Of Love - J.M. Jeffries Mills & Boon Kimani

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      “You sound disappointed. A little friendly competition never hurts anyone. You compete with all the other floats.”

      “I compete with myself. I have seven designs in the parade this year.”

      Was that disappointing? It almost felt like she was cheating on him before the first date. Because if he had anything to say about it, there would be a date.

      “I don’t know what to say. I’ve never had to share a woman before. It feels like you’re cheating on me.”

      She burst into laughter. “Are you serious?”

      “I am. I thought I was your one and only.”

      “No.” She shook her head. “My babies have to eat.”

      The audience roared with laughter. Daniel waved at them. “You have children.” She was married! Darn. He hadn’t seen that coming.


      “Are you married?”


      “I’m a little confused here.”

      “No, my children are the four-legged kind. Though one of them has only three legs. I designed a float for the Humane Society a couple of years ago and couldn’t resist adopting them.”

      Suddenly he realized she was teasing him. “I’m a dog person.”

      “I have two dogs and a cat. I’m always looking to add to the family.”

      His mother would love her. She was smart, beautiful and kind.

      “Do you cook?”

      She frowned. “What does that have to do with float design?”

      “Just some personal information.”

      “I like to cook, but I don’t always have time.”

      He knew that feeling. If not for his parents occasionally stocking his freezer, he’d have been eating takeout every night of the week. Now in their second careers, his parents owned a restaurant, so the food was always good.

      “Well, thank you for coming today. I think the audience loved it,” he said. “I look forward to seeing you next week and hearing your report.”

      “I’ll be here.”

      He walked her off the set just as the camera came live again, but it was pointed at Jennifer, the meteorologist. He didn’t have to be back to his desk for another four minutes, and for some reason, he wanted to spend those minutes just watching Greer Courtland walk down the hall.

      He waved, and an intern came to escort her out.

      Once she was out of sight, he turned back to his desk to get ready for his next segment. But her sexy scent remained in his head for the rest of his day. As did the sound of her husky laughter.

      * * *

      As Greer drove back to her office, she couldn’t keep her mind off her handsome host. Daniel Torres was not what she’d expected.

      She hadn’t wanted to go on his show, but her parents had appointed her. She had been so nervous she feared she’d stutter her way through the segment. She didn’t want to embarrass her family, but that sexy hunk of man threw her for a bit of a loop. Never a fan of the unexpected, she almost turned into a puddle of silence when she’d laid eyes on him in person.

      As she walked into her office, her sister Rachel peeked in at her and grinned. “We watched the show. You did great. Mom was really impressed.”

      Greer shrugged. “I tried.”

      “Is he as handsome in person as he is on the screen?”

      “You mean Daniel Torres?” She fanned her face. “Oh yes, he is.” She had to admit she liked what she’d seen. “He certainly seemed interested in his float.” Though she was a little confused by this competition with his friend. Not that she wasn’t a competitive person. She’d had to be at Cal Poly. But this contest had so many random factors. What would happen if neither one took the Sweepstakes Trophy? Or if each won a trophy in a different category? The logistics made her head spin. She was always good about designing floats that could take different trophies. She liked to win, and trophies equaled money in the bank. The float business might have been about making pretty things, but she had to make pretty things that won the shinies.

      “Interested in his float? I think he was more interested in you,” Rachel said with a sly smile.

      A girl could hope. “Don’t be absurd. You read the tabloids. That man goes through starlets like they’re candy.”

      “I don’t know. If he was in love with any of the starlets, don’t you think he’d have gotten married by now?”

      “Look at George Clooney. He played the field for decades. Daniel Torres has twenty years to go before he finds his forever wife.”

      Rachel laughed. “You don’t have a romantic bone in your body.”

      Greer shook her head. “I save all my romance for my floats.”

      “Yes, and I’m sure they keep you very warm at night.”

      “Scooter, Pip and Roscoe are very good at keeping my feet warm at night.” She didn’t need a man. In fact, she didn’t think she wanted one on a permanent basis.

      “By the way, Chelsea wants you to come over to the warehouse,” Rachel told her. “She’s testing the hydraulics on Daniel’s float.”

      “I’m on my way.”

      * * *

      The warehouse, where the floats were built before being moved to the parking lot of the Rose Bowl for final prep the week before the parade, was a block away from Greer’s office in an industrial park. Her sister Chelsea stood next to Daniel’s float, a clipboard in hand.

      The design presented some height challenges. Floats had to fit underneath the seventeen-foot-high Sierra Madre/I-210 freeway overpass. Anything higher than that had to be lowered by hydraulics in mere seconds. Daniel’s final design featured several monarch butterflies flying high off into the sky.

      “Good, you’re here,” Chelsea said.

      The skeleton of the float looked eerie without any of the flowers that would be added the final week before the parade. It was all welded steel and covered in chicken wire and plastic.

      Other similarly staged floats surrounded Daniel’s. A welder sat on the chassis of the adjacent one, his welder spitting fire.

      “I enjoyed the show this morning,” Chelsea said.

      “I wanted Mom and Dad to send you.” Greer thought Chelsea was the most beautiful of all of them. She was tall and willowy

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