Framed For Murder. Mary Alford

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Framed For Murder - Mary Alford Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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Don’t throw your life away like this.”

      Aaron’s cell phone rang and her already-battered nerves had her jumping at the sound.

      He didn’t break eye contact as he answered the call. “Yes, Jase.” Would he give her up? Please, God, no. She had to find a way to convince him to let her go. “Not yet. I’m working a lead now. I’ll let you know the minute I have her.”

      She blew out the breath and leaned over, hands on her knees. He hadn’t told Jase. She couldn’t imagine how hard that was for Aaron. Jase had been his friend for years.

      “I’m sorry, Aaron,” she said once he’d ended the call. And she truly was. This wasn’t the way she wanted things to go. She turned and headed for the Jeep while silently praying she knew him as well as she thought.

      “Liz, stop.” With her heart pounding in her ears, she reached for the door handle and then heard it. Click, click, click.

      “Run,” she yelled, turning from the Jeep. Aaron grabbed her around the waist and all but hauled her away. They’d barely cleared a handful of steps when the Jeep exploded and fire and shrapnel blasted past them like a tidal wave sweeping them in its wake.

      Liz hit the ground hard. Landing on her injured wrist, she screamed in agony as searing pain shot through her and she almost blacked out. Seconds later, the cabin nearby exploded and reality struck hard.

      Someone had planted a bomb inside the Jeep to be detonated when the door was breeched. The only question was, who was the intended target? Michael or her?

      Aaron slowly moved to his knees beside her. He was bleeding from his forehead and his cheek. There were cuts in several spots on his hands.

      “Are you okay?” she asked in concern, immediately forgetting her own pain. She couldn’t bear it if anything happened to Aaron because of his loyalty to her.

      “I’m fine,” he dismissed her worry. “How bad is it?” he asked gravely when he saw the way she cradled her injured wrist.

      “Not too bad,” she lied. She sucked in a sharp breath and closed her eyes as bile rose in her throat and she fought to keep the world around her from spinning out of control.

      He clearly wasn’t convinced. “Liz, you need to come in with me and have that looked at. We can’t stay here. Either that bomb was intended for Michael or someone knew you’d come here and they wanted to eliminate the threat you posed. They don’t need you alive to frame you, Liz,” he added in a quiet tone. “Let me protect you.”

      She stumbled to her feet. Cradling her injured wrist close, she put much-needed space between them. “You can’t protect me.” She swept the devastation with her good hand. “Isn’t this obvious? You can’t keep me safe. Let me go,” she urged passionately. “Please. I’m better off on my own.”

      He came after her and she backed away, every step taunting her with the realization that alone, she wasn’t sure she was up to what lay ahead.

      “I won’t let them do to you what they did to Michael,” he said and she believed he would do everything in his power to fulfill that promise, but at what cost to him?

      “Then help me,” she pleaded. “I can’t stay here any longer. If nothing else, the team will have seen the explosion. It’s less than five miles to headquarters. They’ll come here to investigate. It’ll be over for me.”

      Liz could see him wavering and she realized how much she needed his help. She quickly told him about the mysterious text message she’d received minutes before she’d found Michael and about the information in the envelope Michael left her. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about her missing weapon just yet.

      Aaron shook his head. “It’s compelling, but it’s not enough to prove you didn’t kill Michael. According to Reyna’s time of death, Sam was killed first and you were the last person to see Michael alive.” The doubt on his face was hard to take.

      “Then help me find out who’s behind this,” she forced the words out. When he didn’t answer, she went for broke. “Aaron, you know me. You know I wouldn’t do this. I loved Michael like family and no matter what Sam did, I wouldn’t take the law into my own hands. It goes against everything I believe.” Her voice stumbled for a second.

      “Please, I just need time to get to Black Bear and find the evidence Michael left there. That’s all I’m asking.” She needed Aaron on her side. “Aaron, please. Help me prove my innocence.”

      Something in the distance dragged her attention from the man standing close to her. She turned in time to see multiple car lights bouncing along the gravel road nearby. Michael’s property was the last place on a dead-end road. No one would deliberately come this way without good reason.

      * * *

      Aaron whirled as the approaching vehicles shot through the entrance without regard for the makeshift gate. Right away he knew this was not his people, which left only one explanation. It must be whoever set the explosion.

      “We have to get out of here now. Come with me—I have a snowmobile parked just over that ridge.” The relief on her face was worth any amount of difficulty he knew they’d face in the future.

      Before she could answer, the vehicles opened fire on them.

      They ducked low behind a group of trees. “I’ll cover you. Get the envelope and head for that ridge over there. I’ll catch up with you.”

      She shook her head stubbornly. “No, I’m not leaving you, Aaron.”

      “Now, Liz. I’ve got this.”

      With one final look his way, she crouched low and hurried for the truck while Aaron shot at the approaching vehicles, forcing them to stop. Several men got out and returned fire.

      Out of the corner of his eye, Aaron saw Liz tuck Michael’s note with the map to the cabin inside her boot. He’d seen her do that many times in combat. Usually, the enemy didn’t think to look inside a person’s boot.

      Once he was sure Liz was safe, he ducked deep into the woods and zigzagged up to the ridge until he caught up with her. “They’ll hear the engine noise, but I know this land like the back of my hand. I’ve lived here for years.” He hopped on the machine and she got on behind him. “Hang on tight. It’s pretty rough back here.”

      Aaron shoved the machine into high gear and took off at a fast speed through the wilderness without any lights. At least the men following them would have to work to find the direction he and Liz had gone.

      As they bounced over the rough terrain, he struggled with what to do. He knew Liz hadn’t killed Michael—or Sam for that matter—but it appeared someone was trying to set her up to take the fall. If he took her into custody, would he be signing her death certificate? Whoever was behind the murders had proven they could get to whomever they wanted at any time. He couldn’t let that happen to Liz. With his head screaming what he needed to do, his heart wouldn’t let him. Right or wrong, he wasn’t going to let her down.

      “I can’t keep Jase in the dark for the four days’ time it will take to reach Black Bear. Too many things can go wrong in between and we risk the chance of being caught by those men or our people. We’ll need a faster way to get there. If we can

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