Surrender To Me. Donna Hill

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Surrender To Me - Donna Hill The Lawsons of Louisiana

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know that. That’s the problem. You treat them all like princesses and then poof, move on. Telephone book of broken hearts.”

      “Bit of an exaggeration, sis.” He turned onto the street where his club was located.

      “We work together, Rafe. I don’t need her grilling me about you and whining in my ear when you don’t call.”

      “What makes you think I won’t call?”

      “Will you?” She pushed out a frustrated breath when silence hung between them. “Aggh. If you weren’t my brother...”

      Rafe chuckled. “Love you, too, sis. Gotta go.”

      “Fine. Try to stay out of trouble.”

      “Always.” He pulled into his parking spot. He disconnected the call and cut the engine.

      Dominique, unlike her twin Desiree, had no problem saying what was on her mind regardless of how her remarks fell on the ears and souls of her target. She’d softened somewhat since she got together with Trevor Jackson. But even he couldn’t always keep the lid on Dominique. Now that their eldest sister, Lee Ann, was married and expecting, Dominique took on the role as head Lawson woman in charge.

      He had to laugh. As much as he loved his siblings they could be a bit much at times, never mind that he was the eldest son. With three females, he and his younger brother Justin didn’t stand a chance.

      Rafe entered the club through the back door. He flipped on lights as he strolled through. No matter how many times he crossed the gray marble floors, walked behind the circular bar or looked out onto the eclectic crowd that packed the house night after night, he still got that rush. This was his, the one thing separate and apart from the Lawson legacy of money, politics and backdoor deals, much to his father’s horror.

      From the time he was old enough to walk and talk, his father, Branford, began to groom him for politics. And from the moment Rafe was old enough to think for himself he resented what his father wanted for him. The last footsteps he wanted to walk in were his father’s and that caused a rift between father and son that had spanned the better part of his adult life.

      Fortunately, his sister Lee Ann married Sterling, a senator, and Justin had taken up the Lawson mantel, gotten his law degree and had begun to carve a name for himself in civil liberties law with his private law firm. It was only a matter of time before he pursued public office.

      Rafe went behind the bar and fixed himself a quick shot of bourbon. Sure it was early, but what the hell. He placed his phone on the bar top. 11:30. His staff would arrive soon to prep for the five o’clock opening. He sipped his drink, picked up his phone and called his brother.

      Justin answered on the third ring. “You’re on speaker so don’t say anything crazy.” He chuckled.

      “Thanks for the heads-up.”

      “I didn’t see you leave last night.”

      “Yeah, kinda flew under the radar.”

      “Hmm, I know what that means. So...what’s up?”

      “Look, there was this woman there last night...”

      “Oh really?” Justin teased.

      “This is different,” Rafe said, pacing in front of the bar.

      “What do you mean?”

      Rafe paused a moment, trying to piece what was running through his head together. “I don’t know, man. I saw her and...anyway, she’s been on mind.”

      “Okay... I know you’re not asking for my advice.” He chuckled.

      “Not exactly. More like a favor.”


      “All I know is her name is Avery and she works for the Secret Service. She was on the VP detail.”

      “Whoa. Okay. And...”

      “And I need you to use some of your connections to find out her last name and how I can reach her. I’m sure Dad knows, but he’s the last person I’d ask.”

      “Hmm. I’ll see what I can find out. Is it really that important?”

      “Yeah, it is.”

      “Don’t think I’ve heard that tone in your voice before. This is new.”

      “Guess it is,” he said, the realization hitting him. He took a swallow of his drink. Frowned.

      “Actually, I get it. Ran into this woman weeks ago at a bar downtown. Couldn’t shake her, and damn if she wasn’t the bartender at Granddad’s party.”

      “What! But you were with what’s-her-name. The one none of us like.”

      Justin grumbled deep in his throat. “Yes, the situation got a little awkward. But at least I know where she works. It wasn’t until last night that she actually knew who I was.”

      “What does that mean? You been seeing her in disguise? Using a false name?” He chuckled.

      “Naw. I just never told her I was a Lawson.”

      “For obvious reasons. I get it. Say no more. But now that she knows what’s your next move?”

      “I plan to see her again. There’s this connection. Ya know?”

      “Yeah, bro, I think I do.”

      The front door opened and the club manager Carlos walked in with Paul the house chef and Rafe’s favorite two waitresses Simone and Leslie right behind them.

      “Gotta run. Duty calls.”

      “Yeah, me, too. Meeting a client.”

      “So you’ll check that out for me?”

      “No doubt.”

      “Cool. And, J...”


      “Good luck with your lady friend.”


      “What’s her name by the way?”

      “Bailey. Bailey Sinclair.”

      “Bailey. I like it.” He chuckled. “Be easy.”

      “You, too.”

      Rafe pocketed his phone and greeted his staff, all the while wondering how long it would take Justin to find out what he wanted to know.

      Chapter 2

      Avery Richards planted her feet, aimed her Glock and fired six rounds in rapid succession. She extracted the earplugs and removed the protective goggles. The paper target floated toward her like a ghost in a bad B movie. Five to the chest

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